It is up to a runner in trouble or seriously hurt to call for the help: Every runner must give assistance to any person in danger and alert the security services. Semi-autonomy means being able to be self-sufficient in the itinerary between two aid stations - in terms of food, clothing and security equipment - and be able to manage unexpected situations or sudden problems (bad weather, physical problems, injury...), Note: A participant who accepts being filmed, and therefore accompanied, outside of the designated zones breaks the principle of semi-autonomy. ITRA-/UTMB®- Qualification points for all finishers of RIESENTRAIL and HELDENTRAIL Complimentary Parking and Shower Entrance fee discounts for Waffenmuseum (arms museum) Suhl for … Any other breach of the rules will be subject to a penalty decided by the Race Directors. For further information concerning aid stations, visit the page “aid stations”. Entry into the event The fee applies per course; for example, in the case of Run Rabbit Run, fees would amount to 200 Euros, for the 50- and 100-mile courses. The QUARTZ Event program is managed by an Experts Commission solely composed of doctors. When they leave the aid station they must leave - in person - their bag in the allotted area. After filling it with the items of their choice and closing it, they can drop it off at the welcome center in Chamonix, inside the ENSA gym. If the winners of the lottery have already registered for Val d’Aran by UTMB ® in 2021, they will be refunded the entry fee.. Terms & Conditions and Registration dates. NB: No drop bags in Champex. Way markers are made of a yellow reflective material that catches the light from your headlamp, so that you can easily spot them even at night.WARNING: if you can't see any way marker, turn back!Because we respect the environment, we do not use any paint on the trails. UTMB is committed to equal opportunity for students with disabilities. They have to carry their equipment in a pack, tagged during race-pack collection, which cannot be changed along the race route. They are as below: Direct entry without lottery but entry fee to be paid. Where many U.S. races use a lottery, UTMB requires runners to acquire points by running between one and three qualifying races. This Experts Commission can go as far as to suggest to the race direction that a participant should be excluded from competition for health reasons before competition (« no start ») or not ranked after the competition for non-compliance with the procedures. Don’t have enough stones for a direct entry? Elephant Event Shirt No shirts for Late entries (after 11.59pm, 31th of May 2021 .) The jacket must be made of a waterproof* and breathable** membrane (eg. The runner's data is kept in the database for 10 years. OCC: at the race-pack collection, each participant receives a 30 liter bag which they can fill with their belongings, leaving it in the allotted area near the starting line. Runners who cancel their registration or do not participate in the race they registered for will benefit from no advantage in the following year’s lottery. Within 60 days before the start of the competition and during the competition, Within 7 days before the start of the competition and during competition, Within 24 hours before the start of the competition and during competition. $75.50. Fees for 2020 (will be announced in December) for local and partners: 69€ for volunteers : 46€ This price includes the 2020 films which are downloadable in HD and a personalized souvenir video (based on webcam images). Program Cost of Attendance. The use of regular treatments or medication or dietary supplements at least during the 30 days prior to the start of the competition. Runners should carry a bag or pouch to carry their waste until the next bin. Except in case of injury, a runner wishig to abandon the race must do so only at a check point. This civil liability insurance guarantees the financial consequences of its liability, that of its employees and that of the participants. Aid stations supply drinks and food for consuming in situ. If you have further questions about mandatory equipment, do not hesitate to consult our FAQs, Other recommended equipment (non exhaustive checklist). The organization will take to Chamonix the bags of runners who drop out, on condition that their withdrawal is registered. Any participant could be subject to an anti-doping control before, during or after the event. It is forbidden to take the start without poles and get them during the course of the race.No poles are authorized in the spare bags.For safety or environmental reasons, poles are forbidden in certain zones along the route. In order to be authorized to continue a race, all participants must leave the check point/aid station before the cut-off time (whatever their time of arrival at the check point). To be completely aware of the length and specificity of the event and to be perfectly prepared for it; To have a real capacity for personal autonomy in the mountains (1) allowing for the runner to manage any sort of problems that might occur during this type of event: Know how to face up to weather conditions which could be very difficult to deal with at high altitude (night, wind, cold, fog, rain or snow) without any help. The University of Texas Medical Branch (UTMB Health) Supplemental Application Electronic Fee Payment: Thank you for applying to the University of Texas Medical Branch at Galveston (UTMB), School of Nursing - Graduate and Undergraduate programs, through the … Every competitor expressly foregoes the right for any images during the event, just as they renounce any right of appeal to the organizers and their partners for the use of their image. Mobile phone (smartphone strongly recommended): the runner must be reachable at any time before, during and after the race: Personal beaker 15 cl minimum (bottles or flasks with lids are not accepted), 2 working torches with spare cells/batteries for each torch, Self-adhering elastic bandage for bandaging or strapping (minimum 100 cm x 6 cm), Jacket with hood for bad weather in the mountains. Refusal to comply with an order from the race directors, race stewards, aid station’s team leader, doctors or search and rescue staff. These areas are marked by specific signs. Any request for access or personal data modification will be processed as soon as possible and within 1 month of receiving it. Sherpa for a first UTMB WALL. All official documents must be received by UTMB Enrollment Services no later than 1. Best wishes for 2021. CCC®: at the race-pack collection, each participant receives a 30 liter bag which they can fill with their belongings, leaving it in the allotted area near the start. Runners may only be accompanied in the areas where assistance is allowed - these areas are clearly marked in the proximity of the aid station. Any medical history and/or pathology, in particular those which may increase risks during competition. Aid stations supply drinks and food to be consumed on site. Refusal to have mandatoryequipment checked, 10 minute penalty(during which time the runner places their race-bib in a manner which conforms to the rules), Use of poles not carried  from the beginning of the race, (*) The time penalties are immediately applicable in situ, that's to say that the runner must interrupt their race for the duration of the penalty time. Their location is kept a secret. Every runner who completes the VAL D’ARAN by UTMB ® Challenge will be entered into a special draw to gain entry into one of the races of the 2021 VAL d’ARAN by UTMB ® with two places available (1 man and 1 woman). A participant wishing to cancel their registration must send an e-mail to specifying their first name, family name and race bib number. Any incomplete files will be rejected. CANCELLATION OF A REGISTRATION IN CASE OF OSTEO-ARTICULAR INJURY. In all cases, it is up to the runner to prove that the situation giving right to refund is real via the necessary proofs and documents that must be provided directly to the insurance company. All you need to know about the 2021 and 2022 UTMB® Mont-Blanc entry process. In case of a cancellation due to injury, all requests for priority must be sent to the organization accompanied by a complete medical file (detailed medical report, scans and tests confirming the diagnosis) no later than September 10th and uniquely by the traditional postal mail (the medical committee will not treat any files sent by email). It does not include, however, 3% bank charges to be paid at the time of registration. Plastic bags for soiled paper are handed out with the race-bibs. Finishers Medal. If you are unable to call the race HQ, and only if it is an absolute emergency, you may call directly one of the national security services (especially if you are crossing an area where only emergency calls are possible). Thailand by UTMB®, the new trail running event on the roof of Thailand! Including the 2021 films in HD streaming, a personalized souvenir video clip (based on webcam images), 1.5€ Eco fee per person to finance the cleaning, repairing and maintenance of the trails, and 10€  for the 2021 membership of the Trailers du Mont-Blanc association.The fee covers all the services as per the current regulations. UTMB® - World summit of trail-running from August 24th to August 30th 2020 - 2021 UTMB® CCC® TDS® OCC Entry process. When you finish your race, you will receive the finisher's gift.A post-race meal is served at the UCPA in Chamonix. Phone: 409-772-1215 Fax: 409-772-5056 Email Addresses: 5 Points. The cut-off time for finishing each race is: *CCC®: the cut-off times are calculated according to the start of the 3rd “wave” of runners. Any runner can access their personal data on their runner’s account which isavailable at the following link: Student Center Fee+. UTMB is committed to equal opportunity for students with disabilities. To be totally aware that for such an activity in the mountains, security depends on the runner's ability to adapt to these problems. The bag is then returned to Chamonix. Once you are accepted into the program, UTMB will send you a UTMB financial aid application. Request or use of a substance or method subject to a Therapeutic Use Exemption (TUE). The organization of the UTMB® has established a list of qualifying races for the 2021 UTMB®. The route showcases the local biodiversity and the forest changes with the gradual climb elevation from 400 to 2100 meters above sea level. Littering is strictly forbidden (gel tubes, paper, organic detritus, plastic wrappers...). Finishers Medal. To enter the aid stations, runners must wear their race-bib.The race guide and the relevant pages on our web-site provide an exhaustive list of aid stations and what kind of food/drinks runners may find there. All other sponsoring items - such as flags or banners - are forbidden along the race route including at the finishing line. As for aid stations or security points accessible by car or 4x4: after the closing of the aid station/security points, the organization might repatriate any runners who have abandoned and haven't left the aid station yet. By registering to our premier event you pay the entry fee that is different for each course, but all the entry fees include: coupon for PASTA PARTY that will be held on friday 29th may; OFFICIAL fully printed and full color functional T SHIRT (for the entries payed until … Cheating (eg. If necessary, the organization reserves the right to modify at any time the routes, starting times, cut-off times, the position of aid stations and medical stations, and any other aspect related to the smooth running of the events. (*) The time penalties are immediately applicable in situ, that's to say that the runner has to interrupt their race for the duration of the penalty time.Any other breach of the rules will be subject to a penalty decided by the Race Directors. Runners who wish to cancel their registration but have not purchased a cancellation insurance, will be refunded as follows: The amount will be refunded to the bank account that was used to make the initial payment. must comply with all instructions of aid station team leader and staff, OCC: minimum  4 points in 2  races maximum. For more tuition and fees details, please refer to the UTMB Office of Enrollment Services. The declared medical information is only accessible by the Experts Commission, the QUARTZ Program Team members as well as to the medical team during an eventual care during the competition. These stations are directly linked to the race security HQ (+33 9 72 16 67 25). The requests will be treated by November 1st at the latest. Actually, short-cutting a path causes erosion thus damaging the site. In the event of an inaccurate, non-compliant or misleading declaration regarding the qualifying races, the organization has the right to cancel the registration without refunding the entry fee. Runners are checked upon arrival at an aid station and at some security points.Unexpected check points are set up along the route. The bag is then returned to Chamonix. Discover the new entry process for the UTMB® Mont-Blanc . Fees: UTMB ®: 280€ CCC ®: 169€ TDS ®: 211€ OCC: 95€ MCC: 69€ They must inform the person responsible for the point or report their abandonment via the LiveRun app and inform the race HQ. Any request for data modification must be sent to: DPO UTMB®UTMB Group31 Rue du Lyret74400 Chamonix. After 10 years, and unless the runner authorizes the organization to keep their data, all data are deleted except the runner's surname, first name, date of birth, gender and nationality to maintain the rankings. If the medical committee's decision is favorable, the runner will benefit from a priority registration for the same race in a subsequent year. in the event of bad weather conditions justifying the partial or total stop of the race, the organization will make sure that all runners are repatriated as soon as possible. Thailand by UTMB® course will be based around the highest mountain of Thailand, Doi Inthanon, also known as the roof of Thailand. Not assisting a person in difficulty (in need of care). Race-bibs are handed over to each runner upon presentation of: The race-bib must be worn on the chest or stomach and must remain permanently and completely visible during the whole race. For each race, there is a general ranking - men and women - and a category ranking - men and women - (see below further details for each category).UTMB®: the first 10 men and the first 10 women in the general ranking, as well as the first 3 runners of each category receive a trophy and a prize.CCC®, TDS®, OCC et MCC: the first 5 men and the first 5 women in the general ranking, as well as the first 3 runners in each category  receive a trophy and a prize. UTMB 1 . Unless sold out prior Entry level Individual Pricing PLEASE NOTE: A 3.00% [+GST] Booking Fee and a Payment Processing Fee is applicable to this entry. Your race pack and all items on the mandatory equipment checklist. Elite runners must register during the registration period (see details here). Fees. As the items in the bags are neither checked nor controlled, we will accept no claims on that matter. It falls to the runner to create their file and present it to their insurance company within the stated dealine. (*) Personal assistance is allowed at the following aid stations  : UTMB® : Les Contamines Montjoie, Courmayeur, Champex, Trient, VallorcineCCC® : Champex, Trient, VallorcineTDS® : Bourg St Maurice, Beaufort, Les Contamines MontjoieIt is forbidden at all other aid stations, as well as at any other point along the race route.OCC, MCC, YCC : no assistance is allowed at any point of the race. Listed below is all the information regarding entering the race and what your entry includes. For this first year, runners may chose to stop the race and be classified at Courmayeur, Champex, or push... UTMB® for the Planet: A great success for the first edition! If you need to sleep along the way, you are highly recommended to use the "sleep bib" supplied by the organization. There are several medical stations along the route. Any complaint must be sent by email, within 10 days after the end of the event. The UTMB® is an event which includes several events in the open country, winding through the great hiking routes of the Mont-Blanc and the Beaufort region. Cancellation insurance must be taken out at the time of registration. Along the race route, there are some points where runners can get food and drinks supplies. The races must be completed in semi-autonomy. UTMB Group organizes the UTMB® in collaboration with the Trailers du Mont Blanc association and the support of the municipalities of Chamonix, Courmayeur, Orsières, Bourg Saint Maurice, Les Houches, Saint Gervais Mont-Blanc, Servoz, Vallorcine, Hauteluce, Beaufort, Séez, Les Contamines Montjoie, La Thuile, Pré Saint Didier, Morgex, Martigny-Combe, Trient and Bovernier. The code to enter for UTMB School of Nursing is 013976. E112 Court fees E113 Subpoena fees E114 Witness fees E115 Deposition transcripts E116 Trial transcripts E117 Trial exhibits E118 Litigation support vendors E119 Experts E120 Private investigators E121 Arbitrators/mediators E122 Local counsel E123 … Race stewards witnessing such irregularities are authorized to sanction the participants in order to guarantee the spirit of trail-running events. Runners may take a shower only at the end of the race. if a runner abandons a race) cannot be considered a valid reason for a claim. There are no transfers. Fall semester deadline: March 1 Applications received after this date may be considered for the current year if there is class space available; otherwise, they will be considered for the following year. UTMB®: 280€ CCC®: 169€ TDS®: 211€ OCC: 95€MCC: 69€. The bag is taken to Courmayeur by the organization. 2021 films will be available for preview on the runner's account as of November. The information is collected as part of a registration for one of the UTMB® Mont-Blanc races, for the needs of the organization and in particular to identify each competitor in order to communicate them information related to his/her participation before, during or after the event. How to get your bags in Chamonix: The bags are returned to either the runner or a family member or friend, only upon presentation of the race-bib. According to the French Data Protection Act of August 6th 1978, and in accordance with the new General Data Protection Regulations ( EU RGPD 2016/679 ), any competitor has the right to access and amend every information concerning them. Lack of respect for others (organization or runners)Note: a participant whose supporters are rude and/or refuse to respect the organization’s instructions will be penalized. In order to ensure their security and the smooth running of the each event, each participant must carry with them all the items listed in the mandatory equipment checklist (see below).The “heat-wave”, “winter” and “bad weather” kits are part of the mandatory equipment. Runners of the UTMB®,  CCC® and TDS® may use the rest area in Chamonix.This room is strictly reserved for runners who have just finished their race.In no way does this constitute a solution for accommodation for the entire night. The refunding process is the sole responsibility of the insurance company according to the conditions defined in the insurance policy. Runners must stay on the marked path, even when they sleep. Note: if a qualifying race gets shortened or cancelled, the qualifying points will be recalculated in relation to the actual race features. 2021 UTMB Qualifier . See details of the insurance policy here. All clothing items must fit the runner - in terms of size - and they must not be altered in any way after leaving the factory.The mandatory gear must be carried in a running pack for the duration of the whole race. It will not be refunded for any reason whatsoever, unless otherwise provided for in these rules. This bib clarifies that you need to take a little nap without being disturbed.All runners who voluntarily venture from the way-marked course are no longer under the responsibility of the organization. UTMB® CCC® TDS®  mandatory equipment checklist, Hot weather kit (may be required by the organization, depending on weather conditions), Cold weather kit (may be required by the organization, depending on weather conditions), *** it is possible to use the same glasses if they are suitable both for the sun and bad weather (such as glasses with photo-chromatic lenses). For further information visit Student Computing Fee+. (*). Complete and submit your UTMB application, $50.00 non-refundable application fee, and a letter of application. If you have a documented disability or would like to obtain information regarding services for students with disabilities at UTMB, please contact the Institutional ADA Officer in the Lee Hage … The possible use of these different substances may be identified in the context of the analysis carried out before and/or after the competition or any other means of investigation. During the race, each runner mustget their bag when arriving in Beaufort and deposit it again, in the allotted area, before leaving so that it can be returned to Chamonix.The 2 bags are to be left in the allotted area near the starting line. Anti-Doping control before, during or after the event is prohibited receiving it in French insurance the! Any personal belongings required at the Beaufort aid station are handed out with the company Mutuaide registering! 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