[16][17][18][19] The incident led to widespread critical coverage of Tzu Chi by the Taiwanese media, and scrutiny into its finances. [34], The Foundation established its first Tzu Chi Hospital in Hualien in 1986. Social Media response to Tzu Chi’s crystal sculpture. The organization received similar awards from DSWD back in 2010 and 2011. [86][87] Tzu Ching volunteers are given the opportunity to participate in large-scale events such as disaster relief and international NGO conferences such as the annual UN Youth Assembly. [42] By 2008, Tzu Chi had registered more than 307,657 bone marrow donors.[45]. Despite large numbers of non-Buddhist members, the volunteers regularly kicked … [8] The foundation gradually expanded its services since starting as a group of thirty housewives, raising money for disaster relief after a small fire in 1970 that destroyed 43 buildings and opening its first free medical clinic in 1972. Tzu Chi was built on funds collected in a bamboo coin bank. How to truly abide to the rules of the assignment and present the materials in the way I want could be a deeper topic of discussion (possibly using other people’s ideas for final project, I believe). I would like to see the embedded content linking to the original sources. On March 16, Tzu Chi announced to rescind on the controversial appeal on Taipei’s development project, hoping to end the controversy. THX Thanks for your reading and wish you have a good day. (6)School of Medicine, Tzu Chi University, Hualien City, Taiwan; Department of Orthopedic Surgery, Buddhist Taichung Tzu-Chi General Hospital, Taiwan. '"Compassionate Relief Foundation"'), is a Taiwanese international humanitarian and non-governmental organization (NGO). In March 2008, Tzu Chi became the first foundation to be licensed in China in which a non-mainland Chinese resident serves as the legal representative. Since the controversy saw its heated public debate since late-February, Tzu Chi has faced widespread public criticism, and more recently, accusations of financial activities that may violate regulations. Ont été choisis le temple du Dharma Drum Mountain (法鼓山) à Jinshan, le monastère Chung Tai Chan (中台禪寺) à Puli, le monastère Fo Guang Shan (佛光山) à Kaohsiung, et la Fondation Tzu Chi (慈濟) à Hualien [3]. While the project relies on recycled plastic bottles for the production of its products, its leaders have stated that it is still best for people to not use plastic bottles at all.[74][75][71]. The foundation has several sub-organizations such as the Tzu Chi International Medical Association (TIMA) and also the Tzu Chi Collegiate Youth Association (Tzu Ching) (Chinese: 慈濟大專靑年聯誼會 (慈靑)). [14][note 1] This registry became a division of the new Tzu Chi Stem Cells Center, which was founded to improve research and treatment capabilities. Tzu Chi promotes many of the teachings of Buddhism, in particular the Lotus Sutra, Jing Si Abode (静思精舍) of Tzu Chi Foundation, The Hall of Still Thoughts. The television "Da Ai" network operates with its own news and television programming. In the past, either of the two sources were as heavily used so people only chatted controversial topics locally. Tzu Chi’s worry is now only a beginning. Interesting thing about Taiwan social media: there is not much presence of Twitter, but PTT.cc’s influence is quite high (both in the way it operates like Reddit and the grassrooted nature) to the level of Facebook/Twitter influence in the States. "Tzu Chi is like a big tree," says Chang Shun-Hua. [40][41] It was the first private nursing college in Taiwan to waive tuition for selected courses, in addition to providing full scholarships for qualified Taiwan aborigine students. [57] The earthquake prompted Cheng Yen to start "Project Hope", a long-term project to rebuild 51 schools for those effected by the disaster. [6][7], Tzu Chi experienced modest growth in the first two decades of its establishment, it grew to 293 members in 1968 and by 1986 had just 8,000 members. The project, which was started in 2006, collects PET plastic bottles and recycles them into cloth. Tzu Chi’s pledge to the people involves giving material and spiritual aid to disaster victims, the poor, and the sick. Ho Chi Minh translated the work for his Vietnamese officers to study. [15][55][56], Tzu Chi volunteers were one of the first responders in the Chi-Chi earthquake (known in Taiwan as the 921 earthquake) of 1999, mobilizing within 2 hours to provide thousands of sets of food and relief supplies to victims. Open Access funded by Buddhist Compassion Relief Tzu Chi Foundation . The Tzu Chi Foundation was founded by Master Cheng Yen, a Taiwanese Buddhist nun, or bhikkhuni, in 1966 as a Buddhist humanitarian organization. For many, being part of Tzu Chi is a mission and purpose in life. "[43] This effort to register bone marrow donors from an organization with such massive membership like Tzu Chi caused Taiwan to change its laws regarding organ donations. The same holds for the large Taiwanese Buddhist organization, Tzu Chi. [76][77] Apart from being non-proselytist, Tzu Chi's adaptation of Buddhist principles is apolitical. In addition, did you look into Facebook and Twitter for curating source information for this story. Therfore, Tzuchi’s website had the explanation of every question, and I recommend you to read each topic. Live streaming of Channel 1 and 2 can also be found on YouTube. Normally, overseas organizations must register with the Ministry of Commerce as businesses. [44][42] By 2007 the program had saved the lives of almost 1,500 people in 25 different countries. [46] Tzu Chi volunteers are not to discuss business, politics, or preach religion while giving aid. Consequently, at the Tzu Chi College of Medicine, there is one body for every four students to study as opposed to one body for every two hundred students at one school, the ratio is the lowest in the country. However, the hosts at one of the premiere politics talk shows quitted in response to Tzu Chi’s press conference, claiming that “Tzu Chi has controlled the media to show only the good sides”. Current trend against Tzuchi in Taiwan is very big. Tzu Chi established the Tzu Chi College of Medicine in 1994. Current consensus and controversy on the diagnosis of male lower urinary tract symptoms/benign prostatic hyperplasia. The organization underwent a rapid expansion in the late 1980s and early 1990s, coinciding with a surge of popularity in Humanistic Buddhism in Taiwan. [12], Over the past twenty years, Tzu Chi expanded their humanitarian work and influence to 28 provinces, municipalities and autonomous regions in China. Tzu Chi is part of a reform movement in Buddhism to establish a “Buddhism in this world” or in the “human realm” (Renjian fojiao 人間佛教, from here on: Renjian Buddhism) that foregoes many more traditional interpretations of Buddhist doctrine and seeks to anchor it in a concentration on individuals’ this-worldly existence. "Our future direction is to let everybody apply their skills, regardless of where their talents lie. Chinese schools have also been established abroad, such as in Australia and the United States, which apart from teaching Chinese and sign language also guides students in ways of compassion and community service. PTT power in Taiwan is getting strong but it has too much rumours. [citation needed], Tzu Chi created a bone marrow registry, the Tzu Chi Bone Marrow Bank, in 1993 after a young follower of Cheng Yen was diagnosed with Leukemia. The initial problems with providing aid in China involved the political tensions between Taiwan and China and Communist China's disdain for religion. Tzu Chi University’s medical school collaborated with the Tzu Chi hospital in Hualien to employ rapid freezing technology to preserve donated cadavers and started offering a surgery simulation course to sixth-year medical students. This immediately triggered a fierce online response. Tzu Chi has re-built mosques and churches in disaster zones where faith plays an important role in local society.[78]. For those interested in Taiwan! The aid provided to China was Tzu Chi's first major effort at international relief aid, it also allowed Tzu Chi to develop its principles of delivering aid and establish relations with the People's Republic of China. University of Taipei’s urban planning professor Chung-Hsin Yang posted study on Tzu Chi’s property transaction record showing Tzu Chi would purchase industrial properties and rename for residential uses. Each year Tzu Chi conducts a Year End Ceremony attended by Tzu Chi workers, volunteers and members in January or February where Master Cheng Yen distributes blessings in the form of red packets that embosses a coin in Taiwanese currency[note 2] together with auspicious words for the coming year.[88]. [24], Tzu Chi has grown to become a significant actor in civil society, Tzu Chi is not only the largest Buddhist organization in Taiwan,[25] but also Taiwan's largest owner of private land. BACKGROUND: Controversy is not uncommon in the diagnosis of discogenic low back pain (DLBP) and in the identification of the location of the pain source for the symptomatic disc in patients with DLBP. [5] She was inspired by her master and mentor, the late Venerable Master Yin Shun (印順導師, Yìn Shùn dǎoshī) a proponent of Humanistic Buddhism, who exhorted her to "work for Buddhism and for all sentient beings". Tzu Chi’s deputy executive chiefs Wang Tuan-cheng ( ݥ ) and Lin Pi-yu ( L ѥ ) held a press conference yesterday afternoon at the Jing Si Abode ( O ٺ ) in Hualien to declare that following national criticism over the construction project, the foundation has decided to withdraw the project plans. Pantai Indah Kapuk Boulevard Penjaringan, Jakarta Utara 14470, DKI JAKARTA Call Us (021) 5055 6668 Contact Us: info@tzuchi.sch.id tzuchischoolpik tzuchischool Tzu Chi … Taiwan highly acclaimed Buddhist Compassion Relief Tzu Chi Foundation on March 16 withdrew its controversial plan to develop an environmentally sensitive piece of land in Taipei’s Neihu District following allegations that the group was trying to steamroll the project over environmental concerns and that it used donation funds to purchase property and stocks. Because LUTS are common among elderly men, they are usually considered synonymous with benign prostatic hyperplasia (BPH). The teachings of the Buddha and founder Master Cheng Yen play a core role in the workings of the organization. [64] Volunteers handed out these cards in parts of Brooklyn, Queens, and Staten Island. Interestingly, the issue has a long history dating back to 2005. In disaster regions where a particular religious faith is prominent, Tzu Chi regularly works together with local religious organizations. There is no need to talk … Of course, damage has been done to Tzu Chi’s golden brand and to its donors. However, due to the fear the construction may affect water drainage that create potential hazard, Tzu Chi faced strong opposition from environmental groups. The products are all designed by members of the paid staff and recycled plastic bottles make up about half of the raw materials for the products. [50] Tzu Chi was also one of the few organizations the Chinese government allowed to bring in aid workers from overseas to join the relief effort. Prior to 1993 Taiwanese law only allowed organ transplants between relatives. Cheng-Ling Lee, Hann-Chorng Kuo* Department of Urology, Buddhist Tzu Chi General Hospital and Tzu Chi University, Hualien, Taiwan. Master Cheng Yen encourages the Tzu Ching volunteers to actively communicate with each other, with the goals of learning and improving. Every peso you donate will make a difference. This effort was inspired in 1970 after Cheng Yen noticed a link between poverty and illness after spending six years among the poor of eastern Taiwan. By Joy Chang, The China Post TAIPEI, Taiwan — Hsuan Chuang University College of Social Sciences Dean Shih Chao-hui ( L z) said that public attacks on the Tzu Chi ( O ) organization following the boycott of Ting Hsin International Group ( s ڶ ) aim to destroy Tzu Chi and blaspheme against Buddhism. Get in touch with E-mail, Nun Tzu-Hui Shu, the spokesperson for Tzu Chi. Sun Tzu (/ s u ː n ˈ d z uː, s uː n ˈ s ... was an avid reader of Sun Tzu. Relawan Tzu Chi dari Jakarta dan Makassar kembali hadir di Kota Palu guna melanjutkan tahapan pengundian nomor rumah bagi calon penerima hunian tetap. Tzu Chi's involvement with providing aid in the People's Republic of China was difficult at first. [58][59] Tzu Chi raised more relief funds for the earthquake than any other religious organization in Taiwan, raising nearly sixty times as much funds for the relief effort than the next largest fund raiser, Fo Guang Shan. Chun-Hou Liao a, Hann-Chorng Kuo b*. TZU CHI CENTER Jl. The community volunteer initiative began as a disaster relief effort started in response to Typhoon Herb. Amid the public debate, with Nun Shu trying to convince the public that Tzu Chi is abiding to regulations, rumors on social media became viral that show doubts on Tzu Chi’s organizational structure. Tzu Chi Volunteers Reunite With Wellsprings Village Women’s Center Amid a Holiday Season Like No Other. [11][8] From 1987 to 1991, Tzu Chi membership doubled in size each year, by 1994, it boasted a membership of 4 million members. [49], In the aftermath of the 2008 Sichuan earthquake, Tzu Chi sent food, blankets and medical aid to survivors, while volunteers in China set out for the disaster zone. The volunteers followed a strict system of organization where commissioners and teams of volunteers were assigned to specific townships, and teams were assigned to specific areas within the townships. The ship represents Tzu Chi steering a ship of compassion, representing their goal in saving all beings that suffer, while the Eight Petals represent the Noble Eightfold Path in Buddhism, which Tzu Chi uses as their guide.[32]. Warga yang sudah menempati Perumahan juga turut hadir untuk mengikuti sosialisasi tentang Tzu Chi. Tzu Chi Malaysia: Started with a daily saving of 50 NT cents to a global organization extending aid worldwide, Tzu Chi hopes to garner kindness from everyone and exemplify the Buddhist teachings. Combing social ministry with spiritual ministry, Tzu Chi spread the universal value of compassion, and bring the humanistic spirit heritage rooted in Chinese culture to its highest point. Tzu Chi gradually expanded its services over time, opening a free medical clinic in 1972 and building its first hospital in 1986. Current consensus and controversy on the treatment of male lower urinary tract symptoms/benign prostatic hyperplasia. [8] Tzu Chi's expanded its aid work to the People's Republic of China in 1991, during the eastern China floods. [38][39], In addition to building hospitals the Tzu Chi College of Nursing was founded on 17 September 1989 in Hualien in order to address the shortage of nurses on Taiwan's east coast, with a focus on serving the poor. First of all, the founder of the organization is a female. Tzu Chi has a policy of being secular in its humanitarian work, however Dharma teachings are often integrated into its practices for volunteers. Scholars openly criticized Tzu Chi for violating zoning regulations. Tzu Shao (慈少) is the Tzu Chi branch for youths under the age of 18. [23] Despite authorities not finding any illicit activity with its finances, calls for greater transparency were made. 59.7k members in the taiwan community. The public onslaught ensued, with more users on PTT.cc producing accusations, claiming … The interplay between the new city administration and social media clearly helped the event to develop. [60] The 921 earthquake was credited for prompting Tzu Chi to create a disaster relief coordination center at its headquarters to organize quicker disaster response services. One controversy after another has followed the Buddhist Compassion Relief Tzu Chi Foundation because it has monopolized and misused people’s kindness and compassion over the years, leading to an outburst of discontent. Tzu Chi nuns (bhikkhunis) do not rely on donations for their livelihood, something uncommon among most Buddhist orders. Just as aftershocks follow a major earthquake, the Tzu Chi incident is normal. Because of Tzu Chi’s religious background (it is founded and led by Buddhist nun), many more posts emerged accusing Tzu Chi acted very cult-like. As soon as Taipei City Mayor Ko was elected in December 2014, he openly expressed that he was against Tzu Chi’s development project appeals. The coin symbolizes the fifty cents the thirty housewives saved at the founding of Tzu Chi, United Nations Economic and Social Council, severe floods hit central and eastern China, "Come to Taiwan, Return with good memories", "Taiwan's Socially Engaged Buddhist Groups", "Outline of assistance given to Chinese provinces", "Tzuchi always ready to lend a helping hand – Taipei Times", "City officials, Neihu residents welcome Tzu Chi's project pullback | Society | FOCUS TAIWAN – CNA ENGLISH NEWS", "Tzu Chi retracts controversial project – Taipei Times", "Tzu Chi's Neihu land should be rejuvenated – Taipei Times", "City officials, Neihu residents welcome Tzu Chi retreat from project – The China Post", "Tzu Chi buildings spark protests – Taipei Times", "Tzu Chi needs more transparency in charity work – The China Post", "Tzu Chi in Tainan school land rental subsidy controversy|WantChinaTimes.com", "Tzu Chi has admitted errors; it's time for compassion|WantChinaTimes.com", "Tzu Chi Foundation urged to publish detailed donation list", "Religion in Taiwan: When Faith and Money Collide", "Life of the 'Mother Teresa of Asia' | Olbios", "50 Years of Tzu Chi: Looking Back and Striding Forward", "Frequently Asked Questions about Tzu Chi", "Tzu Chi Opens China's 1st Overseas NGO Office", "Atheist China gives nod to Taiwan Buddhist group", "Jets lift life-saving aid materials to Sichuan", "Mainland authorities give approval to Tzu Chi – Tzu Chi team scheduled to depart tomorrow or the day after to join the relief effort", "In Departure, China Invites Outside Help", "Taiwan Buddhist Charity Tzu Chi Sets Up Shop in Atheist China", "Annual Statistics on the Schools Rebuilt by Tzu Chi", "Tzu Chi's medical care for the survivors after Typhoon Nepartak in Taiwan", "Tzu Chi Begins Relief Work in Southeast Taiwan After Typhoon", "Liu, Announces Buddhist Tzu Chi Donation Of $10 Million", "Buddhists come to aid of officers hit by Harvey", "Appreciation Turns To Frustration For Some Harvey Evacuees In Dallas", "Buddhist organization Tzu Chi distributing humanitarian relief in Houston after Hurricane Harvey", "The Tzu Chi Foundation Finds Good Karma in Disaster Relief and Preparedness", "Taiwan Buddhists transform plastic waste", "Tzu Chi said to steal from poor – Taipei Times", "Taiwan turns plastic junk into blankets, dolls", "Visit to the Tzu Chi Foundation in Taiwan – The Manila Times Online", "Tzu Chi Foundation: Let's hear it for amazing Buddhist responders", "Tzu Chi Local Chapters and Associations", "Tzu Chi Collegiate Association (Singapore)", Review: Yu-Shuang Yao, Taiwan's Tzu Chi as Engaged Buddhism: Origins, Organization, Appeal and Social Impact, Global Oriental 2012, Modernization and Traditionalism in Buddhist Almsgiving: The Case of the Buddhist Compassion Relief Tzu-chi Association in Taiwan, TzuChi, Serving with Compassion (English Guideline), https://en.wikipedia.org/w/index.php?title=Tzu_Chi&oldid=1000379978, Religious organizations established in 1966, Articles which use infobox templates with no data rows, Articles containing traditional Chinese-language text, Articles with unsourced statements from September 2014, Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike License, Buddhist Compassion Relief Tzu Chi Foundation, Taiwan, No participation in political activities or demonstrations, This page was last edited on 14 January 2021, at 21:23. [65][66][67] In 2016, the organization distributed in the United States over $2 million in cash cards to disaster victims. Celebrations during Tzu Chi Day include the bathing of the Buddha ceremony, the tradition's message is that it is the people that need cleansing before they become better individuals. Tzu Chi cultivates mindful education, following Master Cheng Yen's philosophy of nurturing and instilling humanistic qualities in children under a comprehensive education system from pre-school all the way to tertiary education. [61], Tzu Chi was also active in providing aid after Typhoon Nepartak struck Taiwan in 2016, providing relief supplies, rebuilding communities, and providing medical care through its medical support staff in Taimali, Taiwan which have been holding medical outreach free clinics in the area since 2006.[62][63]. With close to 170 offices/contact points across Malaysia and 20,000-strong volunteer base, Tzu Chi Malaysia has rendered aid to tens of thousands of underprivileged individuals and families in the spirit of Great … Doa dan Harapan Menjelang Bedah Rumah . The later was done despite poor relations between the governments of the two countries. News and Updates. 47 talking about this. Cheng Yen has referred to relief work in China as "Building a Bridge of Love." Tzu Chi's involvement in the People's Republic of China began in 1991, when it undertook relief operations after severe floods hit central and eastern China. Download PDF. over 5,400 Tzu Chi recycling stations in Taiwan and mobilizing over 80,000 Tzu Chi 8 Smith et al. And finally, the organization is officially a charitable organization and Tzu Chi itself focuses primarily on humanitarianism and community service rather than Buddhist spiritual development. People in this group do community services such as free clinics, soup kitchens, and nursery homes. With the growing discussion on social media, many public figures start to cast other doubts on Tzu Chi’s operation. In the 1990s the organization started major international disaster relief efforts. Followers believe that these "seeds" are required for flowers to bloom and bear fruit, or in other words, that a better society can be created with good actions and pure thoughts. With chapters at universities worldwide, its goal is to allow university students (known as Tzu Ching or 慈青, literally "compassionate youth") to be involved with Tzu Chi's activities. The project collects about 2,000 tons of plastic bottles each year. … Buddhist Compassion Relief Tzu Chi Foundation, Republic of China, known for short as the Tzu Chi Foundation (Chinese: 慈濟基金會; pinyin: Cí Jì jījīn huì; lit. [68] As of 2015, Tzu Chi has provided disaster relief aid to over 85 countries worldwide.[69]. A significant fraction of funds raised by Tzu Chi revolves around environmentally friendly goals in encouraging the recycling of items such as water bottles as well as using reusable items or reusing items to reduce waste. The organization builds and operates many hospitals and schools, with outreach efforts that range from visits to nursing homes to providing bone marrow surgery, as well as offering items such as washing machines to struggling single mothers. As a result of this appeal, public support for body donations surged nationwide. [48], In March 2008, Tzu Chi became the first organization represented by a non-Mainland resident to be registered with the Chinese government. Ground was broken on the site eventually chosen on 5 February 1983 at a ceremony officiated by then Provincial Governor (later President) Lee Teng-Hui. As one user accused, The founder recruited doctors not based on merit, but by how much they enact “appreciation” to the founder… once when the founder visited a hospital in Hsin-Chu, when she exited the car, the doctors would kneel as a sign of invitation…. With a sustained public attention on Tzu Chi’s controversy, people started to provide more cases indicating a potential scandal may be taking place. Cheng Yen is considered to be one of the "Four Heavenly Kings" of Taiwanese Buddhism, and Tzu Chi itself is considered to be one of the "Four Great Mountains", or four major Buddhist organizations of Taiwan along with Fo Guang Shan, Dharma Drum Mountain, and Chung Tai Shan. Each year an international Tzu Ching officer training retreat camp is held at the foundation headquarters in Hualien. Nutritious Food Maintains Good Health at Tzu Chi’s San Gabriel Back-to-School Distribution. In comparison to the past, the Tzu Chi controversy has gathered a lot more attention. Tzu Chi Medical Journal, Taiwan Lower urinary tract symptoms (LUTS) are highly prevalent in men and increase with age. However, the hosts at one of the premiere politics talk shows quitted in response to Tzu Chi’s press conference, claiming that “Tzu Chi has controlled the media to show only the good sides”. Since then, the foundation has built schools, nursing homes and entire villages, including infrastructure in poor inland areas, such as Guizhou province. The organization began with a motto of "instructing the rich and saving the poor" as a group of thirty housewives who saved fifty cents (US$0.02) every day and stored them in bamboo savings banks to donate to needy families. Tzu Chi was founded in 1966 in Hualien where it remains based, but is now operating in 47 countries around the world. [83], Jing Si Books & Café is a chain of non-profit bookstores and cafes operated by Tzu Chi offering Tzu Chi merchandise and publications by Cheng Yen.[84]. "Tzu Chi Day" is celebrated every year on the second Sunday of May which generally coincides with the Buddha's birthday (Vesak Day), and Mother's Day (as recognised in Taiwan). Feel free to share content with the community. The Flushing branch, which has 2,000 volunteers, has flourished in the area by visiting hospitals and nursing homes, shoveling snow, street cleaning, helping the homeless, and offering classes in Chinese culture, language, and philosophy. Tzu Chi was also active in providing aid following the 2015 Nepal earthquake. It is interesting to see how there is a symbiotic growth between the discussions on PTT.cc and public figures’ Facebook posts. Nun Tzu-Hui Shu, the spokesperson for Tzu Chi, wrote a post on Facebook denouncing Mayor Ko “returned evil for good” and his actions will ultimately suffer “divine consequences”. [13][42] Cheng Yen referred to the concept of bone marrow donation as a way to "save a life without harming yourself. and also has sutra adaptations through the use of sign language on the Sutra of the Innumerable Meanings, which teaches that sentient existence is challenging and filled with disasters in the absence of observations of virtue, as well as the Sutra of the Water Repentance, which advocates and symbolizes the need to repent karmic transgressions. The Tzu Chi General Hospital is on the right, The usual set up for the Tzu Chi 3-in-1 Celebration (浴佛典禮), Tzu Chi Culture and Communication building, Tzu Chi's portfolios include case management, medical, educational and disaster relief.[70]. aDepartment of Urology, Cardinal Tien Hospital and Fu-Jen Catholic University, New Taipei, Taiwan, bDepartment of Urology, Buddhist Tzu Chi General Hospital and Tzu Chi University, Hualien, Taiwan http://www.tzuchi.org.tw/index.php?option=com_content&view=section&layout=blog&id=60&Itemid=731&lang=zh [13][14][15], The foundation achieved much media attention in Taiwan in 2015 with a plan to develop a plot of land in Neihu District into a disaster relief center and cultural park which led to the destruction of parts of the Neihu conservation zone. The public onslaught ensued, with more users on PTT.cc producing accusations, claiming Tzu Chi’s portfolio includes foreign stocks, along with notorious companies such as Monsanto. 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