This website allows you to search for collection centers by ZIP code. Re-refined Oil becomes the same as Virgin Oil; meaning it can be re-used! Mother Responds: The graphics are in the Image Gallery to the The device Dennis Burkholder cobbled together to recycle motor oil looks like this. Most preferably this term is used for engine oils. 50 Years of … Used oil filters pose similar waste concerns. Recycling and reusing used motor oil is preferable to disposal and can provide great environmental benefits. DOING distillation machine. Also, check with area automotive parts stores and some department stores for recycling motor oil. Finally, an old floor wax can or biscuit tin is fitted with a porcelain light bulb socket, provided with an access hatch for globe-changing, and end-drilled so the whole affair can be slipped over the two-foot-long oil-exit tube. Diagram displays parts and assembly method of oil recycler. Used Lube oil re-refining or Waste oil recycling is very safe for our environment, as it prevents the spillage of used oil all over the planet. Such actions, especially emptying used oil into storm drains, can cause real harm to the environment. Re-Refining Process. Waste Oil Distillation Machine Supplier-Kingtiger Process of Used Motor Oil Recycling Plant from Kingtiger 1. Construction and Erection of complete project. "The process starts when you pour the used motor oil into the opening of the large column. A single gallon of used motor oil produces just as much refined, high-quality oil as 42 gallons of crude Some of it is re-refined. DOING distillation machine adopts two doubling heating systems. The actual oil filter element is nothing more than a roll of ordinary bathroom tissue, which is mounted on a "retrieving" pole and snugly fit into the 4" diameter PVC drainpipe. At the same time, the valuable and reusable components of the oil are retained. Hence, such Waste Oil is replaced with New Lube Oil or re-refined oil, and that ends the work of the now waste used oil in most cases. The obtained diesel can be used for the heavy machinery and diesel generator. I would also wonder about the issues raised in t brandt's 3/6/2013 comment. Extract: This can be used as fuel in the plant or can be sold outside as a fuel or base oil for sodium-based grease manufacturing. In the early years, everyone was using the oil distillation plant which consists of direct distillation processes. To put it into perspective, just one gallon of used oil can contaminate 1 million gallons of water. Processing and burning for energy recovery - In this process, the oil is filtered to remove water and contaminants and then burned to make heat or to power industrial operations. Ann Winters of Americus, Kansas avoids that slight plight by securing a lid puncher to the lubricant container with a rubber band! Bottom product from D-101 is fed to the thin film evaporation system for further separation through WFE-I feed pump. If thrown in the trash or poured on the ground, used motor oil can seep into the groundwater we drink. Although it gets dirty, used oil can still be cleaned and re-used. I just want to add that it would be a nice piece to put in your den or living room as a neat decoration. Despite its "Rube Goldberg" appearance, the inexpensive device has proved to be fairly effective. respectively. Кonstantin Garin This ensures that there is no air pollution, not even the slightest smell! Recycling of used oil: The term “recycling” used oil generally means to take used motor oil and use it for a different purpose, most commonly to be burnt as fuel. Survival Skills, Garden Planning, Seed Saving, Food Preservation, Natural Health – Dozens of courses, 100+ workshops, and interactive Q&As. It goes through the same distillation stack that is used in making virgin oil so that the water molecules and other contaminants are removed. The carbon footprint of Evergreen’s Re-Refining process is also less and the re-sulting recycled product is of equal or better quality. Our proprietary process further treats re-refined used lubricating oils (MDO and VGO) that are produced at our Portland facility and turns them into recycled Group II base oil. Everyone hopes to find a usefulness for waste products, such that nothing really goes to waste at all. As the […] The Used Oil Filter Recycling is the same process, but with the compact size and super high vacuum system, but it is not suitable for large scale production of used oil recycling. We wish to create pollution minimized atmosphere by following our mission of protecting nature with innovative ideas for Recycling Waste and Used Lube Oil, through our Waste Oil Recycling Plants. Filtering Waste Used Lube Oil in order to do away with solids or drying Waste Used Lube Oil to the end of making it burn better is NOT recycling! oil? -Used lube oil is defined as the petroleum derived or synthetic oil which remains after applications in lubrication, cutting purposes, etc. Additionally, your local government or recycling coordinator may be able to identify curbside or other recycling programs in your area. Contact your local council or check the council's website for information about your nearest used oil facility. As a result, the waste/used lube oil doesn’t perform as well as the virgin motor oil. WATER: The water, if any of the original waste oil (majorly in waste oil, the water of 4- 5% is expected) is taken to a specially designed distillation system . The input product for this Waste Lube Oil Plant process includes all kinds of waste or used lube oil; gear oil, engine oil, hydraulic oil, etc. However, anyone who doesn't have access to welding equipment could readily double-bolt each limb—including the curved one, after flattening its end and fitting it to one side of the angle—to the metal stanchion.". It ends up polluting sources of drinking water. 2. reprocessor ... and further pinches his pennies by not changing the paper till the device becomes hopelessly clogged! Used oil must be managed properly by local waste management authorities or automotive repair shops to prevent contaminating the environment. Also,  Hot blending costs more than Cold blending, which is mostly why people choose cold blending over hot blending, regardless of the lower quality of the produce. Each kind of oil can be recycled into different products which has different benefit. Used Motor Oil or Waste Lube Oil can really be useless and toxic. Engine tech has changed a lot since this was written 35 years ago. The National Oil Recyclers Association (NORA) was organized in 1985 to help promote the safe recycling of used oil. EcoLube Recovery is dedicated to the collection of, and the sustainable reuse of spent engine oil and industrial lubrication fluids. The Used Engine Motor Oil Recycling Plant is the most demanding project because it needs to have a lot of available sources of the raw materials from the local collectors. In 1984 the Florida Department of Environmental Protection (DEP) implemented a used oil management program under Sections 403.75 through 403.769, Florida Statutes. receivers and residue in residue receivers by gravity. It becomes Waste or Used Oil after it has been used, a time when elements (impurities) such as water, metal scrapings, dirt etc., must have been mixed with it. All the water will be distilled off and the remaining residue will be mixed with Asphalt residue coming from the distillation plant. -Build up of temperature degrade the lubricating oil, thus leading to reduction in properties such as : Viscosity, Specific gravity, etc, ASME: American Society of Mechanical Engineers, TEMA: Tubular Exchanger Manufacturer’s Association. Awesome yeah? Growing & Marketing Ginseng Goldenseal & Woodland Medicinals, Chicken Coops - 45 Building Plans For Housing Your Flock, Natural Cold Storage: Fresh Food in Winter, Keeping Crops Cool During Hot Weather: 13 Ways to Beat the Heat, Subscribe Today - Pay Now & Save 64% Off the Cover Price. Recycled used motor oil can be re-refined into new oil, processed into fuel oils, and used as raw materials for the petroleum industry. Motor Oil Disposal in Naples on A center-drilled wooden disk serves as a support platform for the paper drum, yet is small enough to allow the lubricant to pass through the filter. If I remember correctly, Mother had an article back in the late 70's dealing with the same subject. The National Oil Recyclers Association (NORA) was organized in 1985 to help promote the safe recycling of used oil. Most of the used motor oil taken to motor oil collection centres is not truly recycled. Pre-treatment (De-metallization /Ash Removal). [4] Additives can then be added so the oil can be burned as fuel. We sent "before" and "after" crankcase oil samples to an independent petroleum analysis laboratory, and the results—though not earth-shattering—indicated that the homebuilt recycler did an adequate job. Before I go into the Waste Oil Plant Process, let me differentiate between the three oil types. Recycling used oil is the preferred way of handling used oil to protect the environment and conserve natural resources. The Phillips Re-refined Oil Process (PROP) is a commercial process used to recycle oil in this manner. Recycling motor oil involves removing any of the impurities, like pieces of the engine and water, in a process known as reconditioning. As the industry of recycling used motor oil expands to meet demand, the options for recycling … The exhaust gas doesn’t go into the air to cause pollution. What happens to it is that it gets dirty and contaminated during use. This process is very similar to the process undergone by virgin oil. new motor oil. Do not ignore the recycling of the used motor oil as it has unbelievable benefits. After this step, the industrial fuel is removed from the used oil, then vacuum distillation removes the lube cut (this means the fraction that is suitable for reuse as lubricating oil) leaving a heavy oil that consists of the used oil’s additives and other by-products such as asphalt extender. Dennis prefers to recycle the oil from his own vehicles, rather than collect "strange" lubricant from the service station (where it may contain higher levels of dirt, antifreeze, and gasoline than does his "used" lubricant). Nikkei. 2. Used engine oil from cars, boats, motorcycles, lawn mowers and farm Already a Member but Preheating. don't have an online In distillation column, diesel oil (and water) is obtained as a top product which is condensed and collected in the receivers by gravity. Storing used motor oil and recycling it can generate a lot of useful energy required for our daily life. If you recycle just 2 gallons of used oil, you can top right of the article, under "Related.". "Naturally, the heat is transferred to both the copper and the fluid passing within, and as a result of the 215°F temperatures achieved, water vapor and—of course—higher volatiles such as unburned gasoline are driven from the liquid and exit out the high end of the pipe as fumes. The stuff is run through a smaller version of a full-blown refinery. For instance, wear-causing iron, silicon, and chromium particles were reduced by 31, 7.4, and 16.6%. Oil vapor from fractionating tower will be cooled into liquid. Dehydration of the Used Oil also removes the remaining light fuel, which can however, be used to power the refinery, and additionally captures ethylene glycol for re-use in recycled antifreeze. 1. By recycling your used motor oil, you can keep the environment safe, and save resources. If used motor oil is poured on the street, it will go down a storm drain and into the ocean. The Used Or Waste Oil Recycling process is one of the finest examples of filtration technology because the black bottom is mixed eventually in Lubricant Oil. We offer technical solutions and projects related primarily to oil & gas processing. The carbon footprint of Evergreen’s Re-Refining process is also less and the re-sulting recycled product is of equal or That's why we want you to save money and trees by subscribing through our earth-friendly automatic renewal savings plan. A wide variety of used oil recycling … Arslan Enginery also offers our customers Blending units. Cooking oil is one of a kind which can be recycled into biodiesel. Out of all the The lube cut then undergoes hydrotreating, or catalytic hydrogenation to get rid of the remaining polymers and other chemical compounds and saturate carbon chains with hydrogen so that it can be stable for a longer period. According to EPA, it takes 42 gallons of crude oil to 2.5 quarts of lubricating oil, but only 1 gallon of used motor. We make use of the Wiped Film Evaporator (WFE), a Short path distillation, followed by Solvent extraction or Mild Hydrofining finishing process involved for the recycling (Re-refining) of Used/Waste Lube Oil to Base Oil group I, group II and group II+ with zero environmental waste; no air, no solid and no liquid pollution. Next is the final separation of the oil (also fractionating). Used lubricating oil to SN150 grade Light Base Oil & SN500 grade Heavy Base Oil in distillation + wiped film evaporator plant Used Oil Refining Process consists of two sections: A) Separation of light ends by Cloumn tower: Dehydrated and filtered used lube oil from storage is pumped by the feed pump(P-101A/B) through the filters (ST-101 A/B) to the distillation column (C-101).Filters are provided as additional step to remove any solids from the feed. The Used Oil Recycling process consists of oil and gas process engineering and filtration technology. Used motor oil can be re-refined into motor oil that’s as good as new, or reprocess… After the process, our output product is Base oil; 75% to 80% of Base Oil Group 1 and 2, with two cuts; SN150 and SN500, 7% of diesel, 3% of water and 10% of asphalt. Process of Used Motor Oil Recycling Plant from Kingtiger 1. Used motor oils can be re-refined to make new lube oils. The one is using heat-conduction oil to heat the distillation reactor. Used industrial process oils. As the heating goes on, part of the oil gas will be distilled out. Used Lube Oil is defined as the petroleum-derived or synthetic oil which remains after the application of Lube Oil in lubrication, cutting purposes, etc. The NMP is an aromatic selective solvent which removes some color and odor. "The only real fabrication involved is cutting the pieces to size, drilling holes, and forming the 90° arc in the gadget's one long leg ... which I did with a tubing bender, but it could be done—in a pinch—by merely hand-bending the material (carefully, to avoid causing any corner-weakening kinks). Cooling water is used in condenser to condense of top vapors from column and hot oil (thermic fluid) is used in Reboiler shell as heating medium.© Arslan Enginery B) Separation of oil fractions by Wiped thin film evaporation: Thin film evaporation system consists of two thin film evaporators, W-101 & W-102 to recover SN-150 & SN-500 grade base oil respectively. Did you see that? This will reduce wastage, and also be of great benefits to the environment. There are several different ways that used oil may be recycled and reused. Japanese environmental equipment manufacturer and vendor Fuji Energy Co. has developed a compact processing device for converting used engine oil or other waste oils into fuel oil. The used oil is recycled and our re-refining process recycles the oil back to a clean product. Here's how you can go about doing a thorough job each and every time your ride is due for a fresh batch. There are several different ways that used oil may be recycled and reused. International Subscribers - Click Here Is it possible to get the graphics included in the original We believe we should let you know how we turn you Used Oil to Base Oil Groups 1 and 2. BENEFITS OF RE-REFINING USED OIL AND USING IT. EFFECT OF THE WASTE/USED LUBE OIL PLANT PROCESS ON THE ENVIRONMENT. The results in Table 6, Table 7 and Fig. Used Oil Pick-Up More than 200 actual million gallons of used oil from auto service centers, fast lubes, car dealerships and factories arrives at our re-refineries each year. 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