His variety was inexhaustible, and he remains to this day a model whom the most distinguished artists are proud to imitate. The large employment of cast iron is comparatively modern, in England at least only dating from the i 6th century; it is not, however, incapable of artistic treatment if due regard be paid to the necessities of casting, and if no attempt is made to imitate the fine-drawn lightness to which wrought iron so readily lends itself. Meaning of imitates. Does Art Imitate Life? 3 Parrots imitate human speech. If they are not, the sentence is imposed. To this day, many people will take it among themselves to imitate the actions Gary takes in the video. Definition of imitates in the Definitions.net dictionary. imitate definition: 1. to behave in a similar way to someone or something else, or to copy the speech or behaviour…. It has a strong musky odour, exceedingly disagreeable to those unaccustomed to it, but "when properly diluted and combined with other scents it produces a very pleasing effect, and possesses a much more floral fragrance than musk, indeed it would be impossible to imitate some flowers without it.". Michael Jackson:When you try to imitate Michael, it's all about the glove and the suit. They will imitate good eating habits they see practiced by their parents, but they can also be easily swayed by television commercials for junk food. Question. This website uses cookies to improve your experience while you navigate through the website. Learn more. Imitate definition is - to follow as a pattern, model, or example. The threat of Chrtien Francois de Lamoignon, keeper of the seals, to imitate Maupeou, aroused public opinion and caused a fresh confederation of the parlements of the kingdom. Other members of the same family - like Araneus coccinella, and Paraplectana thorntoni- imitate beetles of the family Coccinellidae which are known to be distasteful; and certain genera of the family Salticidae (Homalattus and Rhanis) closely resemble small hard-shelled beetles. Imitate means "to copy or fashion oneself after.". Find more ways to say imitate, along with related words, antonyms and example phrases at Thesaurus.com, the world's most trusted free thesaurus. Copyright © 2020 LoveToKnow. There are two forms of sentencing in the United States determinate and indeterminate. For example, “TIL: Vatican City is the smallest country in the world.” For example, Lone Star Candle Supply sells oils that imitate scents from Bath & Body Works and Victoria’s Secret. By clicking “Accept”, you consent to the use of ALL the cookies. Three verbs that mean similar things: charge, convict, and sentence.They appear in the news constantly, but do you know what each term actually describes? When Mr Bowles saw it in autumn it was so full of flower that it looked like a graceful spout of white spray, and as though it was trying to imitate some of the wonderful effects of the sea-wash on stormy days. 2 James can imitate his father perfectly. The first thing I had to do was imitate the Australian twang - something that lingers in my voice to this day. Toddlers are highly imaginative and love to imitate adults. In these exercises you will become aware of meaningful divisions within sentences, an awareness you’ll need to imitate model sentences. , There are many musicians that have tried to imitate the unique sound of artists in the past, though they usually add their own twist as well. Sentence with the word imitate. Posted Apr 11, 2011 Benjamin (American Machinist, 1898) on castiron pulleys loaded by a belt to imitate the conditions in practice led him to the conclusion that the rim is usually not sufficiently rigid to load the arms equally, and that the ends of the arms are subjected to bending movements of opposite sign, that at the nave being almost invariably the greater. Learn more. Seeking to imitate the shattered look of those pieces, women took to their sewing baskets and sewed random pieces of fabric together in haphazard ways, decorating all the sewing lines with intricate embroidery. What does it mean when your 13 year old only imitates one parent and did not do this when she was younger. • EMULATE (verb) The verb EMULATE has 3 senses:. Collins says, If you imitate someone, you copy what they do or produce. Examples of initiate in a Sentence. imitate opened it and he's standing there (imitating breathless Japanese accent) ' Tom Verlaine! To let your partner know you enjoyed it, you can imitate what he or she has just done. They imitate sounds, enjoy hearing their own voice, recognize parents, fear strangers, distinguish between animate and inanimate objects, and base distance on the size of an object. It is wrong and even reckless to blindly imitate the west in everything. People still imitate German accents that they hear in WWII films, although modern Germans do not speak like this anymore. As the Greek and Roman methods of computing time were connected with certain pagan rites and observances which the Christians held in abhorrence, the latter began at an early period to imitate the Jews in reckoning their years from the supposed period of the creation of the world. imitate which allows them to acquire culture in this way. You will learn that authors compose their sentences one “chunk” or meaningful sentence part at a time. Banisters carved to imitate fer forge were as fine as the additional classical cornices were grand. When someone gives a command (the imperative), they usually do not use a subject. Electrical studies seem next to have engaged his attention, and in 1771 and 1772 he read to the Royal Society his "Attempt to explain some of the principal phenomena of electricity by an elastic fluid," which was followed in 1775 by an "Attempt to imitate the effects of the Torpedo (a fish allied to the ray)" (Phil. “He goes out onto his baseball field, spins around second base, and looks back at the academy. Sun Spa produces its own branded products to its own high quality designs using its own team of designers - others merely imitate. and then she started using .. after sentences? In recent years there has been quite a craze for the Polish or Check heavily weighted nymphs that imitate free-swimming caddis larvae. Faux painting techniques were designed to imitate marble and wood-grains for low-cost decorating. It simply indicates that you are using writing as a way to think—to discover your point. Asked 5/2/2016 11:46:14 AM . An example of this is setCellFactory() and setCellValueFactory().If you have nothing to initialize, then you do not need to put an initialize() method in your controller class.. It is bad taste to imitate the tracery of the ductile wrought iron in cast designs, the foliations of ancient wrought-iron grilles and screens in heavy cast iron. It is not possible to enumerate here even the principal styles of ishime, but mention may be made of the zara-maki (broad-cast), in which the surface is finely but irregularly pitted after the manner of the face of a stone; the nashi-ji (pear-ground), in which we have a surface like the rind of a pear; the hari-ishime (needle ishime), where the indentations are so minute that they seem to have been made with the point of a needle; the gama-ishime, which is intended to imitate the skin of a toad; the tsuya-ishime, produced with a chisel sharpened so that its traces have a lustrous appearance; the ore-liuchi (broken-tool), a peculiar kind obtained with a jagged tool; and the gozam, which resembles the plaited surface of a fine straw mat. While some dating games online imitate the format of the television show, others are quite different. rhodium plated to imitate a two part ring. Foxes, too, and badger are dyed a brownish black, and white hairs inserted to imitate silver fox, but the white hairs are too coarse and the colour too dense to mislead any one who knows the real article. Sentence imitation begins with selecting a mentor sentence from a piece of literature or student exemplar for the writer to imitate. Plant houses must both exclude local weather and imitate foreign climates: arid deserts, Amazonian jungle, tundra, alpine meadow. Sometimes Lepidoptera mimic protected members of other orders of insects - such as Coleoptera, Hymenoptera and Hemiptera; but perhaps the most singular illustrations of the phenomenon known in the order are exemplified by the larvae of the hawk-moth Chaerocampa, which imitate the heads of snakes. A replica handbag is a product that is manufactured to imitate the style and appearance of a renowned brand name. Some stores offer a "test range" where you can "test drive" goggles, either on your bike in a controlled area or by simulating different conditions with assorted light bulbs and electric fans to imitate wind. There is one apparent exception to this – the imperative. I seek to imitate the modern Socrates," he wrote to a school friend, " not in talents, but in way of living. Directions (Part One): From each pair of sentences below, select the sentence that is divided into meaningful chunks and copy it on your paper. This answer has been confirmed as correct and helpful. You may choose to imitate a fragrance already on the market, or you may want to create a custom blend of your favorite scents. What is the function of an interrogative sentence? SYNONYMY NOTE: imitate implies the following of something as an example or model but does not necessarily connote exact correspondence with the original [the child imitates the father's mannerisms]; copy implies as nearly exact imitation or reproduction as is possible [to copy a painting]; mimic suggests close imitation, often in fun or ridicule [to mimic the speech peculiarities of another]; … Example sentences with the word to. We use cookies on our website to give you the most relevant experience by remembering your preferences and repeat visits. A sentence like He tried to emulate her is repeating itself: He tried to try to be as good as she was. Dictionary entry overview: What does emulate mean? Directions (Part One):From each pair of sentences below, select the sentence that is divided into meaningful chunks and copy it on your … A sentence is a group of words that are put together to mean something. Art does not imitate, but interpret. , $MMT = window.$MMT || {}; $MMT.cmd = $MMT.cmd || [];$MMT.cmd.push(function(){ $MMT.display.slots.push(["45ba4f61-76ac-4b3d-94d4-c9019d2ebe3c"]); }), $MMT = window.$MMT || {}; $MMT.cmd = $MMT.cmd || [];$MMT.cmd.push(function(){ $MMT.display.slots.push(["418b1e7b-a189-47b4-952a-43e52a926ad5"]); }), $MMT = window.$MMT || {}; $MMT.cmd = $MMT.cmd || [];$MMT.cmd.push(function(){ $MMT.display.slots.push(["9b588b9a-598a-47f4-bc83-ba2fd303e5df"]); }). And are true stories all the rage at the movies? I think it means they get paid $2000 before tax and insurance are deducted. Abdalaziz did his best to imitate his grandfather Omar in all things, and especially in maintaining the simple manner of life of the early Moslems. It’s also frequently placed at the start of a sentence, immediately preceding the brand new piece of information. to imitate and copy; strive to equal or excel. What does initiate mean? How to use to in a sentence. In this respect, as in many others, the gentlemen Anarchists fully imitate the bourgeois liberals. The growing disposition of the bourgeois and artisan classes, not in the large towns only, to imitate the intellectuals in desiring to live in closer touch with the rest of Europe as regards social, economic, scientific and political progress, embittered the struggle between the forces of Liberalism and those of Catholicism, powerfully entrenched in the affections of the women and the illiterate masses of the peasantry. He was, however, born in the midst of wealth; thus frugality became asceticism, and in so far as he demanded the same rigour from his relatives, he grew unjust and caused uneasiness and discontent. What Happens When You Appeal a Sentence in Your Case? Get Answers from a Lawyer. Weak enforcement of intellectual protection laws enabled domestic producers to reverse engineer and imitate foreign technologies with little fear of prosecution. Do you need to confront an issue or a person in your life rather than burying your head in the sand? The structure of a paragraph should imitate the organization of a paper. Mirror neurons are "monkey see, monkey do" components in the brain that help people imitate and empathize with others. It behooves the judicious gardener, then, not to be too slavish in his attempts to imitate natural conditions, and to bear in mind that such attempts sometimes end in failure. In Galicia the extreme party, ism in Oa- headed by Smolka, had always desired to imitate the licia and Czechs and not attend at Vienna; they were outvoted, Bohemia, but all parties agreed on a declaration in which the final demands of the Poles were drawn up;' they asked that the powers of the Galician diet should be much increased, and that the members from Galicia should cease to attend the Reichsrath on the discussion of those matters with which the Galician diet should be qualified to deal. imagine early hominids who, for good biological reasons, gained the ability to imitate each other and to develop simple language. Agate ware: In the 1680's John Dwight of Fulham had used different clays mixed together to imitate agate ware: In the 1680's John Dwight of Fulham had used different clays mixed together to imitate agate. This Theodosius was sternly rebuked by Ambrose for the massacre of 7000 persons at Thessalonica in 390, and was bidden imitate David in his repentance as he had imitated him in guilt. noun Word forms: plural copies 1. an imitation or reproduction of an original 2. If you think you might never be able to fully imitate MJ's dancing, check out this Billie Jean impersonation that includes flawless moonwalking. At this time also his gift as a preacher became fully recognized, and de Sanzea, afterwards bishop of Bethlehem, records that Duval exhorted all his students of the Sorbonne to listen to him and to imitate this, "the true and excellent method of preaching.". His subjects were ordered to worship him under the name of Zeus; he built a bridge of brass, over which he drove at full speed in his chariot to imitate thunder, the effect being heightened by dried skins and caldrons trailing behind, while torches were thrown into the air to represent lightning. So, $2000 - (tax + insurance) = net pay |@Kimauto It means minus. On the Gold Coast a leopard hunter who has killed his victim is carried round the town behind the body of the leopard; he may not speak, must besmear himself so as to look like a leopard and imitate its movements. Also known as modeling. This category only includes cookies that ensures basic functionalities and security features of the website. to follow or endeavor to follow as a model or example: to imitate an author's style; to imitate an older brother. . ' The image was called Daedale, and the ritual was explained by a myth: Hera had left Zeus in her anger; in order to win her back, Zeus announced that he was about to marry, and dressed up a puppet to imitate a bride; Hera met the procession, tore the veil from the false bride, and, on discovering the ruse, became reconciled to her husband. A conviction doesn't have to mean game over for your case. His eyes seemed to be trying to imitate a lizard and swivel in opposite The sand castle should be tan to imitate real sand castles you see at the beach. Build each sentence one small part at a time. There are those that say that it can be said that some art is so beautiful and so unique, it can be used as a model for life to strive to be more like. He landed also at Delos, and there he and his comrades danced the crane dance, the complicated movements of which were meant to imitate the windings of the Labyrinth.'. To this category belong Myrmarachne plataleoides, one of the Salticidae, and Amyciaea forticeps, one of the Thomisidae, which in India imitate and live with the vicious little red ant (Oecophylla smaragdina); also Myrmarachne providens, which mimics the red and black Indian ant (Sima rufonigra); and the South American species of Clubionidae, e.g. imago, perhaps from the same root as imitari, copy, imitate), in general, a copy, representation, exact counterpart of something else. EXX vL-e v, to imitate the Greeks, who were known as "EXX vEr, after "EXX77v, the son of Deucalion). Today I took an English test , in which I was asked to choose between assimilate and imitate as a word which closely resembles the phrase ‘to make a copy of’. Then I would imitate the acts of cutting the slices and buttering them. A balanced sentence includes two or more parts equal in structure, which means that the parts are parallel. she was like 'chea..' im like u gonna be on later she said 'yea . In breaking in new recruits they should be set to imitate expert workmen in all the details possible. By nine months, infants can imitate gestures and actions, experiment with the physical properties of objects, understand simple words such as "no," and understand that an object still exists even when they cannot see it. They were not painted to imitate plaster, instead they were sealed with a clear coat in order to prevent the tin from corroding. Ultimately, children imitate each others' clothing styles, and camouflage clothing items are no exception. She was just diagnosed with aspergers this year. Find more ways to say imitate, along with related words, antonyms and example phrases at Thesaurus.com, the world's most trusted free thesaurus. They key is to follow -rather than work against- the toddler's natural inclinations to explore, expand and imitate. 170. | Meaning, pronunciation, translations and examples Superbass 4.4 is the latest bass synth to imitate the classic acid house sound of the TB-303 at a cheaper price. Option to opt-out of these cookies may have an effect on your website navigate through the.! Imagine early hominids who, for good biological reasons, gained the ability to imitate human... Make sure that it gets done|In this context it means they get paid $ 2000 before and. Facts of your situation fictional characters seem real, but imitating you is vile. A great squad do their routines and then simply imitate what a Prophet did more than a thousand ago... Remembering your preferences and repeat visits ) Pretend to sweep with a idea. Is obvious - the subject because it is mandatory to procure user consent to! Imitate model sentences depending on the facts of your situation a complete.. 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