... College of high school transcripts can be mailed to: Office of Admissions One College Green PO Box 50 La Plume, PA 18440 *High school transcripts may be waived in some cases where an Associate degree has been earned. Simply draft a paragraph stating academic and personal strengths. V��«� l�:ŞXCpGfke/��lOioi1�D�fj�EЃ��� J�{D�ʸ�AG-�(���r �*�.����,��ak�KXE[�%=�%`Ѵ������4���#'�Ɉ�xFG���i���y��5+ >�5y$͋�Ւ�#�>�g��$�r�����!$r+I쉾�`����^�1E��K%{��I\ɽ��On�;{�%�6Vz�t�DM{lWJ5����?x��Ω�]�&��ڣ�&��$���D�?����D��Gj�t��x�ܗp���U%|�_�4cB��Ÿ��z4���/)`�-�X"�;�R ����=P��0 �Z�9]��h�*Y{�m�"Ӏtۿ�g���� ��m�Y�a�V,����Trzm�S��M�d��hN�� Luzerne County Community College, an affordable, quality accredited community college, with campuses throughout northeastern Pennsylvania, offering the area's largest variety of credit and non-credit courses and two-year programs. Luzerne County Courthouse 200 N River Street Wilkes-Barre, PA 18711 Phone: 570-825-1500 County Directory ;j��>��E��X��5�[ ̡�$G�[:�q��|ީw�H},a"M�B ��Q B4˯� Printable Form (to print, complete and mail into the PSTI) Request transcripts for LCCC's Credit Courses: https://www.luzerne.edu/supportservices/registrar/transcripts.jsp. Luzerne County Community College, an affordable, quality accredited community college, with campuses throughout northeastern Pennsylvania, offering the area's largest variety of credit and non-credit courses and two-year programs. ���:�R��]�6����d�'ATtu����A�fP��)��}ѧ8��r ����4vBڹ��� .ݔ�\�����s��#E�j�8y��L߮�(�����\����PP�#�� Prior Learning Credits. Sign In Sign in form - Enter your user name and password to sign in. P]�z#�Z�v6�'b>�…`��<<6�V�C[��z�M3�;� If you have never accessed Self Service before, you can retrieve your Self Service user id: If you have accessed Self Service previously and forgot your password: If you have issues getting into Self Service, contact: LCCC IT Help Desk at (800) 377-5222 x7711 or x7752 or helpdesk@luzerne.edu Luzerne County Community College Request your transcript online using Self Service at: self-service.luzerne.edu. ***Do not request transcripts through Self Service until your final grades are posted. You can mail in your gown to: Luzerne County Community College, 1333 S Prospect St., Nanticoke PA 18634 Attn: Gowns4Good Please note all donated gowns must be cleaned and in good condition and wrapped individually in a plastic bag (such as a large gallon storage bag). View Classes / Register for Classes, LCCC AllOne Recovery Educational Institute, Diversity, Inclusion and Equity Initiatives, Center for Business Solutions and Customized Training, Adult Learners' Training Assistance Program, Self Service Information and Instructions, Faculty and Alumni Virtual Art Exhibit Begins Jan 29, Last Day to Drop Classes or Withdraw Officially - fall semester, College Closed - Martin Luther King, Jr. Day, Board of Trustees meeting - 5 p.m. - via Zoom. Local rules may be Requesting Transcripts from Luzerne County Community College. Luzerne County Community College; Northampton Community College . Luzerne County Community College (LCCC) students who have faced unexpected educational expenses or experienced financial hardship directly related to COVID-19 pandemic while enrolled as a student at the College can apply for the Cares Act emergency grant. Return. All rights reserved. �ʑ��)�bT�֗M��������? ڠ"�h\jT�#k��߁�� ]���,�����=�`2�� �G��3��ܽ�hvBSJ/��.�Կ:0,)�q]�k~��6�:�5�K3F?�.��j��cDڡ�L���}�8�̉�}�ݟ�#� /�/#};�;��!X�#H� Allow 3-5 business days to process with this method. �i��8aR�PH���N)qFc,��!CB��QÎ>������~��y��i�, ��1�;Q�I����SЉ�`�EЙ�]��IA�W ~'�`�[��v����E��c�j���tT���9�[69c)��-�sBG��B`?dtB��Z�ov_�U�a�ej�+��֝�u{˱c��-���?�м^A�$�!ӫ��h�~��1�Uͥ���(n07ì1����*+���p;���90� �CY]b�BV5�́e��Y}"�6�$���)��VQ%�,��qe����Q�Q�� >�;8������YV��TM�Y�լ�eZq6����e� ���#��ѾL�}e-nґ���Es�ր����K���H��o�gM�r�*&��� This exciting program is designed for motivated junior or senior high school students with a good academic records who wish to get a jump start on college. Transcripts: Submit an official copy of your high school transcript or GED. 4007(A), this form must be completed by any person requesting a transcript for any court pro-ceeding. Luzerne County Community College Early College program offers high school students the opportunity to complete college credit. Shop Luzerne County Community College Mens and Womens Apparel, Clothing, Gear and Merchandise at the Bookstore. x���G�ǿ�S���g$O����/���-�h��� �XX_�H^l���ﹿDde�e��#��9]��ȸgddV����������6��o�����֫M�e��l��p\7��W����j�Z��c}������ݱ�w���~U?��nꦾ�������g��U��__����;����M}�m��qYoꋿR��WQ��eE����X_?��\�ߏ�kwCĚf�����f��*��t�x����GCk[_��P�f[ o�A��ϭ�w�/:A�+kX�y���d�;�� �)u���/��2��C�����(���� The office provides a variety of services including class schedules, transcripts, verifying student enrollment, and protecting student privacy. Nanticoke, PA 18634, Drop off the form at the Registrar's Office located in Building #5, Room 516, Main Campus, Nanticoke, Email: transcripts@luzerne.edu Payment will be accepted in the form of cash(in-person only), check , money order, or credit card. Technology Help Desk: One stop for all your technology needs, LCCC's Help Desk provides service and support to faculty, staff and students in many areas, including logging on to lab computers, student and staff email, online classes, help with printing problems, and software assistance. Payment will be accepted in the form of cash (in person only), credit card (web requests only), check,or money order. �#�o�y�L���h�F����G�3HR9��gߘ���S7� �ٙ�QqP^�`K#��:o�,{Rqװ�,���&v�(z��>��]�@���9i (3 college credits) College Accounting (3 college credits) College Accounting (3 college credits) Advertising (3 college credits) After successfully completing the Delaware Valley course and acquiring college credit. Phone: 1.800.377.LCCC (5222), ext. $10 Credit with Online Order �&�Q�bvJL�N�B�@A��UP[l[����T�цn����`c��(�u1 ��(�G%����}y��x��`S������f�@Ѵ\5̢�3~�9�i�l�|��=B6\�m ��\݂�'�d�&�?�ɵ�O��L�a�jM�Ou�5nI�˰MFD6���(�M��24E.A���D>���:Q@ stream Luzerne County Community College Invitational Cross Country Meet will be held on Saturday,October 3 at 11 am. Please allow 3 to 5 business days for processing once request is received. Contact us by phone at 570-740-0339 or by e-mail at registrar@luzerne.edu. �Fh !�� HM��gˬ?� ~������v���!�T�^�A���n nD$p�m�;^��}�������}B�ᜦop~�V���2��3�,��jƴ�͖�}Q��~3\�> �o4bfnQW����AG�K���B ��y�[�ן�9l���@*N���ʩ"9��6kK��pә6N��e���#yhż�Y*U���f����n����q�R���5-}V�V�+���{� I���q�������h�� Copies of transcripts will be required for courses taken at another college as well as verification of your current GPA (which must be a 2.75 or higher). Luzerne County Community College, an affordable, quality accredited community college, with campuses throughout northeastern Pennsylvania, offering the area's largest variety of credit and non-credit courses and two-year programs. OR. Luzerne County Courthouse 200 N River Street Wilkes-Barre, PA 18711 Phone: 570-825-1500 County Directory 2. << /Length 5 0 R /Filter /FlateDecode >> Print out the Transcript Request Form, complete, then choose one of the following; Registrar's Office There is a $5.00 fee per transcript payable at the time of request. %PDF-1.3 Transcript requests are NOT accepted by phone, email, or fax, Enter Your last name (from when you attended LCCC) and your social security number, Click Login (use the user id from step 3) and your password is your 6-digit birth-date entered as MMDDYY). Request that your high school send an official copy of your transcript to the LCCC Office of Admissions. ����e��k���� Yn=�qlX��������(�ɯ� ��k_K�c8. ����s��Jl�:�h����#��]��x[_���o�v�+�1�ً& �Wh�*O�~iR�W�?�����P2�[�dۃ���W�RT���a�G��L{Uw�uQ~ٗ�f�k����������η�vcH� �z�;�����@�{�Y •There is a $5.00 fee per … ���S0eP��\�ý��$���w���`�9p*��v8E6���V46�U�(r�x��r��V� ��N/��{�t.י�I�i}�3+k��l@�sޠ dh�^��$Ή�(�=1I�\����u+KqZ�����zY��@�@m�YY�gLP���v�QV�01. Submit a letter of intent. ��և:V�9�I�%S�#�\��Κ=g�ҟ�5�҅�FC���٩Z�_=��3�gfdvu����� �1���6d��v�=X$���������Ӕ�F��Ɣ�����HJR�{����6�!d:�"(�g�� m�c��Y�� $6������ʘ=f�hj �s$2m������]�V&��N�hK��h�w�0��:G.��O+�6�"%j.�����k��6Tg��M��o��צr�}���5����ui ��h���цN܊�Î�{��E>��xͱ�=g #λR����޶��� Luzerne County Council Resolution R-2017-66, Title IX-Anti Discrimination and Harassment, LCCC Mission, Vision and Institutional Goals, High School Equivalency Options in PA (GED), English as a Second Language (ESL) Academic Program, Current Student? 'ڵ�IE�0Ҥ���S�����Qa{�VѦ��&�38�+�>��bjÙ3vv��b�0�=�΂h��ȧP����ނ���tF�k�jভN���X�����" *Payment, by credit card, will be required immediately after the request is submitted. •Transcripts will only be processed for students with no outstanding balances or holdson their account. ��#�dI�D��&�G*�#��b��JJA��Y�R({n&�9�R(�w.�ж�� K�9ii��5o.i�ɲπ����&�)~`v�t��-��pZ*y��g���r*h�f �{u�J8�Bi�W?�Hۥ�mIL���E�!h� s�w �:T���+~z8��f��e����5�O��-�V��ng����Eʅ��C�ݘn���Q&ɒ�W!=�=��*�r�{����tY��ri��V�]�������d> 5,�3 �Z 7�)xS�����DQ_ب�a�{����@��%�5�#$&���ES���4|9��f7��q(�v�� O�����1�p�g��_�f���,h�)��g&�y��tĬ����MCw%�K#�*s`�Yw�q���ч�!_�d�m���~�n�W��fե2��/�� י�G���s�-���������ݝyN\�/��x� (�=��y Luzerne County Community College (LCCC) is an accredited public college offering 2-year associate of arts, associate of science, and associate of applied science degrees as well as certificates of specialization and diplomas in more than 100 academic major programs. %��������� +[��C��b�)�Ô��,�����5��� �_t��\�E����}O������'���T�)� ���-�e+���ku,�S�,7`�������#Ϭ��a?WKO�[�(���|�!�)���`U Ÿ��wY#���5����-�"�/���Kk�~���Co��9��}D�!81O4�\e��#����Q�&vl�貮����oT5)@l �N�X'��~ﲂ� j+��EP�� t_�w�E��x����+?bkv��Rnͦ�z�wB6���g"K%��Cx6;��F*"� b� Request transcripts from the Public Safety Training Institute: 1. �H���1}���n����S=�e�+���@��d��vB���p(B6pN��16$�o+�j4��+]�HC����P�+e RY{��w�5-��y慒$��Ǯ�բx�;�M��~uR�'��k ��f1��X�S�Y���-$z,���@C���c���nm`��O18Y��"1� © Copyrights Luzerne County Community College 2020. Once a tutor is hired, paperwork must be completed and submitted to the Human Resources Department. Request for Transcript or Copy _____ County Pursuant to Pa.R.J.A. Flat-Rate shipping. I8�J�.AcbS�lK ��^f�#ˮ�k(ρ���@��JFdYB���s� 亡� r�0���D�2[B�ɣ��ɯ��%���C ���H/�#Ssi����nk���:|� �v1���$��c&�R��K�}���HW5�ܳ$�� �E��Z�S������1Bi �rP�=��]�=�MR,��eR�����Kv%E�� ━M;��}��K�.�p�������Wi�����4�؅�˛�����lm���uD�[,5�Tm��#o��@�Q��/���@�'t� {oF^��ŕ"aJG�н�tʣLa�p� �>��5 �3]�U�\����H��&��!��m1ޡ���1��㼑�q_�����'X���"�m=G0���K�X�t�V��UIS�2PT��?@�p�. Requesting Transcripts from Luzerne County Community College Please allow three to five business days for processing. Please complete this application only for approved expenses directly related to the COVID-19. 7594. •Please allow 3to 5business days for processingonce request is received. Change your password (when prompted) to something unique. 1333 South Prospect Street 8�L�И��ŧ׀f�r�~��|�4��� �x~e�pN�aJw�0�& �|h�_Vk��E��y� 7�nMД'��e�A8�&��?�w�$��@���ԙ�p2�n���.���=F�]�-�-���A�ۛ��шN�p��*��Z�{�ƒ9��r�%�lP�+57��V)q���? Print out the Transcript Request Form, complete, then choose one of the following; Mail To: Registrar's Office Luzerne County Community College 1333 South Prospect Street Nanticoke, PA 18634 In Person: Drop off the form at the Registrar's Office located in Building #5, Room 516, Main Campus, Nanticoke Transfer Students - Applicants planning to transfer college credit to LCCC must submit an official copy of their transcripts from all previous colleges and universities. P_�,B����C\�>�qhS���n)��A_��g�ڞ�ȿ�ڡe@���k�t��9��`�|X����\v�{�븚�ɂP�f����"���/�2�X���)x�ղ��ߘꢅW�g��C2k�Œ Ordering Transcripts from LCCC. !�ע�"��b�l�^�[v�2����z4`f��2�%B�k�G��R4 �\ The Records Facility provides Luzerne County with safe, secure and environmentally protected records storage enabling reliable retrieval of County records. Submit official college transcripts to the LCCC Registrars Office. Students may now request transcripts in the following ways: Current and recent students with a portal account : Through the myLCCC portal Launchpad>My Records>Request printed transcript. Online. Over 115 runners from Northampton Community College, Williamson Trade, Community College of Philadelphia, Raritan Valley Community College, Bergen County Community College, Thaddeus Stevens, Cumberland County College, Harrisburg Area Community College,Harcum College and Penn … Luzerne County Community College provides excellence in education, fosters student success in achievement of goals, and positively impacts Luzerne County and the surrounding Northeastern Pennsylvania region. There is a $5.00 fee per copy payable at the time the request is submitted. Lisa Radziak, Database Administrator at 570-740-0752 or lradziak@luzerne.edu. ��X���jx/�6�k��K0�a�=�'@Ŧ�%C_�X��&d'��:�OrWǶi��x=��PND��f��W�Mu�dE�V��R�~re+�z�H��֫nW������!�F�y�l�:$,t *Email or phone requests are NOT accepted. kO�c�v�AQ��UɯQ�0�^�q*�A&�����#�f{��"��� ak*��0#}��}�k咣E���>��1��b�Y-������ɊM��5+������`��{�� M��r���0��A����L�2Z ��į��$u-���r�c9�Af���X�t�8�|$�� E� ��Þ�[E/��k�&d���iv6c�ę����#'���e�ER!2� Request online using WebAdvisor (http://webadvisor.luzerne.edu) 4 0 obj Additional requirements may be found in the local rules of court for each judicial district. For each judicial district to complete College credit holdson their account for any court.. Your password ( when prompted ) to something unique sign in form - your! Submit an official copy of your transcript online using Self Service until your grades... This method copy payable at the time the request is submitted safe, secure and protected... 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