In democratic, pluralistic societies, it seems misguided to attempt to enforce a particular normative philosophical view of personhood as official social policy. Furthermore, a quantitative study of the websites of organ procurement organizations and internet consent forms for organ donation in the USA revealed a nearly complete lack of information that was recommended for informed consent for organ donation by the US Department of Health and Human Services Advisory Committee on Organ Transplantations.87 For example, none of the websites provided information on criteria for brain death and cardiac death, or on organ donor end-of-life care and the changes that would be needed if the patient was to be an organ donor. The law and clinical practices in declaring death by neurological criteria are well established, and yet new controversies and challenges to both law and settled practice continue to surface. 2,3 Nonetheless, families’ refusal to donate their brain-dead member’s organs is a formidable barrier to organ donation. 1975;3:13–30. Life or death for the dead-donor rule? 2010;35(3):299–312. Smith M. Physiologic changes during brain stem death – lessons for management of the organ donor. 1992;3:21–26. The case of a 13-year-old girl declared to be brain-dead but who continues to receive care highlights the need for physicians and other stakeholders to revisit the determination of brain death. Smith M, Vyas H. Management of the potential organ donor. This article focuses on the legal and ethical concerns. However, because such donors are considered to be “dead”, it is alleged that organ procurement practice is consistent with the “dead donor rule”, which is an informal ethical and legal constraint that prohibits causing death by organ removal.77. On a more practical level, diagnosing the lack of consciousness is fraught with difficulty, and there is a consistent 30%–40% false positive misdiagnosis rate for the vegetative state.59 This would add too much uncertainty to a matter as important as determining death. Lizza JP. For centuries, death has been defined, medically speaking, as the irreversible cessation of breathing and of nervous and cardiac activity. He suffered from a severe head injury and was declared dead by neurological criteria the following day, at Grant Medical Center in Ohio. 2015;41(4):291–296. Variability of brain death determination guidelines in leading US neurologic institutions. This categorical exemption for religious objections to brain death presumably means that, in New Jersey, she is not legally dead.17 As of July 2015, the McMath case is still being litigated, with the family’s attorney requesting that California rescind the death certificate.97, Marlise Muñoz, a 33-year-old woman, suffered a cardiac arrest from an apparent pulmonary embolism on November 26, 2013. A narrative review of the empirical evidence on public attitudes on brain death and vital organ transplantation: the need for better data to inform policy. For each of the five religions in this study, Google listings reveal ethical controversy about organ donation in the context of brain death. It is meant to enable the family to make critical end-of-life decisions, particularly withdrawal of life support system and organ donation, before brain death is diagnosed, as opposed to the current practice of making such decisions after the diagnosis of death. 1. •  Recommend this site widely accepted criterion of death case law state statutes and medical opinion backed by clinical studies all support the use of brain death criteria as a means of determining death current state statutes are in need of some uniformity as 12 different statutory approaches to ethical issues in brain death and multiorgan transplantation bernat jl1 In: Zalta EN, editor. 1. The whole-brain oriented concept of death: an outmoded philosophical formulation. Ethics. This decrease, in turn, yields cellular damage and hence edema (swelling) when intracellular contents extrude into the extracellular space. Furthermore, some patients who satisfy accepted diagnostic tests for brain death maintain organized cortical electrical activity and, less commonly, preserved sensory evoked potentials.33 These findings cast doubt on the reliability of standard diagnostic testing procedures to accurately identify those patients who have suffered from the irreversible cessation of all functions of the entire brain, which is required by any state law based on the Uniform Determination of Death Act. Rabbinical Council of America. J Heart Lung Transplant. Manning A. Neurology. Her husband asked that she be removed from physiological support, but the hospital refused because she was 14 weeks pregnant at the time. Game theory, and associated logic traps, may have relevance to the clinical practice of medicine and medical ethics. This creates additional ethical concerns about the validity of consents to donate organs. Accessed July 24, 2015. J Med Philos. J R Coll Physicians Lond. 113 (2007). 2009;12(3):197–200. Although her heartbeat was restored, she was determined to be dead by neurologic criteria soon after, at John Peter Smith Hospital in Texas. However, this move is ad hoc: It was designed solely to protect from empirical refutation the claim that brain death is death.68 Furthermore, when combined with the assertion that brain death is its criterion, this view implies that cellular respiration, nutrition, wound healing, etc are not critical functions “necessary for the life, health, and unity of the organism”, which is surely false, thus yielding a reductio ad absurdum. Furthermore, the cardinal features of unresponsiveness, brainstem areflexia, and apnea, in the absence of confounds and the presence of a known cause of coma, are the core elements of accepted diagnostic tests around the world,1 even for brainstem death, since they test for the loss of functional abilities of the brainstem. Med Health Care Philos. J Med Philos. Keywords: brain death, total brain failure, death determined by neurological criteria, organ transplantation, dead donor rule, determination of death, organ donation. However, brain death has also been a source of controversy ever since its inception, and recently it has been subjected to increased scrutiny, both in academia and in the public domain. Varelas PN, Rehman M, Abdelhak T, et al. The parents argued that they would not accept that Jahi was dead while her heart continued to beat. A superficial and fragile consensus. Furthermore, most (but not all) participants who were willing to donate organs “after death” were also willing to donate in irreversible coma with organ retrieval causing death, and willingness to donate after death correlated positively with willingness to donate in irreversible coma.84 This survey suggests that many members of the US public would support organ procurement in situations that violate the dead donor rule, casting doubt on the assertion that the dead donor rule is necessary to preserve trust and organ donation rates (at least in the USA), and thus on the cogency of Bernat’s83 defense of the status quo. Rabbinical Council of America. Wijdicks, MD. I will briefly review three cases, which illustrate some of the controversies described above: a family’s refusing to accept brain death as death; pregnancy in brain death; and dispute about informed consent for organ retrieval. 2003;58(3):325–361. Any insult or injury that causes intracranial pressure (ICP) to increase at a rate and degree that overwhelms the ability of the cerebrospinal fluid to shunt out of the cranium (which helps to maintain normal ICP) can result in brain death, such as acute hemorrhage, hypoxic–ischemic encephalopathy, and metabolic disturbances (eg, liver failure). Neurocrit Care. Veatch RM. Available from: Controversies in the determination of death: a white paper by the President’s Council on Bioethics. The full terms of this license are available at and incorporate the Creative Commons Attribution - Non Commercial (unported, v3.0) License. Pernick MS. • Web Design by Adhesion. Aim: To identify and discuss the different meanings and experiences of registered nurses and physicians from an adult intensive care unit in relation to the diagnosis of brain death and the maintenance of … 2001;344(16):1215–1221.,,, Creative Commons Attribution - Non Commercial (unported, v3.0) License. J Clin Ethics. Criteria for the diagnosis of brain stem death. 2 Department of Neurology, Sir Ganga Ram Hospital, New Delhi India. The Ethics of Killing: Problems at the Margins of Life. J Hist Med Allied Sci. 2006;34(1):35–43. Miller FG, Truog RD, Brock DW. Pallis C. ABCs of brain stem death: the position in the USA and elsewhere. Add to Bookmarks; ... "Although the so-called brain death" statutes permit physicians to diagnose death based on the cessation of brain function, they do not necessarily mandate the diagnosis of death in this case. These results suggest that family members who go online to find information about organ donation in the context of brain death would find information about ethical controversy in the first page of Google listings. Lock M. Twice Dead: Organ Transplants and the Reinvention of Death. Then, test your understanding with a brief quiz. Then, test your understanding with a brief quiz. Neurology 2019; 92: 1 – 5. Although the psychology To browse and the wider internet faster and more securely, please take a few seconds to upgrade your browser. But few are prepared to bury spontaneously breathing bodies. Are recent defences of the brain death concept adequate? Debate continues about the certainty of brain death criteria within Islamic scholars. Yet, presumably, the very same ethical considerations regarding precedent autonomy, surrogate decision-making, and the right to refuse treatment, would apply to Muñoz’s case whether she had no brainstem reflexes, or just one, in which case she could not have been declared dead by neurological criteria, and the Texas Advance Directives Act would have applied. Brain death, the determination of brain death, and member guidance for brain death accommodation requests. 23 ETHICS & MED. 1987;97(4):786–791. Limitations of brain death in the interpretation of computed tomographic angiography. Register your specific details and specific drugs of interest and we will match the information you provide to articles from our extensive database and email PDF copies to you promptly. Given the long-standing controversy about whether the brain-dead should be considered alive in an irreversible coma or dead despite displaying apparent signs of life, the ethical and policy issues posed when family members insist on continued treatment are not as simple as commentators have claimed. Scientific, legal, and ethical challenges of end-of-life organ procurement in emergency medicine, Brain death, paternalism, and the language of "death", Islam and End-of-Life Practices in Organ Donation for Transplantation: New Questions and Serious Sociocultural Consequences. This issue investigates some of the ethical, cultural, and legal complexities of one of medicine’s most critical tasks: being sharp and sure about who is alive and who is dead. Greer DM, Varelas PN, Haque S, et al. At the same time, the nascent field of human organ transplantation was beginning to show some promise, with early renal, hepatic, and cardiac transplantations taking place. The Birth of Bioethics.; 2015. According to the Columbus Dispatch,99,100 the Smith family wanted mechanical ventilation discontinued prior to organ removal. The diagnosis involves three cardinal features: unresponsiveness to pain or other stimuli (with the exception of reflexes mediated solely through the spinal cord); the absence of all cranial nerve reflexes; and apnea, in the setting of a known cause of coma and with potential confounds (eg, intoxication, hypothermia, and acid-base disturbances) ruled out as an explanation for the unresponsiveness.27,28 Given the pathophysiology of brain death, in which sequential dysfunction due to anoxic injury moves in a rostral–caudal direction ending at the lower brainstem, these tests, prima facie, make logical sense, because they all test brainstem function. Honesty, respect for persons, and respect for democratic procedures all seem to demand the widespread dissemination of these controversies in order to allow for a robust and transparent public debate about an issue that is of clear moral and democratic concern, and in order to allow for informed personal medical decision-making. 1 Donating the organs of a brain-dead patient is an altruistic and widely applauded practice. However, there have been no sustained research efforts on this issue, and cardiovascular collapse following the diagnosis of brain death is a self-fulfilling prophecy since the patient will either become an organ donor or mechanical support will be removed;45 therefore, it is unknown whether this is a realistic possibility or mere speculation. ‘Brain death’: should it be reconsidered? This swelling results in further increased ICP, which further decreases cerebral perfusion, and so on in a positive feedback cycle. Ad Hoc Committee of the Harvard Medical School to Examine the Definition of Brain Death. Identify and discuss physicians’ ethical and professional duties when, due to religious, cultural or other reasons, a patient’s family does not recognize brain death and insists on continued medical intervention after declaration of brain death By accessing the work you hereby accept the Terms. 2004;14(3):261–276. 56 This view also implies that death can be declared in other conditions in which consciousness seems impossible due to the dysfunction, destruction, or the absence of cortical … “We just don’t like the way it’s done”. Abandoning the dead donor rule? Non-commercial uses of the work are permitted without any further permission from Dove Medical Press Limited, provided the work is properly attributed. Described as “a centerpiece of the social order’s commitment to respect for persons and human life”,77 this rule has been defended on the grounds of respect for persons77 and as a manifestation of traditional Hippocratic medical ethics according to which doctors must not kill.77,78 On this view, if brain death is not death, then heart-beating organ removal is ethically impermissible. To provide context, the history and legal standards, pathophysiology, and clinical diagnostic standards for brain death are reviewed in this paper. Giacino JT, Fins JJ, Laureys S, Schif ND. From a legal and scientific perspective, however, death is a definable event. Intensive Care Med. J Clin Ethics. The opinions expressed in all articles published here are those of the specific author(s), and do not necessarily reflect the views of Dove Medical Press Ltd or any of its employees. As time passes, carbon dioxide builds up in the patient’s blood, and elevated levels of carbon dioxide (hypercarbia) would normally stimulate the respiratory centers of the lower brainstem to expand the thoracic cavity. Accessed June 26, 2015. The mainstream, prevailing view holds that death is a biological phenomenon, not a social construction or a theory of personhood.22,25,60 The most influential treatment of these issues60,61 consists of a sequential process of defining the concept of “death” (a philosophical task), then outlining the physiological criteria that would satisfy that definition (a combined philosophical and medical task), and finally devising diagnostic tests that can be used to identify when the physiological criteria have occurred (a medical task; the accepted diagnostic tests and their controversies were outlined in the preceding section). Am J Bioeth. Bulk reprints for the pharmaceutical industry. Death revisited: rethinking death and the dead donor rule. Moral fictions and medical ethics. However, the court did manage to broker an agreement between the hospital and the parents, so that Jahi was declared legally dead by the hospital and released to the coroner, and then the coroner released her to the family. (However, some have argued that not all cases of suspected brain death follow this typical pattern, which would significantly complicate interpretation of the standard clinical diagnostic tests.26). Father Tadeusz Pacholczyk, Ph.D. "Does the Church Have Any Doubts About Brain Death?" Assuming this theory of biological death, the claim that brain-dead patients are dead has been subjected to what some consider a definitive refutation by empirical evidence. As described in the history of brain death section, the whole brain concept of death, which is codified in US law through state statutes and judicial decisions that effectively embody the Uniform Determination of Death Act, requires the irreversible cessation of all functions of the entire brain. Catholics in general, but especially Catholic medical practitioners, should inform their consciences on this intra-Catholic debate on brain death while awaiting more definitive magisterial teaching. Articulate the ethical issues that arise in the determination of brain death 2. J Law Med Ethics. In: Youngner SJ, Arnold RM, Schapiro R, editors. Yamamoto – The third presenter, a philosopher in Japan, will compare Japanese, American, and other Western countries’ institutional, legal, cultural, and ethical perspectives on brain death to highlight key similarities and differences. Ethics in Practice: Refusal of Brain Death Diagnosis The Health Lawyers' Perspective Share This. Due to the complexity of these procedures and related ethical-legal aspects, however, there are a lot of doubts and uncertainty about the brain death diagnosis and the maintenance of potential organ donor. 2015;41(4):297–302. 2001;26:457–478. Iltis AS, Cherry MJ. Pope TM. J Thanatol. J Clin Ethics. Bioethics. In brain death, the brain of a patient has irreversibly lost all its functions, whereas the rest of the organism is still working, thanks to a ventilator or another mechanism that replaces the patient’s brain stem in providing the necessary stimulation of lungs, heart and intestines. History of brain death as death: 1968 to the present. 2019 Feb;26(1):256-269. doi: 10.1177/0969733017703696. Dove Medical Press is a member of the OAI. A patient was described as being in an irreversible coma but biologically alive, and organ procurement was described as causing the biological death of the donor. J Law Med Ethics. Identify and discuss physicians’ ethical and professional duties when, due to religious, cultural or other reasons, a patient’s family does not recognize brain death and insists on continued medical intervention after declaration of brain death New Milford, CT: Koren Publishers Jerusalem; 2015:349–391.Google Scholar Veatch RM. 2010;35(3):223–241. Legal and ethical responsibilities following brain death: the McMath and Munoz cases. 2010;75(1):77–83. •  Terms & Conditions   DeGrazia D. The definition of death. Lang CJ, Heckmann JG. Oxford: Oxford University Press; 2014. Epub 2017 Jun 8. Mr Smith had previously registered as an organ donor when he applied for his driver’s license. First, it seems to address the wrong question. Spinal Cord. Woien S, Rady MY, Verheijde JL, McGregor J. 1983;286:209–210. Neurology. The above percentage of manuscripts have been rejected in the last 12 months. President’s Council on Bioethics. Accessed June 26, 2015. Transparency and accountability in mass media campaigns about organ donation: a response to Morgan and Feeley. Kennedy Inst Ethics J. Abstract: Death determined by neurological criteria, or brain death, is an accepted legal standard for death throughout much of the w orld. Our concepts and practices relating to death will inevitably be influenced by our values and social practices. 2003;5:23–42. 2011;37:719–722. 2007;33(12):2218. 2010;24(9):453–460. Although Catholic bishops, theologians, and ethicists have generally signaled at least tentative approval of the neurological criteria for the determination of death, we contend that no definitive magisterial teaching on brain death currently exists; therefore, Catholics are not currently bound to uphold any position on these criteria. Accepting brain death. There is at present considerable confusion with respect to ethical guidelines that should govern the behavior of society and the physician confronted by problems resulting from recent attainments of medicine and science. 2003;3(1):10–11. Karakatsanis KG. Mr Smith’s organs were removed on July 11 over the objection of his parents. On this view, the brain serves as the central, integrating unifier, directing the various processes and mechanisms of subsystems toward a unified maintenance of homeostasis for the organism as a whole, without which the organism could not engage in its life-characterizing processes. Accessed July 24, 2015. In this era, the mechanical ventilator came into widespread use, which allowed physicians to support the physiological functioning of severely neurologically injured patients who lacked a respiratory drive and thus would otherwise have died within minutes from lack of oxygen. Stevens ML. Shewmon DA. J Intensive Care Med. Magnus DC, Wilfond BS, Caplan AL. Hastings Cent Rep. 2015;45:1–11. Jahi McMath – a dispute over brain death. Robertson JA. Dr Bethany Spielman, Michael Nair-Collins Behavioral Sciences and Social Medicine, Florida State University College of Medicine, Tallahassee, FL, USA Abstract: Death determined by neurological criteria, or brain death, is an accepted legal standard for death throughout much of the world. Game theory is based upon modelled decision making. 210 ILCS 85/6.24. Jahi McMath, a 13-year-old girl, was admitted to Oakland Children’s Hospital in California for a tonsillectomy and adenoidectomy for sleep apnea on December 9, 2013. Instead, brain death is a complex social construct – the implications of which will be explored. However, four states, New York, California, Illinois, and New Jersey, mandate accommodation of families or patients who object to the diagnosis of brain death.17, Both New York and California have regulatory requirements that mandate “reasonable accommodation” of families that object to the diagnosis based on moral or religious beliefs, but they do not spell out what constitutes “reasonable” or “accommodation”, leaving individual hospitals to develop policies that will satisfy the regulations. Flowers WM, Patel BR. 2014;14(8):3–8. Brooks CM. Critical scrutiny the idea of death from a severe head injury and was declared brain dead on December,... Or change the definition of death is a formidable barrier to organ.. Thus refused to discontinue treatment personhood or lack of personhood as official social policy pregnant at the time. Societies, it seems to address the wrong question diagnostic tests for brain death “ if he not! Might imply to the diagnosis pallis C. 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