You may be asking how the CSB is different from the HCSB. While sitting in the convention hall I had two pastor friends back home in Kansas City message me about concerns that someone at the annual meeting was trying to promote a gender-inclusive or even transgender Bible. I would encourage everyone to consider the CSB for use in your churches. The First Sign: Turning Water into Wine - On the third day a wedding took place in Cana of Galilee. OT does not lend itself well to group reading. Sale $9.00. Since Bart and Adam have already insulted Scott, something I heartily endorse, I may pull Dave Choi’s sermon and reset it for a little later. I have heard that CSB leans towards baptists, while ESV leans towards complementarianism, etc. Scott Gordon serves as Pastor of Claycomo Baptist Church in Kansas City, MO. Southern Baptist endorsers include former SBC president Jack Graham, and current seminary presidents Albert Mohler and Paige Patterson. For example, in 1 John 4:19 the KJV and NKJV include the word Him after “we love,” but the other five translations do not. Study Bibles give you a greater opportunity to dig into God's Word. Yeshua1 said: ↑ 1984 Niv was better then either of them, but Csb marginally better of those 2! Joined: Apr 10, 2005 Messages: 998 Likes Received: 225 Faith: Baptist. I’m with you on that, and so is the CSB translation team. Just needed another ‘example.’). CSB Spurgeon Study Bible by Anonymous. No payment of royalties by Lifeway in the development of their hugely and successfully marketed VBS and Sunday School Material…. My copy of the ESV is special to me due to the fact that it's the bible I bought when I came home to the Church after so many years of being lost. The CSB (Christian Standard Bible) updates many translations and word choices in order to improve both faithfulness and clarity, as well as to enhance the shareability of the translation to new Christians, or those who have never read a Bible. I’m not against the praise choruses, but I do miss singing hymns. 1,707 +153 Eastern Orthodox Private US-Libertarian. The issue wasn’t that there wasn’t a good enough translation available, the issue was that copyright issues were getting in the way of ministry. The CSB also features extensive footnotes to help the reader understand the original biblical language or how it was translated. I think these translations are coming out faster than they can be assimilated. Post was not sent - check your email addresses! This fact is good news. Truth in advertising though…it did catch me the first couple of times I read a contraction in the biblical text (I guess chalk that up to years spent with Turabian), but now that I am used to it, I really like that this translation reads more like the way people talk. If I can define the context of that statement to fit within a linguistically and doctrinally faithfull framework (for instance, avoid the Message and the NRSV like the plague! What are some examples? Same song different verse from him. Whether one uses the CSB or not – IMO, its hardly fair or reasonable to accuse the translators of “caving in” on gender neutrality because they translated a few passages that are obviously dealing with both males and females as “brothers and sisters”, instead of simply “Brothers”. Change ), You are commenting using your Twitter account. They did a cost analysis and discovered that it would be cheaper to publish their own Bible, thus the HCSB was born. 3 All things were created through him, and apart from him not one thing was created that has been created. ESV: Therefore the … Shop Lifeway for different types of Study Bibles ESV, NIV, KJV, CSB, and more. I now have it in my OliveTree app, in my Logos study software, the CSB Study Bible, and a treasured favorite–a CSB I received for being part of the SBC Pastors’ Conference 2017 team. I completely agree. The CSB translators reasoned that it is not always clear in the context if the reference is to God. Personally, I enjoy the CSB translation and use it for my personal devotion time in the mornings. They got all they could out of the HCSB and now they needed to give you another reason to buy another Bible. So was the HCSB. Of the seven, only the KJV and the NKJV are translating what is often called the Majority Text (MT) of the NT. Words added to complete the meaning that do not appear in original text are italicized. ( Log Out /  Or put us to the sword as he did entire villages. Only a prophet would know what would have happened without John Calvin. But that passage also contains one of the brother and sisters which to me is questionable in that context, early in the ministry of Jesus. 1 In the beginning was the Word, and the Word was with God, and the Word was God. After some comparison, I decided to … Thanks for the mistaken posting in schedule….and no thanks for endorsing the harassment from the Cardinal and Oriole fans. Came out a long time ago though, so I don’t know if his theology has gotten weird. Fewer helps for determining what is translation and what is interpretation. At first-glance the accusations seem troubling. Change ), You are commenting using your Google account. In Stock . Digital. Merritt is the proverbial moth to the flame when it comes to anything SBC. Starting at $9.00. Thus we see the difference in John 15:26, a passage which refers to all three persons of the Trinity. The original HCSB translation committee includes more than 100 … #throwdown. Preferred Bible for personal study of most educated pastors and seminary professors. Christian Standard Bible — Pros and Cons Some claim the Christian Standard Bible is too literal (formal equivalence), and some say it … Sorry, your blog cannot share posts by email. O:-). So is… Read more ». CSB She Reads Truth Bible, Navy LeatherTouch, Indexed: CSB Bibles by Holman, CSB Bibles by Holman, Myers, Raechel, Williams, Amanda Bible: Books Common people are only a vapor; important peo-ple, an illusion. Original 1977 version kept Thees and Thous in passages where God is directly addressed. And, dare I type this: especially (it would seem) with regard to Lifeway…. HCSB vs CSB. I so enjoyed using it during the pastors conference for the very first time. OT grammar is choppy, with lots of run-on sentences (NASB adds breaks so-as not to overextend the reader). NASB vs. ESV vs. HCSB. I have at times described the NET’s style as “coloquial”. Pretend all you want: We all know that you preach from The Message. EXPLANATION CSB HCSB NIV ESV NLT KJV PSALM 62:9 Removes unnecessarily gender-specific lan-guage and clarifies the meaning of the second line. Packaging lends itself very well to marketing. Over ten years ago Lifeway came out with the New American Commentary [NAC] which, I believe, was slated to have 40 volumes and be based upon the New International Version. I also picked up pew Bibles for our church auditorium while at the annual meeting. For study, I compare with KJV, NKJV, NASB, Hcsb,niv, plus multiple commentaries. Thanks Scott for sharing that. Literal style, but more readable than the King James Version. Behold, the virgin shall conceive and bear a son, and shall call his name Immanuel. Shop now! Work on the translation was completed in June 2016, with the first full edition released in March 2017. Now the Baptists are making their own translations to diminish water baptism! ESV vs HCSB Discussion in 'Bibliology & Hermeneutics' started by Ioustinos, Sep 5, 2004. Martin Luther sure would have. Regular $29.99. There are many differences between the two, though both aim(ed) to provide a translation that falls somewhere between the formal equivalence (NASB, KJV, ESV) and functional equivalence (NIV, NET, NLT) ends of the translation spectrum. He is an ax grinder with a vindictive agenda. When teaching a class I always invite anyone to read any other version that seems to be different and we discuss. I am going back to using my English Standard Version. I just picked up the Children’s Big Picture Interactive Bible (CSB) for them to use. These illustrate the changes from the HCSB to the CSB in the context of other leading Bible translations and are made with gratitude for each translation. But that does not mean I agree with the Atlantic article, I only read part of it. 2 He was with God in the beginning. We especially have no dearth of English translations, and with these translations we have seen, at times, translation wars–King James only…the ESV of Reformed spirituality (I jest. Message. $9.00. ESV. Not only am I rusty, I’m an old guy working with an accursed Apple product. For in him dwelleth all the fulness of the Godhead bodily. If you haven’t been blessed by the AMP, don’t. Posted on April 28, 2017 by pastordale January 27, 2020 . I agree with you in general that we should not translate for novelty’s sake. I have been preaching from the CSB since April of this year. The CSB (Christian Standard Bible) updates many translations and word choices in order to improve both faithfulness and clarity, as well as to enhance the shareability of the translation to new Christians, or those who have never read a Bible. May 20 2010, 02:06 AM. I also appreciate Scott’s point to about updating of language with some degree of frequency as words and their culturally understood meanings do change over time. Together on a scale, they weigh less than a vapor. Josh, The gender usage is theologically significant. For example, while the ESV uses “behold,” the HCSB says “look!” and while the ESV says “made manifest” the HCSB says “made evident.” The HCSB is as readable as the NIV, while it is more accurate than the NIV. Would that be changed? The CSB, you may recall, is the new version of the now-retired Holman Christian Standard Bible (HCSB). I like The Message sometimes, as a paraphrase though. I had almost forgotten about them evil old slavery supporting men. I’ve got to say, I’m with Roger on this. and the invention of the printing press, translations of the Bible have abounded in multiple languages around the world. Why do you object to translating man as humanity? The CSB is helping church members from different ages and backgrounds and educations dig into Scripture in the same translation. I don’t always agree with it, and it should never be taken as authoritative, at least to me. I think it’s safe to say the New Testament authors didn’t talk like Elizabethan era actors. The following is a list of comparisons I have made between the three translations. The Christian Standard Bible (CSB) is a modern English Bible translation of the Christian Bible. My choice of version is based upon what to me seems to have the fewest problems. (Podcast) CSB Study Bible vs. ESV Study Bible and Engaging Sanders’s Anti-Christian Bias On this episode of the Bellator Christi Podcast, Brian weighs the differences between the newly released CSB Study Bible to that of the ESV Study Bible, largely considered one of the better study Bibles on the market. Cross references in their reference Bible are amazing (even better than the ESV Study Bible). 4 In him was life, [] and that life was the light of men. For example, “thus” appears 9 times in the CSB but 691 times in the ESV. He leads me beside still waters. The NRSV is truly a gender-inclusive, gender neutral translation. , I just chuckle about Southern Baptists celebrating the Reformations birthday. ( Log Out /  Correction: “slavery-supporting founders”. Hi Folks! In essence, I think the NASB vs ESV question will have resolved itself in favour of the ESV. I notice that the CSB also changes “propitiation” to “atoning sacrifice.”, Discussing different preferences of Bible translations is challenging because each translation has strengths and weaknesses. ), then I am fine with that statement. I like the ESV in many ways, but two things… one, the word “rules” in the Psalms. The NRSV uses gender-neutral language, while the ESV does not. Of the seven, only the KJV and the NKJV are translating what is often called the Majority Text (MT) of the NT. I wish we would invest more money in translating the Scripture into languages that need translating then developing new English versions (or revisions of existing translations) to try to gain a greater market share. If anyone is interested I will list a series of tests or checks I use. Will get me a copy soon. I’m definitely going to be reading through it in detail devotionally starting in August. I didn’t mean to imply that neutering the text isn’t theologically significant. Speaking of pew racks, how many churches still have hymnals in their racks? They told me they had read an article claiming the SBC was promoting a new Bible translation which was intentionally gender-inclusive. The inconsistent use of Yahweh was a big one. While many were relieved to read this, some of us noted that nothing was said about the controversial change to Genesis 3:16 and 4:7. In the winter of 2004/2005 I was debating switching from the New American Standard Bible to the English Standard Version. I look at lexicons and for the NT the English text that accompanies the Greek in Nestle Aland. I am not aware of Strong's numbers resources for either the NRSV or ESV. CSB vs NIV vs ESV. Preferable for family worship for those looking for a simpler translation to replace the increasingly liberal NIV. In my humble opinion no need to translate “brother” as “brother and sister” as context and common sense dictates this means both men and women. Of course, updates to make a version more accurate and helpful is a worthy investment and the CSB… Read more », Just sitting over here with my ESV eating ? I use the ESV primarily with referral to the NASB as well as the ASV of 1901. So now we have in the marketplace two rival revisions of the RSV—the NRSV and the ESV—both claiming to be legitimate successors. The CSB, you may recall, is the new version of the now-retired Holman Christian Standard Bible (HCSB). That cost a lot of money. Additional information is also available on the CSB website. I think the use of Yahweh is too unusual for English translation. This does not preclude us, however, from continuing to develop an English translation(s) commiserate with the common usage of the language in our day. NIV vs CSB: which do you prefer? Thought for Thought Translations. New English translations do not come out because the populace is crying out for them. I was a bit disappointed with Dr. Schreiner’s explanation in this interview, as well as several other places where he basically said that the CSB decided to become aligned with other English translations. Contract words used liberally for modern readers. BUT…is there a problem with the CSB? I have been curious for some time now on how well this Bible compared to some of the other nicer Study Bibles like Crossway's ESV Study. 2. The only conclusion I can reach for the Atlantic article from Merritt and Robinson is the conclusion asserted by Schreiner and Allen: “Unfortunately, the article misrepresents the CSB and may be intending to create controversy at the Southern Baptist Convention meeting this week in Phoenix.” That being the case, I believe the article failed miserably. Word for word leaves out the context, plus many ancient words have multiple meanings that depend on context and intent of the author. Amplified Bible...Better than NKJ, ESV, CSB, or NAS? At least the ESV has a number of free downloads like in Esword. ( Log Out /  Do you think the change in the use of “Yahweh” from the HCSB to the CSB, from inconsistent to not at all, was a good change? I was wondering whether you had NRSV concerns apart from gender-inclusiveness, since you said to avoid it like the plague, and grouped it with The Message. Ben, I agree with what you have to say about the translations issue. It is a conservative response to the New Revised Standard Version (NRSV). CSB Spurgeon Study Bible by Anonymous. Those changes include: 1. I find the ESV to be a superb translation but then again so is the NASB. Last edited: Jun 20, 2014. The LORD is my shepherd; I shall not want. To make God’s word accessible in any and all languages must be our goal. The English Standard Version (ESV) is an English translation of the Bible.It was published in 2001 by Crossway, having been "created by a team of more than 100 leading evangelical scholars and pastors." The ESV is based on the 1971 edition of the Revised Standard Version (RSV) text.. Crossway states the ESV "emphasizes 'word-for-word' accuracy, literary excellence, and depth of meaning." NRSV: Therefore the Lord himself will give you a sign. History. Compare Psalm 23 in both versions:1. I’ve got the CSB on my Olive Tree app, and I’m debating whether to use it for my next “through the whole bible” Olive Tree reading plan. Yes as a read through the Bible plan I think the HCSB and CSB would be quite similar…though the CSB improvements would make that better. We should also remember that Christians start with milk and hopefully mature to meat. I use the NASB, ESV, HCSB, NKJV, and (occasionally) the KJV for personal study. This matter, however, is not what I see as a primary value in developing new English translations. I like Hcsb that is one notch less literal than esv, and one notch less dynamic than niv. dcsj on October 3, 2019 at 12:30 pm. I mainly use the CSB. Just to give two examples from where I opened up my Bible just now: Acts 5:27 "stand before the Sanhedrin" versus "set them before the council"; vs 34 "a Pharisee named Gamaliel" versus "a Pharisee in the council named Gamaliel". Click to expand... 1984 Niv was better then either of them, but Csb marginally better of those 2! Dang it my popcorn emoji didn’t come thru!!! The ESV is based on the 1971 edition of the Revised Standard Version (RSV) text.. Crossway states the ESV "emphasizes 'word-for-word' accuracy, literary excellence, and depth of meaning." Thanks Scott. He is a graduate of Oklahoma Baptist University and Mid-America Baptist Theological Seminary. He restores my soul. Are you saying you concur with the authors of the Atlantic article? Thread Status: Not open for further replies. NIV. As of the start of my current sermon series, yes. After months of studying with two Bible translations opened side by side, I realized how substantial the differences between the two were and converted to the NASB because of its attention to detail in this area. The CSB translators reasoned that it is not always clear in the context if the reference is to God. Digital. I left the ESV behind for the CSB. ESV. The new CSB Study Bible is a lot like other study Bibles, but with an The CSB has the courage to mess with a beloved verse to make it more clear: especially side-by-side with the ESV, see Jeff Medders's helpful article. Surprise, Surprise…..Jonathan Merritt busting on something that is connected to the SBC….is anyone really surprised? Factory binding is here and there (you get what you pay for). Anyway, once the buzz began to increase and the momentum built toward its publication, I found myself ready to use it. It is basically an update of the Holman Christian Standard Bible with some stylistic changes. We have been and are doing both. Unix … ETA -- If you want to be able to look up "Strong's numbers," NASB is best, followed by NKJV. Page 1 of 3 1 2 3 Next > Marcia Active Member. Yes, it is one among many good choices which are out there. Are you saying that the iconic bitten apple symbol for Apple products is glorifying the sin in the garden- Therefore making apple satanic? It’s not about accuracy it’s about money fellas. I’ll keep my Extra Sovereign Version as my primary preaching text, but I have to say the CSB is a wonderful translation. (Podcast) CSB Study Bible vs. ESV Study Bible and Engaging Sanders’s Anti-Christian Bias On this episode of the Bellator Christi Podcast, Brian weighs the differences between the newly released CSB Study Bible to that of the ESV Study Bible, largely considered one … The ESV is well regarded, except that some have concerns that the translators were motivated by a desire to be "more conservative" rather than "more accurate." Work on the translation was completed in June 2016, with the first full edition released in March 2017. Hi Mark, surprised I hadn’t read this one before, but Alexander’s comment alerted me to it. It has since become the most visited post ever on our website. He leads me in paths of righteousness for his name's sake. Thanks, Scott. Let me share with you what has happened at my church since I have begun preaching from the CSB. Upon further investigation I found excellent articles from Ed Stetzer who interviewed Trevin Wax, the translation team member responsible for promoting the CSB as Bible Publisher, and states the team’s approach to translation for the CSB; from Denny Burk who states what other members of the translation team stated regarding the biblically faithful approach the team took to utilizing the Colorado Spring Guidelines for translating gender-related pronouns. Mark, surprised i hadn ’ t looked back i shall not.. 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