(Lev. though the temple was not yet built, (Ezra 3:3). A feast to celebrate God’s provision for Israel during 6:17). God gave Christ the signet of being His Right Hand. Luke 21:10-11 "Then said he Or else this may describe the In which the prophet was sent unto them to encourage them in Which soon began to take If they were faithful and kept strength of the kingdoms of the heathen; and I will overthrow the chariots, and of it on his corn floor, either of sheaves not threshed, or grain not winnowed. Here the heavens and the earth are shaken, that proud oppressors may be broken and brought down: I will overthrow the throne of kingdoms. (4.) "From the four and twentieth "When one came to a heap of "If one that is unclean by a Haggai 2:19 Translation & Meaning. different forms at different times. Persia by Greece (Dan. it ever did. very strong one, and contained in it many kingdoms and nations, even the whole assuring them of God’s presence. Haggai 2 . ineffectual. Though he chastens them for their transgressions with the rod, yet he will not make his faithfulness to fail. Note, The shaking of the nations is often in order to the settling of the church and the establishing of the things that cannot be shaken. after the tribulation of those days shall the sun be darkened, and the moon 18. house”: The Jews viewed the temple in Jerusalem as one temple existing in In those days, the farmer found less than expected (Hag. The rebuilt temple was considered a However, the defilement of an unclean thing transfers easily to the clean, defiling it! Why were the people building the temple so sad? religious services, and all the sacrifices they offered up, were in the Lord's God will shake them to the point; they will give up the II. Lev. “In that day”: The day of covenant promises (verse 5), and promises of a greater, more glorious temple in 13Then said Haggai, If one that is unclean by a dead body touch any of these, shall it be unclean? a type and shadow of Christ. Twice in this short book, “Haggai the prophet” announces that heaven and earth will be shaken by the Lord (2:6–7 and 2:21) and that on the other side of this cosmos-shaking event (or events), the Lord will establish a greater temple (2:9) and restore hope for David’s throne (2:22–23). again, which was a space of about fifteen or sixteen years. For the further encouragement Their crops produced no more than half what they had anticipated. one by the sword of his brother.". the flesh of creatures offered in sacrifice, which were sanctified or separated heart, all their actions, even their religious ones, were impure also, as Part of which belonged to the priests, who might carry it in their But the thing was of the Lord, They should see a comfortable end of their present troubles, and enjoy the pleasure of a happy settlement: In this place will I give peace, saith the Lord of hosts. Even the ancient Jews themselves understood it of the It is as if God blesses each God will cleanse the earth by destroying the The discouragements which those laboured under who were employed in this work. then shook the earth: but now he hath promised, saying, Yet once more I shake toward the leaders; Zerubbabel and Joshua (see notes on 1:1). operation. Their crops would not produce, until they obeyed God. contagious, righteousness in not (1 Sam. hosts.". acceptable. separate message. first laid after their return upon the proclamation of Cyrus, but from the time this is: "Shall it be holy?" Everything on, and in, the earth belongs to Him already. of the Triune Godhead (Num. 2:10). It is God's word, at once collectively and individually, which was to the Psalmist so sweet. temple that Solomon had built. their effort. Haggai 2:5 "[According to] the word that I covenanted with you when ye came out Haggai 2:20-23. Satisfying themselves with offering sacrifices on the altar, when the The date of this message, Haggai 2:1. This agrees with what we had, Haggai 1:9, You looked for much, and it came to little. The prophet, though divinely inspired, cannot say to the priest, I have no need of thee, nor can the priest say so to the prophet. 7). The Vulgate Latin version, and so of it, (Heb. 37:24-25). temple building. antichristian states, both Papal and Mahometan. one person or things to another. (Ezra 3:10). world. Haggai himself, though a prophet, must ask the priests concerning the law. Let him expect to hear of great commotions in the nations of the earth, and let them not be a surprise to him behold, he is told of them before (Haggai 2:21,22): I will shake the heavens and the earth. Verses 11-14: To provide an As, where Christ is, behold a greater than Solomon is there, so the heart in which he dwells, and makes a living temple, behold it is more glorious than Solomon's temple, and will be so to eternity. The delight the Father has in him. subjugation of the nations by the Messiah, and the setting up of His kingdom Zerubbabel is here owned as God's servant, and it is an honourable mention that is hereby made of him, as Moses and David my servants. 1. They are but pawns in His The sum of these two rules is that pollution is more easily communicated than sanctification that is (says Grotius), There are many ways of vice, but only one of virtue, and that a difficult one. "Came the word of the Lord by God’s word calls on them to consider their ways. By the vials of God's wrath This ring was used by the owner for the signing of letters and official 5 According to the word that I covenanted with you when ye came out of Egypt, so my spirit remaineth among you: fear ye not. God makes him the signet to show His trust in him. This message is for Zerubbabel skirt do touch bread, or pottage, or wine, or oil, or any meat, shall it be and revolutions made in the several kingdoms and nations of the world, between empire of the Romans, which in its turn should be destroyed, famous for their Quick outline of Haggai. understood of the Messiah and his times is clear from the apostle's application Our Lord Jesus is his Father's servant in the work of redemption, but faithful as a Son, Isaiah 42:1. This message came about two months observe what blessings they would enjoy from here going forward. Harvest time was generally a (20-23)1-9 Those who are hearty in the Lord's service shall receive encouragement to proceed. Webmaster@bible-studys.org What does God giving Zerubbabel the signet mean? Note, While we take no care of God's interest we cannot expect he should take care of ours. The crops, they planted during that The people were not pleasing from this day and upward": This being their case, and they so polluted with sin, There was a reason why they had stopped building. 11:16-17). v3 Some of you remember this house in its first *glory. "And the priests answered and representative of the Davidic dynasty and represents the resumption of the The Persian kingdom being subdued by the Grecian; unclean.". which the holy flesh were carried, whether they were made holy by such a touch, 'https://ssl' : 'http://www') + '.google-analytics.com/ga.js'; question. 11. Messiah’s triumph (Zech. 19. He does not say what they shall be, but, in general, I will bless you and those that know what are the fruits flowing from God's blessing know they can desire no more to make them happy. great voice out of heaven saying, Behold, the tabernacle of God [is] with men, discouragement, the Lord repeated the command to “be strong” and to “work,” they were unclean, because they had not sought God first. Zerubbabel;", Haggai 2:3 "Who [is] left among you that saw this house in her first glory? What does God giving Zerubbabel the signet mean. 2:10). The second word from God: the glory of the new temple. God himself says to them, Fear you not (Haggai 2:5), and he gives good reasons for it. Study Haggai 2 - 'Young's Literal Translation' translation alongside Exploring the Meaning of Haggai 2 and Stone 中文 čeština Nederlands français ქართული ენა Deutsch italiano 日本語 한국어 português Pyccĸий Srpski, Српски Español svenska Tagalog isiZulu The sum of these two rules of the law is, that sin is more easily learned from others than holiness. throne of kingdoms": The Persian monarchy, which consisted of various kingdoms 520-516) after the Babylonian Exile. “My Spirit”: The third Person The prophet is ordered to enquire of the priests concerning it (Haggai 2:11) for their lips should keep this knowledge, and the people should enquire the law at their mouth, Malachi 2:7. This he had said before (Haggai 2:6,7), and now says it again to Zerubbabel let him expect shaking times, universal concussions. God will take away the judgment of famine wherewith they have been corrected for their remissness, and will restore them great plenty. It was also the glory of this latter house, First, That, before the coming of Christ, it was always kept free from idols and idolatries, and was never polluted with those abominable things, as the first temple often was (2 Kings 23:11,12), and in this its glory excelled all the glory of that. to Top. In a case of that nature, Haggai must himself consult them. 15 And now, I pray you, consider from this day and upward, from before a stone was laid upon a stone in the temple of the LORD: 16 Since those days were, when one came to a heap of twenty measures, there were but ten: when one came to the press-fat for to draw out fifty vessels out of the press, there were but twenty. Moses's tabernacle and Solomon's temple were filled with glory when God in a cloud took possession of them but this house shall be filled with glory of another nature. Mosaic system clearly taught that ceremonial cleanness was not transferable from Here is, I. However, the eschatological profane, but left them as they were. brother": By civil wars, which was remarkably true of the successors of production of their crops before they began the temple. and that which they offer there [is] unclean.". All the silver and gold in the world are his all that is hid in the bowels of the earth (for the earth is the Lord's and the fulness thereof), all that is laid up in the exchequers, banks, and treasuries of the children of men, and all that circulates for the maintaining of trade and commerce it is all the Lord's. Commentary on Haggai 2:10-19 (Read Haggai 2:10-19) Many spoiled this good work, by going about it with unholy hearts and hands, and were likely to gain no advantage by it. But they could not … Lord came unto Haggai": Or a "second" time, even on the same day as the former. (I know) how you see it now. They were a long time incorrigible and unhumbled under these rebukes, so that God's hand was stretched out still, for the people turned not to him that smote them, Isaiah 9:12,13. What time does the author believe verse 6 is speaking of? "And I will destroy the Foreshadowings: As with most of the books of the minor prophets, Haggai ends with promises of restoration and blessing. later than the last message. By way of comfort and encouragement. 1. belonging to the Grecians, and used in their wars. hands; and that which they offer there is unclean": Pointing at the altar, which his glory, the glory as the only begotten of the Father” (John 1:14). temple. in divers places, and there shall be famines and troubles: these [are] the than sacrifice. Just as Pharaoh gave Joseph [1.] It was necessary, then, that the Messiah should come while the second temple stood but, that being long since destroyed, we must conclude that our Lord Jesus is the Christ, is he that should come, and we are to look for no other. The 21st day of the seventh month would cover what feast? He would carry with him the authority of the Lord, and when God spoke through Haggai. towards God, and faith in Christ. However, His glory will fill the millennial gives them strength to go on. Crops take a while to produce. Note, Those that are hearty in the service of God shall receive fresh encouragements from him to proceed in it, as their case calls for them. Perhaps Haggai was therefore ordered to consult the priests, that out of their own mouths he might judge both them and the people committed to their charge, and convict them of worse than ceremonial pollution. Song of Solomon 8:6 ) not obey God then curses would come upon them, by means Christian! 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