, In the latest Naruto Gaiden 7 chapter, Sarada asked Suigetsu about Karin, she is within another of Orochimaru’s hideouts. Also even if Karin is the biological mother that dosen’t make Sakura any less of saradas mother since Sakura is the caretaker and has been for her whole life. Back in Shippuuden, Karin would take Sasuke’s old sweaty shirts and all, what’s to stop her from keeping that DNA in her desk? Honestly chapter 701 is a “landmine” for me. actually I'm not sure whether true or not true occurrence) :V. but overall, even if Sakura really wasn't Sarada's biological mothers, it is no right for Sarada to hate Sakura for that reason. I share your hate. But all in all on Karin’s side, that’s the only possibility which is actually just 50% chance. Remember this is a young girl who was lied to her entire life by adults all around her. Alone! “whyd sasuke lie abt Karin being sarada’s mom thats not the kind of person he is” he’s not the kind of person to marry sakura either Lol, look! It’s a possibility that, just like Uchiha Shin, she was created from Uchiha clan’s and Uzumaki clan’s DNAs… After all, they’ve got the DNA samples they needed there…. Wrong, Sasuke never loved Sakura ! And no, we dont compare Karin to anyone’s normal coz she IS Orochimaru’s subordinates. 4 notes Jun 12th, 2015. If what your suggesting true, Karin has to be bitten by sasuke constantly for him to build up her charka before impregnating sakura or sakura bitting Karin while she’s pregnant for that charka to have some influence. The only way I can even remotely entertain the idea of Sarada being Karin’s daughter is if for what ever reason Karin had troubles during the birth and Sakura was the one who delivers Sarada and then Karin dies (weather it’d be from simple child brith or something else) and then Sasuke was all like “well I still have to spook off for the next 12 years so take care of my child alright Sakura? Sakura turns out to be Sarada’s stepmother. Hmmm, It may seem like that but maybe he’s doing it on purpose for a higher purpose? It’s not clear if Sarada knows this, however as seen in the final chapter, she doesn’t seem to care since it’s feelings and emotions that attach her to Sasuke and Sakura. The funny thing is… that if kishi had intended to make a plot twist using srada’s parentage, he should have atleast not revealed it in the handbook. sasakue and karin sex and the result is sarada wtf? Learn how your comment data is processed. Latest chapter reveals they are married sasuke even says “my wife” referring to sakura, If anyone was living a fantasy it would be karin she’s literally crazy she kept one of sasukes dirty bloody shirts with her and she wasn’t even important enough to be mentioned in the last chapters of the manga she’s basically a side bitches side bitch she’s.. sakura deserves sasuke she’s loved him since she was like thirteen till it hurt inside she deserves happiness with the man she loves. Maybe karin died and gave her eyglass to sarada. This could be a possible conclusion that Karin is the real mother of Sarada! What exactly is Sasuke looking for, and why has he gone for so long? But come on at least give her a bone and tell her that you’re fine or something after being gone her entire life. Sasuke explained proud of his wife. Since we all know Karin is fandom of Sasuke :D . She was hurt and felt like the only way possible for her to get her answers was to find people that would help her out. I can’t imagine Sasuke being with Karin! Since it is stated that Sasuke been busy with his mission. Sarada, Sakura and Karin. The eyes is with Sasuke. I sincerely doubt she isn’t Sakura’s child. He might have used her chakra to recover but i don’t quite think its something that could affect how Sarada was conceived. Don’t destroy my childhood dream!!!! Saradas Mom is neither Sakura or Karin. ‘Naruto’ isn’t heavy on romance so I hate how people would dig to find something ‘romantic’ about their pairings. This video is a recap of the last few episodes but is mainly Boruto Episode 22 explained. I personally think that both Sarada and Karin are linked, by this I mean that I think that Karin could be the mother of Sarada. I don’t know about that but it does suck if Sasuke did cheat because even though Sakura is well… Sakura , she doesn’t deserve that after all this time being loyal to Sasuke no matter what and for her to just pretend like Sarada is her real daughter and raise her accordingly must take some guts . So when people talk about this, I went to read Naruto Gaiden simply coz I was curious. Mom looked up and smiled at us. as for sakura being loyal, sasuke and sakura were never ina relationship so when sasuke left the village he did not crush her. A person theory I have, which might be far-fetched is that Karin is working with the Shins. Sakura wasn’t even supposed to be created if people didn’t point out that Hinata, Naruto and Sasuke all have depressing life stories and might cause people to not want to read or watch so he created a ‘normal’ character that has no ninja history but that’s smart. I’ll never understand you people. And thats it i proved that she is the real daughter of Sakura. Sixth, Karin and assume isn’t even a thing. Change ), You are commenting using your Twitter account. Sakura gt one mention in one chapter by sasuke and that too was focused on naruto. And with who? Its possible. He is on like fine thin ice with me. "What's her name, Sakura?" I don’t know why, I just have that feeling. One, its boruto not bolt. Her own mother (even if she’s not by blood) never had the guts to tell her the truth and even worst when Sarada asked her, Sakura exploded in anger and destroy their home. UPDATE (11/06/2015): In the latest Naruto Gaiden 7 chapter, Sarada asked Suigetsu about Karin, she is within another of Orochimaru’s hideouts. If it does end up being Karin’s child all thats gonna do is make me hate Sakura more. Plus the reaction of shizune and her own reacion when asked about it But anyways, I think that this is just Kishimoto being a troll, this is just some plot thickness. Oh my gosh same people are all talking about it and I’m just staring at them like if that is her mother I don’t think I can bare to watch it. Sasuke is of uchiha descent but not of madara. In fact, even if Kishimoto makes them perfect, you’ll still hate on them. Along with the fact that Sarada has no records of even being born. I like Sasuke, Sakura and Karin as individuals, but I’m indifferent with their pairings. Karin is Sarada's real Mom – popular memes on the site ifunny.co Then she probably died for some reason and w nowhere to keep the child Sasuke brought her to the Leaf and Sakura w her stupid self probably volunteered to keep her. Just to cherish the memories perhaps? After that, the family returned to Konoha to raise Sarada, where the two h… If there is something true about Sasuke is that when he cares for something he is true to it . But still I like how you’ve gone all biological. It has to be constant exposure to the charka (I’m meaning years and years of it) to influence a child that it has to be around the child while their developing. Maybe Sasuke leave Sakura because of Karin,and Sakura never told Sasuke that she was pregnet.No one know that Sakura was pregnet, that’s way there is no birth certificant.And the DNA was probably Sasukes.What about thet theory? Well, let it be a lesson to all. As Gaiden concentrates on most of the kids, we see that after so many years Sarada is born to be of Sasuke and Sakura’s child. However, he thought that a female version of Sasuke would be scary so to avoid that, he added some of Sakura’s characteristics to make her look cute. 2) Karin is an Uzumaki and Sarada is a uchiha combined with uzumaki Where’s your Sasusaku spirit?!! Not surprising, but I thought he was more or less into her now and ready to settle dowm lol. The ending of chapter 700 suggested that Sarada knows her dad, it was only later revealed that she actually has never met him. I have a profound feeling that all of these are just red herrings. So it is possible, Karin took a little of that genetic sample which is belong to Sasuke? Nah!naruto wiki can change!and sakura and sasuke were married!of course sarada is their child! I mean sakura was living a fantasy life in which she placed photos of herself in front of karin to be next to sasuke (this rrminds of a movie called Obsessed starring beyonce). So after Naruto Gaiden chapter 1 was aired we followed Sarada as she learnt about how everyone and their dads are training for the upcoming exams. Remember how she treated Naruto after his return? unfortunately orichimaru found out what she’s trying to do.dosen’t want to wasting money with that childish thing so he just transfer karin to other post.thats is the story. Like how much lower will she really get for this guy. And anyways, Karin is obsessed with Sasuke. Who is saradas real mother karin or sakura. I personally think, that Sarada isn’t Sakura’s daughter. I know charka has a lot of influence on a person: Gaara was born with the 1 tail so his kids could have the same abilities, Naruto’s mom had the Kubi in her since she was young and in the academy then while pregnant the charka influence Naruto’s features which in turn influence his children but I doubt a ninja with a set amount of charka can influence someone’s sperm to carry on the charka’s influence after a few years. Kishimoto is to smart to just leave things to much to the what it seems, naruto wold is way more complex than that. "Wait so Mom fought against the Kazekage?" this already happened with the normal series ^_^ now kishi simply tries to milk out his cash cow, im pretty sure he doesnt really care about a "message" but about money, if not, i doubt that he would have started a new story so early :) maybe he is a workaholic :O, I think the mother is Sakura. ( Log Out /  Due to this, no records of her birth were available at the Konoha Hospital. Also, I believe that Sasuke is not that much of a scumbag to cheat on a woman who has never stopped loving him. http://www.saiyanisland.com/2015/04/boruto-naruto-the-movie-new-character-new-info-on-sarada-uchiha/, Fuck Karin that slutty girl is not mother but if she some way to be I’m done with naruto really whatever their are better manga then this but still will feel bad if it happens, Karin isn’t the mother of Sarada…. That’s bullshit. In Naruto world you can marry your cousin, but it’s unfair for other countries who forbid this, Well, there are many things that wouldn’t coincide with the fact that sarada would be Karin’s daughter. So i just wanted to clear this doubt. All I’m saying is that Karin better fucking not be Sarada’s real mother or I’m gonna be pissed. After Sasuke and Naruto had their incredible fight to end the Naruto manga series with 700 chapters, many shinobi’s dispersed and went their own way. Orochimaru’s Hideout – Naruto Gaiden 7. :P. Here are just few of my theories or hyphothesis: 1) Perhaps that sample Suigetsu took from Karin's table is perhaps belong to Sasuke? Look at her eyeshape and faceshape and her forehead and her hairstlye…is that karins? (2) Karin is so crazy over Sasuke maybe she took his DNA or other sample while he was unconscious and got her self prego and had the kid where Sasuke came across her in a remote area while Karen was away. And one more thing, Karin’s eyes, GLASSES, face, her unruly never ever seen before hairstyle does not even at a 0% look like Sarada’s. In the recent chapter, it is shown that Sarada’s DNA matched with a genetic sample that is taken from Karin’s table by Suigetsu. Well … Masashi is the biggest troll , i’ve never think karin will be sarada mother , but if it’s true karin is sarada mother maybe i will hate “naruto” manga cause i really don’t like if karin is sarada real mother you know , sasusaku fans will be dissapointed lol , i don’t know , i hope for the best , but i still think that sakura is sarada real mother , Honestly i hope karin isn’t saradas mother it would make no sense.. sasuke at the end of chapter 699 showed affection towards sakura with the forehead poke that mind u he never did to anyone epecially karin he also apologized wholeheartedly to sakura which he just half asses his apology to karin.. he promised he’d be back and see her.. plus it hadn’t mentioned karin in god only knows how many chapters.. so u expect me to believe sasuke slept with karin took her child away from her and went back to his wife and was all hey i have a love child and was all here raise it….really people i think theres some trolling going on because in the new chapter suigetsu said karin is alive so sasukarin fans cant use the she’s dead excuse like why would she let sasuke to take her infant child to be raised by his wife and just forget about her… anyways sasusaku fans still win cuz either way their married and sakura raised saradas so she still is her mother.. its canon soo… we still win either way, Lol if karin is sarada mom then i will delete my fanbase of naruto .. i will really dissapointed TT. Just to remember, Sasuke never really gave a fuck about her, he simply used her in his ”team” when he needed it. One,they need sperm for the eggs in a woman’s womb. But still, I do still hope that Sarada is Sakura’s child as you mentioned. This could be a possible conclusion that Karin is the real mother of Sarada! So it is possible, Karin took a little of that genetic sample which is belong to Sasuke? He tends to troll a lot. I know the creator didn’t want all the main characters to be depressed, hence why Hinata was put on another time, but I hate Sakura in general. I bet Karin doesn’t even know about Sarada! What exactly is Sasuke looking for, and why has he gone for so long? there is no record for sarada’s birth in konoha because sakura and sasuke is having a lovey dovey time in jungle for a mission. I know.. Sasuke doesn’t know how to love anymore, hes damaged and broken. Yes thank you, i agree. Since maybe karin and sakura became close friends during that time..karin kept the umbilical cord in memory of the daughter of her friend. I never really cared much about Karin so when Sasuke tried to kill her (Sakura a couple times too) it never really registered with me. Two, Sasuke can’t reproduce (hopefully anyways).Three,its basically a blood donation but in the stomach where it shouldn’t go. He could be out looking or protecting him and his family so their safe. All his work is worth burning at this point imo, The way he downgraded females, especially for Sakura, is too much if he made Karin the real mom. Or just to make the story interesting and questioning so you keep asking questions on who might it really be. Search in dictionary. At least Sakura grows up to be a good mother by watching over Sarada. If karin and sasuke is Sarada’s real parents,then at least make Sakura GET OVER sasuke,make sakura like someone else. Like I feel that Sasuke slipped up and got Karin pregnant lol. In that time..karin and sakura became really close friends. First off I wanna state that we NEVER ACTUALLY GOT BIOLOGICAL EVIDENCE THAT SAKURA IS SARADAS MOM. She sacrificed a lot in naruto story..sarada is their daughter period. Naruto stated that Sarada inherited good traits from both her parents Sasuke and SAKURA, could be possible that Naruto is in on it……. But according to Karin Sarada was born when Sakura went out to look for Sasuke, which is why theres no birth record for her in the village. after few weeks, sasuke sent sakura and sarada to konoha then, he urgely back to unsettled mission. And putting those two together is rather sick if you ask me ! I swear on my life. Maybe Sakura wasnt able to have children so Karin donated her eggs. Karin’s too… Their characters are not a failure. this implies that she hasnt been with sasuke as he is an adult. I truly think sakura adopted (or stole) sarada from Karin. Naruto was in the constant influence of the kubi while his mom was pregnant and got the three whiskers, his kids got two but Naruto also has the other tails’ charka in his system but that doesn’t seem to influence his children physical appearance. Sunite on June 11, 2015 / 35 comments. Haha That’s what I also think, I’ve not read the guestbook, however I still somewhat believe that Kishimoto wanted to do this on purpose, the glasses are very similar, and since Sarada has lots of visual features from Sasuke, and next to none from Sakura it’s possible that she could be either or. Reminds anyone of Sasuke and Itachi? You can’t compare Sakura and Karin, remember how she looked like? Why keep sarada a secret if she’s already in the academy and about to be a ninja? Two, NaruHina is only a thing because they love each other. 2. Of course I read the manga (don’t assume things or put others down based on your ‘superior’ knowledge and know-how). BigBadBruin343 wrote: Most likely, whatever happened he knows. Personally if sarada is Karin's daughter there could be a connection with naruto and the uzumaki blood and the hair couldn't get mixed up because sasuke has black hair and karin's hair is red due to her uzumaki blood. It would be more a waste if Karin wore it, @Shy agreed. Even if this is a way to make it more dramatic it is actually hurtful for fans. After Sasuke had murdered Orochimaru, Sasuke had recruited and became friends with Karin, Suigetsu and Jugo and formed Taka in order to help the Akatsuki. By doing so through her fists, she can release it as a tremendous force capable of upturning the area around her.Sarada has high agility, able to easily avoid a Shin clone's weapons before she awakened her Sharingan. My dislike for her is really strong because she is so shallow and she neither knows what love is. Then she replies with..”Thats impossible! i think its sakura and sasuke’s daughter maybe some genes from karin was transfer into sasuke’s gene when karin gave some of its chakra when she tries to save sasuke. Sasuke used to bite Karin’s arm. (I also HATE that they updated the wiki saying Karin is the mother without any proof.). Being angry at Sakura is a natural response, Sarada asked her hesitantly about this only for Sakura to brush her concerns aside while destroying their house creating more doubt about Sakura being her mother. I is karin sarada's mom Karin and Sasuke Uchiha no matter how you ’ ll return to her entire by... Madara Arrives - Naruto Shippuden 364, exactly, who really Sarada 's mother Sakura. I sense some chemistry going on about how cute it would be a lesson to all one Sarada! Why Sasuke hasn ’ t been around all these years see, that is not 100 % guarantee that is! One thing for sure few days~~ loved Sakura adn Sarada has the to... 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