"I will shake the heavens ... earth ... sea ... and dry land ..." We hold these words to be unequivocally a reference to the final Judgment that shall close the age of probation for the human race. Similarly, Jesus, the true Messiah, was the true "Son of David," a title held by Zerubbabel only by accommodation. Even including the vine, the fig tree, the pomegranate and the olive tree, it has not borne fruit. "[1], "Speak now to Zerubbabel, the son of Shealtiel, governor of Judah, and to Joshua the son of Jehozadak, the High Priest, and to the remnant of the people, saying, Who is left among you that saw this house in its former glory? The whole nation was defiled through their long neglect of sacred duty and the two generations of contact with Babylonian paganism. And now, I pray you, consider from this day and backward, before a stone was laid upon a stone in the temple of Jehovah.". The fact of Haggai's apparent mingling of the two events is no problem at all. Well, how about the Med-fly in California this very day? "I smote you with blasting and mildew and with hail in all the work of your hands; yet ye turned not to me, saith Jehovah.". It is competent in exegetical detail of a reformed nature, explaining much in the books, but disappointing … (10-19) The kingdom of Christ foretold. (1-11) He promises God's assistance to them. . The Red Horse of the Apocalypse did not make a foray into the earth and then go back to heaven! THIRD PROPHECY. . . "[4] The chief physical shortcoming, it appears, would have been in the height of the building. Zerubbabel is seen as a type of Christ in that, "He led the people out of Babylonian bondage, as Christ would lead his people out of the bondage of sin. a signet--( Solomon 8:6 , Jeremiah 22:24 ). Appropriated from Amos 4:9 , whose canonicity is thus sealed by Haggai's inspired authority; in the last clause, "turned," however, has to be supplied, its omission marking by the elliptical abruptness ("yet ye not to Me!") The glory of this latter house . Then said Haggai, If one that is unclean by reason of a dead body touch any of these, shall it be unclean? "[27] And, of course, both the Matthew and Lucan genealogies show that this was exactly fulfilled. The lesson Haggai sought to bring out by this line of questioning was understood by Gill, as follows: Haggai's application of this principle to the returned Israelites was this: (1) they had erected an altar to God on the old location and had begun to build the temple. 2 After Jesus was born in Bethlehem 1 in Judea, in the time 2 of King Herod, 3 wise men 4 from the East came to Jerusalem 5 2 saying, “Where is the one who is born king of the Jews? As long as a substantial proportion of a nation are God-fearing, honest, Christ-worshipping people, the land prospers, much of the prosperity spilling over to bless blatant and unrepentant sinners; but when the character of a whole nation is changed, the blessings of God are invariably withheld. "[24], "Then answered Haggai and said, So is this people and so is this nation before me, saith Jehovah; and so is every work of their hands; and that which they offer there is unclean. Greater glory promised to the second temple than to the first. Proud member But Vulgate confirms English Version. We have already seen that the true meaning of all that Haggai said was that the glory of Christianity should far outshine the glory of Judaism. . On the other hand, a legally "unclean" person imparts his uncleanness to any thing, whereas a legally holy thing cannot confer its sanctity on an "unclean" person ( Numbers 19:11 Numbers 19:13 Numbers 19:22 ). As Barnes said, "This implies that there were those among them who had seen the first house in its glory, yet but few. This is a most important distinction. Legal sanctity is not so readily communicated as legal impurity. yea, the vine, and the fig-tree, and the pomegranate, and the olive-tree have not brought forth; from this day will I bless you. (Significantly, Haggai here connected the very class of disasters modern man likes to explain solely upon the basis of "natural causes" as judgmental in character.). "The precious things of all nations shall come; and I will fill this house with glory ..." To limit this to the Final Judgment would apply the words to the Holy City coming down out of heaven into which the kings of the earth shall bring their treasure (Revelation 21:21). The "good tidings of great joy" were "to all people" ( Luke 2:10 ). Is the seed yet in the barn?--implying, It is not. God blesses those who put His house first from holy lives (2:10-14). So Hebrews 12:26 , which quotes this passage; the apostle compares the heavier punishment which awaits the disobedient under the New Testament with that which met such under the Old Testament. But when two nouns stand together, of which one is governed by the other, the verb agrees sometimes in number with the latter, though it really has the former as its nominative, that is, the Hebrew "come" is made in number to agree with "nations," though really agreeing with "the desire." Go up to the mountains; cut the timber, and get on with the work, now! 17. Those employed for God may be driven from their work by a storm, yet they must go back to it. Not only did the kings of the earth aid the Jews in the building of their Second Temple, but in the days of Herod the Great, that monarch did indeed spend the vast resources of his whole kingdom in the most costly and extravagant decorations of it. All human kingdoms are founded upon false values; and sin, injustice, oppression, and exploitation at last mar the image of the best of them. The first is the final advent of Christ in the final judgment. and how do ye see it now? the priests--Propose this question to them on the law. 2 In the seventh month, in the one and twentieth day of the month, came the word of the Lord by the prophet Haggai, saying, 2 Speak now to Zerubbabel the son of Shealtiel, governor of Judah, and to Joshua the son of Josedech, the high priest, and to the residue of the people, saying, All is ascribed, not to the merits of Zerubbabel, but to God's gratuitous choice. Paul condenses together the two verses of Haggai ( Haggai 2:6 Haggai 2:7 , and Haggai 2:21 Haggai 2:22 ), implying that it was one and the same shaking, of which the former verses of Haggai denote the beginning, the latter the end. Haggai 2:7 plainly connects the filling of God's house with glory to the prior fact of the "Desire of all nations" having been brought into it; and "the desirable things" of all nations such as their wealth, their gold and silver, could not in any sense be viewed as "the glory" of God's house. "And I will shake all nations ..." This beginning of Haggai 2:7 is not necessarily to be understood as a part of the prophecy of the Last Day, although, of course, the nations of men will indeed be "shaken up" by the events of that terminal Assize, when "all the tribes of the earth shall mourn over Him ... and cry for the rocks and the mountains to hide them." The reference is to the manner of God's looking upon "time." Their prophets warned them, but to no avail. Even so, "the proportions were not greatly inferior to those of the first temple. Commentary Critical and Explanatory on the Whole Bible, California - Do Not Sell My Personal Information. The continuity of the prophecies of the Messiah, reaching all the way back to Genesis 3:15 demanded the continuity of Israel. God's love and tenderness for his people was unbounded. A very similar thing was done by Malachi who stated that Elijah would come "before the great and notable day of the Lord" (Malachi 4:5), which prophecy had no reference whatever to literal Elijah, dead and buried for centuries, but on the other hand was a prophecy of John the Baptist who would come "in the spirit and power" of Elijah. In the cosmic view, it will indeed be but a short time until God concludes the affairs of men. Any true understanding of God's unwavering and continued mercies to Israel must take such things into account. The transitoriness of all that is earthly should lead men to seek "peace" in Messiah's everlasting kingdom ( Haggai 2:9 , Hebrews 12:27 Hebrews 12:28 ) [MOORE]. That kind of a kingdom was their idea, not God's; and, as a consequence, they arrogantly forsook their true religion, rebelled against God, forsook his holy law, and became as reprobate as the heathen; whereupon God destroyed their beloved worldly kingdoms which the people had come to idolize. A note in the Douay Version states: "This promise relates to Christ who was of the race of Zerubbabel. "Peace ..." The RSV and other versions have rendered this word "prosperity" for no compelling reason; and again we are compelled to find fault with this type of tampering with the Word of God. They are yearning for solutions, wisdom, power, understanding, vision, and love, and He is all those things. . In the first and the last of these, one finds two prophecies of the kingdom of our Lord Jesus Christ. that saw . This peace begins by the removal of the difficulty in the way of the just God accepting the guilty ( Psalms 85:8 Psalms 85:10 , Isaiah 9:6 Isaiah 9:7 , 53:5 , Zechariah 6:13 , 2 Corinthians 5:18 2 Corinthians 5:19 ); then it creates peace in the sinner's own heart ( Isaiah 57:19 , Acts 10:36 , Romans 5:1 , 14:17 , Ephesians 2:13-17 , Philippians 4:7 ); then peace in the whole earth ( Micah 5:5 , Luke 2:14 ). Some have interpreted the passage to mean that God would topple powers, governments, institutions, and social systems; but that is what he promised to do in Haggai 2:7 (the very next verse), where he declared, "And I will shake all nations!" (Baldwin) 2. This was allowed to be "holiness." Regardless of that ultimate fulfillment, there were many lesser and more immediate fulfillments of this part of the promise. 1-3. We do not need to suppose for a moment that Haggai grasped the full import of God's Word which came through him. So also early Jewish Rabbis before JEROME'S time. 3Adapted from Carol L. Meyers and Eric M. Meyers, Haggai, Zechariah 1—8, p. xxxi. SECOND PROPHECY. Being worn on the finger, it was an object of constant regard. 5. The inspiration of Haggai and Zechariah at this time was a specimen of the presence of God's Spirit remaining still with His people, as He had been with Moses and Israel of old ( Ezra 5:1 , Isaiah 63:11 ). 4 Dr. Constable's Notes on Haggai 2020 Edition 561-60 Release of exiled king Jehoiachin Haggai 2:19. Yes, the altar they had erected upon the original site, in conformity to God's law, was "holy", but the sinful nation (continuing in their neglect of sacred duty) were unholy still, and, therefore, the very sacrifices they offered were themselves unholy through contamination by contact with the sinful nation. "David's secure throne (that of Christ) is here contrasted with the tottering dynasties of the world."[28]. Well, that is a very small thing; and holiness is not that contagious! fill this house with glory--( Haggai 2:9 ). The Jews, and those in the adjoining nations instructed by them, looked for Shiloh to come unto whom the gathering of the people was to be, from Jacob's prophecy ( Genesis 49:10 ). ", Zerubbabel stands in this passage as a type of the Messiah; and as "the only son of David" known to the world of that day, Haggai's use of his name is a prophecy that, in time, the "Son of David," who is Christ the Lord would fulfil the prophecy. (After construction had promptly begun and the outline of the new Temple began to appear.) Compare "(let him come) unto Me!" The same date as Prophecy III ( Haggai 2:10 ). . Bible Commentary Haggai. ", "I will shake the heavens ... earth ... sea ... and dry land ...", "The precious things of all nations shall come; and I will fill this house with glory ...", "In this place will I give peace, saith Jehovah of hosts ...", "Ask now the priests concerning the law...", "Consider from this day and backward ...", "I will shake the heavens and the earth ...", "I will overthrow the throne of kingdoms ...". . This is cited to illustrate the principle, that a sacrifice, holy, as enveloping divine things (just as the "skirt" is "holy" which envelops "holy" flesh), cannot by its inherent or opus operatum efficacy make holy a person whose disobedience, as that of the Jew while neglecting God's house, made him unholy. "Six hundred talents of gold ($10,000,000.00) were used in overlaying the Holy of Holies alone. "Every one by the sword of his brother ..." That is the "modus operandi" of the divine will. Verse-by-Verse Bible Commentary Haggai 2:13. "[8] This is quite obviously the same construction that the author of Hebrews placed upon the passage. Let's have none of that nonsense about the time not being ripe; do you suppose the times are ripe for you to live in your nice houses while the house of God lies in ruins ? Is the seed still in the barn? The prophecy of Revelation further reveals that from the moment of Satan's being cast out of heaven and down to earth until the consummation of all things is but a "short time" (Revelation 12:12). (2) Israel, in the sense of the whole nation, "was utterly unclean (as in Haggai 2:13) on account of its neglect of the house of the Lord, like a man who has become unclean through touching a corpse. You, the Bible, and the Holy Spirit are priority in interpretation. Affliction will harden the heart, if not referred to God as its author [Moore]. Not in man's "might," but in that of God's Spirit ( Zechariah 4:6 ). Some have estimated the cost of Solomon's Temple somewhere between three and five billion dollars! Keil and Delitzsch Biblical Commentary on the Old Testament "For thus saith Jehovah of hosts, Once more, in a short time it comes to pass, I shake heaven and earth, and the sea, and the dry. Concerning the former, compare Matthew 3:17 , 27:51 , 28:2 , Acts 2:2 , 4:31 ; concerning the latter, Matthew 24:7 , Revelation 16:20 , 18:20 , 20:11 [BENGEL]. The kingdoms of the world are but the scaffolding for God's spiritual temple, to be thrown down when their purpose is accomplished. It should be noted here that military terminology dominates this passage: "strength of nations," "chariots," "horses," and "sword." . God will shake the heavens and the earth and overthrow all the kingdoms of men, "every one by the sword of his brother." It should be observed that in the first event prophesied here, "the heavens" also are to be shaken. Here he applies the two cases just stated. You people seem to have another objection, claiming that you are entitled to God's blessings already, because you have erected an altar and make sacrifices to God. Hence ye may perceive the evils of disobedience and the blessing of obedience. God overthrew kingdoms in the times of Haggai, and soon thereafter, and has continued to overthrow kingdoms ever since. Zerubbabel will be a signet ring to God. Before leaving this wonderful Messianic prophecy, we must call attention to the rendition of the KJV in Haggai 2:7, which reads: In every way, this translation is far more suitable than subsequent renditions. 23. take thee--under My protection and to promote thee and thy people to honor ( Psalms 78:70 ). Ask . The second, "the shaking of all nations" is the kind of upheaval among governments and societies that some suppose is meant by the first series of expressions. "<26a> "The meaning is that the Messianic descent was to come through Zerubbabel, of the line of David, just as it did through David himself. We may trust God's promise to bless us, though we see no visible sign of its fulfilment ( Habakkuk 2:3 ). The necessity of punishing them and removing them from the land which they had forfeited by disobedience was an occasion for heartbreak, even on the part of God Himself. Contrary to what any human could have supposed, the king (Cyrus) of the enslaving power freed them, ordered their return to Palestine and the rebuilding of the house of their God! Note also the deduction in Hebrews to the effect that the second "shaking" is to be infinitely more violent than the first, even to the extent of removing the material things that are shaken. 7. shake--not convert; but cause that agitation which is to precede Messiah's coming as the healer of the nations' agitations. The sum of these two rules of the law is, that sin is more easily learned from others than holiness. Thus, Haggai's "little while" is the same as John's "little time," and "short time." David Guzik commentary on Haggai 2 declares the second word from God: the glory of the new temple, and the third: clean and unclean. In practically all of the prophets, even in the Christ himself, this mingling of the twin themes of Judgment and Salvation is a recurring phenomenon. Speaking of the glory of that first Temple, it must indeed have been a magnificent splendor. 2:7. . There could hardly be a more vivid picture of the covenant promise. Then Haggai said, "If one who is unclean from a corpse touches any of these, will the latter become unclean?" It is that "peace" mentioned at the conclusion of Haggai 2:9. Or, "it is yet only a little while"; literally, "one little," that is, a single brief space till a series of movements is to begin; namely, the shakings of nations soon to begin which are to end in the advent of Messiah, "the desire of all nations" [MOORE]. According to the word that--literally, "(I am with you) the word (or thing) which I covenanted"; that is, I am with you as I covenanted with you when ye came out of Egypt ( Exodus 19:5 Exodus 19:6 , Exodus 34:10 Exodus 34:11 ). How does one view this? Haggai held up for all men to see it who will, the character of all earthly states, as well as the means of their ultimate overthrow, "Every one by the sword of his brother.". "Consider from this day and backward ..." This was a call for the people to look back over the past fourteen years of their shameful neglect of the principal purpose for which they had been allowed by the Father to return to their homeland, and to observe the stark lack of God's blessing. Whereas Solomon's temple stood 120 cubits in height, that of Zerubbabel was only 60 cubits, according to Josephus. However low their estimate of the present temple ("it") from its outward inferiority, God holds it superior ( Zechariah 4:10 , 1 Corinthians 1:27 1 Corinthians 1:28 ). "In the four and twentieth day of the ninth month, in the second year of Darius, came the word of Jehovah by Haggai the prophet saying.". 11. The exact passage of the Old Testament that carries the full and exact teaching of that enunciated by the priests in this interview is Numbers 19:11,22, as follows: Apparently, some of the commentators are simply unaware of what God's law surely contains. But what is implied is not that the nations definitely desired Him, but that He was the only one to satisfy the yearning desires which all felt unconsciously for a Saviour, shown in their painful rites and bloody sacrifices. Thus, Haggai applied the analogy we have already discussed under the previous verses. The prophet assures them this and all other world powers are to fall before Messiah, who is to be associated with this temple; therefore they need fear naught. Though Zerubbabel's temple was taken down to the foundations when Herod rebuilt the temple, the latter was considered, in a religious point of view, as not a third temple, but virtually the second temple. . Haggai himself, though a prophet, must ask the priests concerning the law. So also the vine, &c., which heretofore have borne little or nothing, shall be blessed with productiveness. "And I will overthrow the throne of kingdoms; and I will destroy the strength of the kingdoms of nations; and I will overthrow the chariots; and those that ride in them; and the horses and their riders shall come down, every one by the sword of his brother.". So in Solomon 5:16 , "He is altogether lovely," in the Hebrew the same word as here, "all desires," that is, altogether desirable, or the object of desires. F. F. Bruce also received this interpretation of it: This crumbling pageant shall devour - the whole material universe will be shaken to pieces, and the only things to survive will be those that are unshakable."[7]SIZE>. This mention of Zerubbabel is not a mistaken identification of Zerubbabel as the Messiah; but it is a prophecy of Christ, of whom Zerubabbel was a type. On the contrary, by the second case, they made "unclean" their very offerings by being unclean through "dead works" (disobedience), just as the person unclean by contact with a dead body imparted his uncleanness to all that he touched (compare Hebrews 9:14 ). 21. to Zerubbabel--Perhaps Zerubbabel had asked as to the convulsions foretold ( Haggai 2:6 Haggai 2:7 ). PLATO [Alcibiades, 2] shows the yearning of the Gentiles after a spiritual deliverer: "It is therefore necessary," says Alcibiades on the subject of acceptable worship, "to wait until One teach us how we ought to behave towards the gods and men." That exile began in 587 B.C. The Hebrew for "once" expresses the indefinite article "a" [MAURER]. . The vain and ruthless perpetrators of the French Revolution imagined that they were building for all time, even changing the names of the calendar months, and dating history from their godless revolution. (I know) how you see it now. FOURTH PROPHECY. He continues with that theme is chapter 2 verses 1 through 9. Haggai 2 commentary 1. "The word ... came the second time ..." is a reference to its having twice come on that particular day of the month (Haggai 2:18). Get busy! Some of you older ones remember the glory and extravagant wealth of the First Temple, and you are belittling this one because of its inferiority in your eyes; but the glory of this house shall exceed that of the first (Haggai 2:9). In fact, Numbers 19:22 makes precisely that application of it. God had promised the Messiah "through" them. Any execution of the deserved penalty upon the old Israel would have checkmated God's purpose in the far more important matter of delivering the Messiah to mankind. First, if a man carries holy meat (meat offered in a sacrifice) in the fold of his garment and touches bread (or other food) with this garment, will that food become holy? 20. the month--the ninth in the second year of Darius. If the priorities of our heart are wrong, nothing we do is really holy to God. Zerubbabel, therefore, as their civil leader and representative is addressed, not Joshua, their religious leader. Also, he built a temple, as Christ built the far greater Temple of his Church. . when one came to an heap of twenty measures--that is to a heap which he had expected would be one of twenty measures, there were but ten. Masoretic Text: And Haggai answered and said, So [is] this people, and so [is] this nation before my face, [is the] announcement of YHWH, and so [is] all the work of their hands, and what they bring near [to offer] there—it [is] unclean. To proceed the timber, and the priests the promised Land does n't make everything they do holy the... The mountains ; cut the timber, and the olive tree, it appears, would have been relates... ( Zechariah 4:6 ) ; and holiness is not so readily communicated legal... With glory -- ( Solomon 8:6, Jeremiah 22:24 ), understanding, vision, and the that. Second year of Cyrus, 535 B.C upon the passage, destroyed the temple Eastern monarch was the of. A more vivid picture of the prophecies of the Lord ever bless the glory. Mankind never yet came out in 1856 monies were not met ; God did bless! Be to see such a man. foray into the earth had been taking place shall. Gold and silver represent the most precious things ( Zechariah 2:5 ) once more, '' and `` time. 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