They thrived on colonialism and conquest, establishing a large swath of colonies across space. Die Romulaner haben außerdem genau wie die Vulkanier häufig dunkle Haare. Teil II; ENT: Vereinigt). The sparking of a loose wire behind her arched again added a light to the softness of her features that Spock found oddly…fascinating. Ambassador Spock had a mission: the unification of the Vulcan and Romulan people. Teil II; Star Trek: Nemesis), Auch die persönliche Ehre ist einem Romulaner sehr wichtig, daher sind sie stets darauf bedacht, Verhandlungen so zu führen, das sie sich selbst als „Gewinner“ bezeichnen können. The Romulan ship Commander (played by Mark Lenard, who would later play Spock’s father Sarek) essentially created the template for the race. The characters here are not our usual Kirk and Spock, but then neither are the circumstances our usual conditions. In der realen Welt wurden die Romulaner vom TOS-Autor Paul Schneider mit der Episode TOS: Spock unter Verdacht geschaffen, angeblich weil Gene Roddenberry für Captain Kirk und die Föderation einen ebenbürtigen Gegner haben wollte, der gleichzeitig das Verhältnis der Amerikaner zu den Russen reflektieren sollte. durch List vermeiden können, gehen sie im Gegensatz zu den Klingonen eher diesen Weg. Spock’s ultimate goal is to move Romulan society towards reestablishing relations with Vulcan and the eventual reunification of the two. Crewing It. Humans and Romulans had fought a vicious war in the past, but it was before viewscreens were common on ships and there were no captives taken during the conflict. . The two characters look completely identical, other than a difference in clothing. The Romulan General rapes/bonds with Spock. Ouch. But what, exactly, is unification, and why is it important to the Star Trek universe? "You're being clever, Commander; that is unworthy of a Romulan." Art Asylum Star Trek KIRK as ROMULAN & Spock Figure 2-pack #65 Diamond Select . Savvy detective work by Kirk and Spock uncovered Valeris' treachery and Spock … SPOCK: Referring to the map on your screens, you will note beyond the moving position of our vessel, a line of Earth outpost stations. Centurion blueprints cost 200 Romulan Credits in the Faction Store. Ähnlich wie die Klingonen sterben Romulaner daher eher als sich geschlagen zu geben – wenn sie es jedoch z.B. Swapna Krishna (she/her) writes about tech, science, and sci-fi. Somehow Kirk, through a connection he still has with Spock is able to connect/talk/sense that Spock is still alive. I am looking for an AU story, possibly posted at perhaps in 2009-2010, various chapters, where Spock is kidnapped by a Romulan General. Spock was nonplussed. They first appeared in the series Star Trek. 17 votes, 10 comments. SPOCK: I reserve the privilege of speaking only when it will not violate my honor as a Vulcan. Spock und sein Vater Sarek kehren mit der … Divided for centuries, it was a seemingly impossible task; the Romulans and Vulcans could not have been more divided. Your password must include at least 8 characters with a combination of upper/lower case, number and symbol. Directed by John Meredyth Lucas. In der deutschen Synchronisation zum Beispiel der Episode Die unsichtbare Falle werden die Romulaner auch als Romulanier bezeichnet. Spock lets slip that he is keeping the truth to himself, which delights the Commander. Spock played a crucial role in rescuing a Star Trek: The Next Generation crewmember from the Romulans. Kirk is able to negotiate for Spock's release. Somehow Kirk, through a connection he still has with Spock is able to connect/talk/sense that Spock is… 50+ videos Play all Mix - Spock insults Romulan Commander YouTube; Funny Spock Lines and Moments from Season 2 - Duration: 10:14. The next morning Spock and the Captain met with the Romulan Captain and his first officer. An apparently insane Capt. Die Romulaner ziehen jedoch nur Kinder groß, die keine schweren Behinderungen aufweisen und so die Möglichkeit einer regulären Karriere haben. Spock may be initiating steps to achieve that peaceful goal, and not defecting. Romulanisch hat drei unterschiedliche Dialekte (Star Trek). However, Spock refused to give up his dream of unity. The now-captured Romulan commander points out to Spock that any advantage the Federation gains from studying the new … Kirk has the Enterprise deliberately enter the Romulan Neutral Zone where the ship is immediately captured by the enemy. Allerdings konstruierte Diane Duane für ihre Romane über die Romulaner einen eigenen Wortschatz, den sie mittels eines BASIC-Programms, dem „Romulan Language Generator“, zusammenstellte. Spock is a fictional character in the Star Trek media franchise. "I am Spock, the captain of this vessel and it is my intention to aid the Federation crew from the USS Hemingway." Laut dem Comic Countdown ist es eine romulanische Tradition das Gesicht in Folge eines großen Verlustes zu tätowieren. Vulcans Romulans Klingons As you can see, Klingons are very different from the other two. (As an aside, the idea of the Romulans being able to successfully invade one of the founding worlds of the Federation with three ships and 2,000 troops is laughably arrogant.). While its origins are unclear (and we don’t know whether Romulan culture retained the memory of their genetic history), the movement was apparently thriving long before it was first depicted on screen. Stein- und Glaselemente finden ebenfalls häufig Verwendung. SPOCK: You’re being clever, Commander. (Star Trek: Nemesis), Über die Formen romulanischer Religion ist bisher wenig bekannt. So hast du deine Lieblings-Communitys immer dabei und verpasst nie wieder etwas. The email will only be created once you click on the "Send Email" button. Als bei Sternzeit 43349.2 ein schwer verletzter Romulaner auf dem Planeten Galorndon Core gefunden wird, versucht man ihn zunächst wie einen Vulkanier zu behandeln. Spock, who was originally played by Leonard Nimoy, first appeared in the original Star Trek series serving aboard the starship Enterprise as science officer and first officer, and later as commanding officer of two iterations of the vessel. What Can Star Trek Teach Us About Empathy in 2021? In the novelization of Star Trek III: The Search for Spock, David Marcus noted that the Romulan/Vulcan hybrid Saavik had a higher body temperature than humans, something he found rather pleasant as they lay in bed together. Item information. His efforts ultimately failed, leading to fall of the Romulan Empire, which led to the rise of the Romulan Free State, and the creation of an alternate reality. Somehow Kirk, through a connection he still has with Spock is able to connect/talk/sense that Spock is… Ob sie eventuell ebenfalls über gewisse telepathische Fähigkeiten verfügen, ist unbekannt. Those movies take place in an alternate reality - dubbed the Kelvin timeline - which was created when Spock and a Romulan mining ship, the Narada, were pulled through a black hole from the late 24th century back into the early 23rd century. It turns out that the Romulans are interested in reunification, but one at gunpoint: They want to invade Vulcan and conquer it. Price: US $134.00. CBS Entertainment | This site and its contents ® & © 2021 CBS Studios Inc. © 2021 CBS Television Distribution and CBS Interactive Inc. All Rights Reserved. She pretends to be a member of the feared Tal Shiar, the Romulan secret police, and her job is to successfully transport high-ranking members of the Romulan government to the Federation as defectors. Directed by John Meredyth Lucas. She was accompanied by Sarek, Spock and Samuel Robert Fox when they met their Klingon, Romulan and Cardassian counterparts. After decades as a civilian, in 2368, Spock secretly traveled to Romulus on a personal mission to further the cause of Romulan/Vulcan reunification — a mission which shook up the Federation so that Captain Jean-Luc Picard was sent undercover to determine his motives. In Star Trek: Enterprise’s “Kir’Shara,” which aired after TNG but chronologically took place before The Original Series, a secret Romulan agent posing as a Vulcan mentions the unification movement to a Vulcan collaborator (no Starfleet officers were present at this exchange, hence why their shared past remained a mystery). If not for Spock, Riker may never have left Romulan custody. It’s possible that a faction of warlike Vulcans rejected the idea of peace and left to found their own civilization. It turns out that the Romulans are interested in reunification, but one at gunpoint: They want to invade Vulcan and conquer it. The Romulan General falls in love with Spock, and Spock also develops some feelings for him. Is the first Romulan seen on set (Episode 15 "Balance of Terror" of Season 1) played by the same actor as Spock's Father (Episode 10 "Journey to Babel" Season 2)? Romulaner mit diesem Merkmale stammen vom Norden auf Romulus und werden umgangssprachlich auch als „Nordländer“ bezeichnet. Either way, for centuries Vulcans were aware of the Romulans as an alien race, but had no idea that the two species shared an ancestral history. Es gibt in der romulanischen Bevölkerung jedoch auch Romulaner mit blonden oder roten Haaren (PIC: Unbedingte Offenheit). In gesellschaftlichen und politischen Zentren wie der Hauptstadt auf Romulus werden im Laufe der Jahrhunderte zahlreiche Großbauten errichtet, die oft über lange Zeit erhalten bleiben, auch wenn ihre Dekoration zum Teil im Laufe der Zeit verändert wird. Romulan Ale Lyrics: Standing on the table, cold, clear and blue / I'm still pretty stable but it's only number two / Just watch those sparkles in that glass / The way they dance that's top of the (As an aside, the idea of the Romulans being able to successfully invade one of the founding worlds of the Federation with … Über die Physiologie der Romulaner ist bis 2366 nicht viel bekannt. In der realen Welt wurden die Romulaner vom TOS-Autor Paul Schneider mit der Episode TOS: Spock unter Verdacht geschaffen, angeblich weil Gene Roddenberry für Captain Kirk und die Föderation einen ebenbürtigen Gegner haben wollte, der gleichzeitig das Verhältnis der Amerikaner zu den Russen reflektieren sollte. Before the war, the Vulcans, Andorians, and Tellarites had tried to form a shared government, but they could not come together. She’s a contributing editor at SYFY FANGRRLS and has been published at Engadget, Gizmodo, Mental Floss, the Los Angeles Times, and more. Kirk has the Enterprise deliberately enter the Romulan Neutral Zone where the ship is immediately captured by the enemy. After Spock saves Stiles and … It’s also possible that the Romulans are one of Vulcan’s outlying colonies that were abandoned by the homeworld and forgotten in the chaos. Few records survive from this unstable time, so it’s unclear how the Romulan species was born, but they likely were established during this period. As far back as the TOS episode "The Enterprise Incident," the Romulan Commander shares a blue drink with Spock as she's trying to seduce him, though we … (TNG: Der Moment der Erkenntnis, Teil I, Das Standgericht), Die Romulaner streben mehrheitlich nicht nach den vulkanischen Idealen von absoluter mentaler Disziplin ohne jede Emotion, auch wenn sie nach außen sehr viel Wert auf einen beherrschten, würdevollen Auftritt legen. 2329: Now a diplomat for the United Federation of Planets, Spoc… Spoilers for the novel follow. As a result, no one had seen a Romulan in generations, and it was unclear what they looked like. Auch für die größere Stärke der Vulkanier gibt es bei ihnen keine Anzeichen. Diese Funktion ging jedoch im folgenden auf die Klingonen über, da deren damaliges Make-Up einfacher und damit weniger zeitaufwändig war als das der Romulaner, die so nur noch zu einem weiteren Auftritt in der TOS kamen. Der Begriff Veruul ist ein gängiges Schimpfwort. Diese Funktion ging jedoch im folgenden auf die Klingonen über, da deren … This Original series Kirk as a Romulan and Spock from the episode The Enterprise Incident. No, Sybok was Vulcan. Upon finding Spock, Picard learns that the Vulcan is indeed on an unauthorized mission to … ... with the USS Titan embarking on a diplomatic mission involving a secretive alien race but turns into a conflict with the Romulan Zhat Vash. Sie besitzen wie die Vulkanier spitz zulaufende Ohren und ihr Blut ist ebenfalls grün (Star Trek: Treffen der Generationen), da ihre Erythrozyten Kupferoxid statt Eisenoxid wie bei den Menschen beinhalten. (TNG: Auf schmalem Grat), Sie sind genetisch sowohl zu den Menschen als auch zu den Klingonen kompatibel, so dass Mischlingskinder wie Sela, Ba'el oder Simon Tarses geboren werden. Determined to find the truth, Picard and Data, disguised as Romulans, set out for the Romulan homeworld. During a Romulan attack, Rand and Kirk brace for the impact of a plasma torpedo. This film featured Romulans without the head ridges. SPOILER WARNING: Make sure you're caught up on the latest ep... An email will not be created automatically. Definitely NOT coming soon from the makers of Star Trek Continues! He doesn't follow the Vulcan's way of logic so does that mean he's a Romulan? Approximately £99.38 (including postage) Star Trek: Picard begins production on its second season in February . Das romulanische Herz ist grau. In the Kelvin universe, at least, Spock continued working with the Romulans in some capacity, as he was involved in efforts to prevent their sun from going supernova. (TNG: Wiedervereinigung? Es scheint jedoch ein Äquivalent zum klingonischen Sto'Vo'Kor oder menschlichen Garten Eden – das Vorta Vor - zu geben. (Star Trek: Nemesis; TNG: Wiedervereinigung? In den späten 2360ern entwickelt sich auf Romulus eine Untergrundbewegung, die die Lehren Suraks auch unter den Romulanern wieder verbreiten will und auf Dauer eine Annäherung an das Muttervolk anstrebt. She deserves her own vid. Vulcans and Romulans are close. As a Vulcan/Romulan crossbreed, Oh emerges as the opposite to the heroic Saavik. COMMANDER: It is unworthy of a Vulcan to resort to subterfuge. Many members of the group had been declared enemies of the Romulan state because of their adherence to Vulcan philosophy; Spock’s goal was to both help them and also evaluate the greater potential of reunification, though he admits the possibility may be unlikely. 10:14. The negotiations have barely started before Spock and the Romulan Commander find themselves in a holding cell - together. (TNG: Auf schmalem Grat), Über die Justiz der Romulaner ist wenig bekannt, es wird die Todesstrafe für Verbrechen wie Verrat praktiziert. Die Vulkanier stimmen über einen Austritt aus der Föderation ab. The Romulans are an extraterrestrial race in the American science fiction franchise Star Trek. Vulkanisch-Romulanische Wiedervereinigung, Star Trek III: Auf der Suche nach Mr. Spock, Wie diese Namensgebung innerhalb des Star-Trek-Universums zustande kam, ist unklar, die chronologisch erste Erwähnung dieses Namens geht auf T'Pol in der ENT-Episode Das Minenfeld zurück, wobei unklar bleibt, wie die Vulkanierin auf diese Analogie kam. A Romulánok megpróbáltak előnyt kovácsolni a Klingon polgárháborúból is, illetve résztvevői voltak a Dominium ellen vívott elkeseredett háborúnak. Die Informationen über das Gegenstück aus dem Spiegeluniversum sind unter Völker des Spiegeluniversums zu finden. Though the Romulan Empire was decimated (leading to the separate timeline of … A full Vulcan and the first to graduate at the top of her class at Starfleet Academy, Valeris was also Spock's protege. In den folgenden Episoden und Filmen waren Romulaner zu sehen: Für Star Trek III: Auf der Suche nach Mr. Spock waren ursprünglich die Romulaner statt den Klingonen als Gegenspieler vorgesehen, da man aber annahm, dass die Klingonen prominenter beim Publikum wären, schrieb man diese in den Film. Die Romulaner erhielten ihren Namen von der Legende um Romulus und Remus, zwei Brüdern aus der römischen Mythologie der Erde. The result could have been different if not for Spock’s intervention. Before they established logic as the foundation for their culture and history, Vulcans were similar to humans — emotional and warlike. Es wird jedoch mehrmals versucht, die Trennung von den Vulkaniern in ihrer frühen Geschichte durch eine Vulkanisch-Romulanische Wiedervereinigung zu überwinden. Damit werden die Tatoos der Romulaner Nero und seiner Crew erklärt. Pelagia911 1,087,102 views. Einfluss und Entwicklung dieser Bewegung bleiben vorerst unklar. Star Trek: Picard - The Dark Veil is on sale now. In the time of Star Trek: Picard, the Romulans are scattered, without a home world. This is indeed what the caused the Romulans to split from the Vulcans in the first place, but Vulcans and Romulans are physically different as well, as detailed in the linked answer.. Though the Romulan Empire was decimated (leading to the separate timeline of the post-2009 theatrical movies), we never got to see the fruition of Spock’s dream. In a two-part story during The Next Generation, it was revealed that Spock had retired from his lengthy Starfleet career to become an ambassador for the Federation.Spock's most ambitious diplomatic mission had him travel to Romulus, the central planet of the Romulan Star Empire, to secretly bring about peace and reunification between Vulcans and Romulans. Bekannte Sprachbeispiele sind weiterhin: (Teil der Selbstzerstörungssequenz-Ansage auf einem romulanischen Warbird) (TNG: Die Iconia-Sonden), (Aufforderung an die Enterprise zum Verlassen romulanischen Territoriums) (ENT: Das Minenfeld). The Romulan General rapes/bonds with Spock. 10:14. When Spock says “closed minds have kept these two worlds apart,” this happens way earlier in the episode when, still dressed as a Romulan, Picard and Spock have some soup together. Whenever the schism between the two species happened, it was long enough ago such that significant genetic differences have since evolved between Vulcans and Romulans. (PIC: Das Ende ist der Anfang). (TNG: Wiedervereinigung? Now those same authors return with an engrossing new novel that bridges two generations of Star Trekheroes -- and reveals a crucial lost chapter in the history of Spock. Vor einer Hinrichtung steht jedem Verurteilten das Recht zu, eine Erklärung in beliebigem Umfang abzugeben. Spock tried to escape, but given by the mass of the supernova, the resultant black hole captured both the Jellyfish and the Narada, creating a disturbance in the space-time continuum which sent both ships into the past. The Romulan General rapes/bonds with Spock. Spock, Picard, and Data manage to escape, but the ambassador chooses to remain on Romulus. The Romulan General rapes/bonds with Spock. What we know about unification after this point is negligible. A Remán puccs. Despite being a hybrid, Spock possesses most of the physiological characteristics of a native Vulcanian; including pointed ears, arched eyebrows, telepathic capabilities, high analytic skills, copper-based green blood and inner eyelids. For her part, Saavik found Dr. Marcus' cool skin pleasing also. 50+ videos Play all Mix - Spock insults Romulan Commander YouTube; Funny Spock Lines and Moments from Season 2 - Duration: 10:14. In “Unification, Parts I and II,” which brought Spock to The Next Generation, the revered ambassador is spotted on Romulus, and the Federation fears that he defected. Andernfalls werden die Kinder oft nach der Geburt getötet. Beta-Quadrant der Milchstraße. Romulan Bird of Prey upgraded with newly-tooled parts including the plasma weapon, clear nacelle caps, dome-style display stand & better Bird of Prey decals. The Romulan General rapes/bonds with Spock. It took a while to ferment and Doctor Leonard McCoy joked that he used it for "medicinal purposes." Nevertheless, because of his Human heritage, Spock often experiences more difficulty than the average Vulcan to repress his emotions. But Valeris conspired with Klingon, Federation, and Romulan dissidents to frame Kirk for the murder of Klingon High Chancellor Gorkon (David Warner) because they feared a future of peace between the Klingons and the Federation. The 2009 film, Star Trek, depicted the Romulan homeworld, Romulus, being destroyed by a supernova in the year 2387. Sybok was the son of Sarek and an unnamed Vulcan princess.He is biologically %100 Vulcan.. Sybok did not want to follow the teachings of Surak. Spock would continue to remain on Romulus for nearly two more decades, when in 2387, at a time when the Romulans and Vulcans were on such terms that when Romulus was threatened by a supernova, Spock offered to use red matter to save the Romulans. (TOS: Spock unter Verdacht; TNG: Der Überläufer, Wiedervereinigung? Mr. Spock's half-brother Sybok is emotional and basically crazy. When Spock says “closed minds have kept these two worlds apart,” this happens way earlier in the episode when, still dressed as a Romulan, Picard and Spock have some soup together. (DS9: Unter den Waffen schweigen die Gesetze), Ihre Gehirne unterscheiden sich jedoch von denen der Vulkanier genug, um bei den Vulkaniern funktionierende Behandlungsmethoden wirkungslos werden zu lassen. In The Original Series episode “Balance of Terror,” the Enterprise encounters an unknown vessel (presumed to be Romulan) destroying Federation outposts along the Romulan neutral zone. Visit Stack Exchange. Spock played a crucial role in rescuing a Star Trek: The Next Generation crewmember from the Romulans. You can find her on Twitter @skrishna. She was the niece of the famed commander Ael t'Rllaillieu and of Emperor Shiarkiek, although on different sides of the family. The Temporal Prime Directive is a policy set by Starfleet that strictly forbids any direct interference with historical events and must maintain the timeline as it is. With William Shatner, Leonard Nimoy, DeForest Kelley, Joanne Linville. By subscribing to the Star Trek newsletter, which may include personalized offers from our advertising partners, you agree to our Terms of Use and acknowledge the data collection and usage practices outlined in our Privacy Policy. So while they have the same ancestors, the differences between them by the 24th century, when The Next Generation is set, are deeper than just culture. He stays on Romulus for at least a few years, as the sixth-season episode “Face of the Enemy” once again confronts unification. Kirsten Beyer, one of Star Trek's most influential writers, breaks-down Star Trek: Discovery's big Vulcan-Romulan crossover; "Unification III." Desweiteren haben sie auch eine hohe Lebenserwartung. The Captain's name was Jernak and his first officer to Kirk's surprise was a beautiful lady named Leena. Zur nonkanonischen Sprache aus den Romanen siehe unter Hintergründe. (Star Trek V: Am Rande des Universums) The Romulans believed that the introduction of Earth to the galactic talks would make the creation of a Federation more likely. What is perhaps considered to be the worst Star Trek film ever, Star Trek V: The Final Frontier is the fifth film featuring the cast of Star Trek: The Original Series and the first and only to be directed by Captain Kirk himself, William Shatner. Romulan ale was a highly intoxicating alcoholic beverage of Romulan origin with a characteristic blue color (ranging from a pale sky blue to a dark midnight blue). Molded in gray, still includes original 3-sided stand too. They have appeared in most subsequent Star Trek releases, including The Animated Series, The Next Generation, Deep Space Nine, Voyager, Enterprise and Picard. ; L.P. Santos wrote a series of stories, published mostly in More Missions, More Myths, about Subcommander Tal, his wife the Romulan Commander, and their son, Ty, who is actually the biological son of Spock. This video is unavailable because we were unable to load a message from our sponsors. Molded in white. After a visit to Sarek, Spock’s ailing father, Picard and Data head to Romulus aboard a cloaked Klingon Bird of Prey. The story comes from the new Star Trek: Picard prequel novel The … Die romulanische Architektur ist allgemein sehr prunkvoll nach außen, die Gebäude werden oft mit großen Statuen verziert. The most well-known fan fiction featuring the Romulan Commander is Courts of Honor by Syn Ferguson. Auch auf die chinesische Kultur gibt es einige Querverweise, wie zum Beispiel der Name „Shinzon“ und diverse Designelemente wie die Roben der Remaner aus Star Trek: Nemesis oder auch die Architektur der romulanischen Hauptstadt in Nemesis und Star Trek: Enterprise. From the Star Trek history we know, it’s unclear when the split between the two occurred, but it was likely during Vulcan’s war-torn period of history. What You Need To Get Started On Your Star Trek Adventures, WATCH: Jonathan Frakes Heads to The Ready Room, an excellent article about how Spock’s dream of Vulcan and Romulan unification. Die romulanische Sprache hat ihren Ursprung in der vulkanischen, entwickelt sich im Laufe der Zeit jedoch deutlich anders. Ihr Romulanisches Sternenimperium ist bis dahin neben der Vereinigten Föderation der Planeten und dem Klingonischen Reich eine der größten Mächte im Alpha-[1] bzw. The Romulan General falls in love with Spock, and Spock also develops some feelings for him. Bemerkenswert ist, dass eine Familie offensichtlich stets auf Seiten ihrer Nachkommen steht, auch wenn dies zum Beispiel im Falle von Sela, der halbmenschlichen Tochter eines hohen romulanischen Offiziers und Natasha Yars, nicht ganz einfach sein dürfte. Einige Romulaner sehen es zudem als ihre heilige Pflicht an, die Feinde des Prätors zu vernichten. Besonders bekannt ist das kombinierte Abschieds- und Grußwort Jolan´Tru. Stack Exchange network consists of 176 Q&A communities including Stack Overflow, the largest, most trusted online community for developers to learn, share their knowledge, and build their careers. The pursuing Romulans are ready to fire upon them as Scott successfully activates the cloak and the Enterprise vanishes before their eyes. Find themselves in a holding cell - together Blutspende von einem Vulkanier nicht annimmt... And history, Vulcans were similar to humans — emotional and warlike is it important to heroic! A new path for Romulan dissidents to leave the oppressive Star empire the average Vulcan to resort to.. Much further back in history than the Next Generation episode of the same ancestor species specifically. Ihren Namen von der Legende um Romulus und Remus, zwei Brüdern aus römischen. 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