I was happy with the mattress, but after awhile using it "normally" I had settled on sleeping across what would typically be the head or the foot of the mattress. Over time if the fabric pills just flip it inside out and throw it in the wash. They make the standard memory foam bed in a 5″, 12″, and 14″ varietal. The bed might start at a proper medium, but after a while it’s going to be closer to a medium-soft. Enter our giveaway for a chance to win a new mattress. I was able to vacuum, set up frame, unroll hella heavy mattress and dress the bed in under an hour. I still roll over once or twice per night, but not on the nearly houly schedule I used to keep. I could not be happier with this purchase. It’s soft, but it’s nothing special, which is fine since this is a budget-tier mattress. This bed is one of the best I have ever owned. I will say that is not true. No Box Spring needed. I had to seriously cram it in, squish the foam, and sit down to force it in. My wife on the other hand is not heavy enough to force impressions in the bed. Should have done this a long, long time ago. Lucid offers three lines of mattresses: latex, gel memory foam, and hybrid. i recommend doing that in the room that you are planning to use the mattress in because once it is at its original size it is a pain to move it. BUYER BEWARE. I think after 3 years I should have bought a different one (supposed to be warrantied for 20?). I keep it on top on the other pads.I can not think of any complaints with this mattress. It's like sleeping on a cloud! He says it's like sleeping on a cloud. Last night I fell asleep upon this cloud, like the backs of soft puppies; a thousand daisies cradled me like an infant. I often fall asleep in my son's room (where this mattress is) and if he is gone for the night I sometimes sleep in his room instead on mine so I can sleep on this mattress. This is a pain because I feel alternately like I am going to roll off the edge of the bed on the floor or end up in a hole that I have to heave myself out of. We bought this mattress because ours is 9 years old and I have quite a bit of lower back pain.We had bought my oldest son a memory foam mattress about 6 moths ago and my husband loved the way it felt so I thought we would go with that instead of a traditional mattress. The Lucid Gel Memory Foam Hybrid is actually one of the better budget mattresses for heavier folks. Others have had issues with odor in some of their foam mattresses.Looking for long lasting comfort? I gave it 4 stars and not 5 because it is really firm and not medium firm as described. We bought it for the guest bedroom, so it's perfect. I can't comment on the comfort of this mattress, as it is impossible for me to use it because of the overwhelming smell.4. Most helpful was knowing that the mattress was going to deploy upside down and I was able to flip it quickly before it inflated. My other mattress - only 2 1/2 years old, is also a latex model that copies the Tempurpedic classic brand. I had the door closed for the week, and walked in to a warm room and a strong "rubber" smell. The Lucid is much better for side sleeping but I prefer the firm mattress for stomach or back sleeping. Ignore the review that said it's like a rock, it's firm, but comfortable firm. The 12″ Plush Gel Memory Foam mattress from Lucid is soft, comfortable and affordable on almost any budget. This is the plush version however it is quite firm. After a few months, the bed is in just as great condition as when I got it, no depression or softness anywhere. WE HAVE NEVER HAD ONE LIKE THIS BUT HAD SEEM A LOT OF ADS SO DECIDED TO TRY IT AND NOT PUT OUT A LOT OF MONEY.SO WENT FOR THIS. We like a firmer mattresses, but this mattress so far is reeeeally firm. Don't let this discourage you though, I only slept 5 or 6 hours at a time on our old mattress because my back would start to hurt, this is 180 degrees different. You spend 7+ hours a day on your mattress. I was concerned about the edges. The soft memory foam layer was on the bottom. Lucid offers a wide range of memory foam, latex, and hybrid mattresses with ‘Soft,’ ‘Medium’, ‘Medium Firm’, and ‘Firm’ feels. Nothing is better than a good nights sleep and at this price you can afford one for everyone in the house. I recommend this product to anyone who is looking for a bed for an amazing price that will change the way you sleep forever! But, if you sleep anywhere from “cold” to “kind of warm,” you should be fine. I read all reviews I could find on it. After reading all the product literature we could find, we thought this was the right mattress.I'm trying to return it, but, of course, this mattress that expands after the box is opened will not fit in the box it arrived in. According to what I read, I can't remember the source, there was more customer satisfaction with all memory foam mattresses than with the gel foam. It comes in a box, wrapped in plastic inside, and has a removable mattress cover that is very thin (but does the job and is easy to remove and clean).I didn't think to remove the plastic covering while it was expanding, and when I finally went to put it on my bed, got hit with a smell akin to paint when I tore open the plastic. The smell dissipated within two days. There is a smell, but I likened it to a new car interior smell--a bit "rubbery." We are very pleased. It came in a box, I had to let it air out for a few days, and that it is kind of heavy (I have the 14"). The 16'' version starts with a hypoallergenic bamboo charcoal foam layer followed by 3'' of soft memory foam, 2'' of medium firmness bouncy latex, and 10'' of supportive base foam at the bottom layer. Since the Lucid Hybrid is a mix of both memory foam and coil, we give this bed a temperature-neutral rating. It has a soft white cover which can be unzipped and washed, I think. It fit the twin frame we got on Amazon perfectly. If you or your partner is an especially hot sleeper, however, this is probably not your best bet. i have been sleeping with a mattress and box spring for way to long, ive been wanting one of these since i first slept on one at my moms house. But it's still comfortable enough that we'll keep on using it and have no plans to replace it anytime soon. Exceptionally low prices and free delivery on all orders. I saw NO other comparable warranty, so I purchased it.Once again, when UPS delivered it, I had my doubts..... it came in a box. Received the matrass damaged and dirty!!! Some of the key strengths of the Lucid memory foam mattresses include: For more information about our motion isolation ratings, refer to our complete guide on the best mattress for light sleepers. I've been sleeping on it nightly for over a year and it's still strong. This is by far worth the price 10 fold because I was in pain severely daily. I feel sorry for the delivery guy who had to get it up the stairs, but it was super convenient for me. Now I can relax in bed to watch TV before sleeping and don't have to get up with pain. I didn't really know which way we should go, but I knew my parents had a Temperpedic and love it, so I figured we should try memory foam. You would think that it is hard... but then you realize, the sleep is INCREDIBLE. The Purple 2, 3, and 4 mattresses are way more expensive than those from Lucid, but they are sure are neat. Up until I purchased this mattress, I'd suffered from headaches, severe back aches, and general soreness every day - and I'm only 27! It literally was giving me a complex. layer of high-density support foam and is topped with a 3 in. Currently September 2020. Careful construction guarantees no prohibited phthalates, no ozone depleters, no CFCs, no mercury, no formaldehyde, no PBDEs, and low emission (VOCs) for indoor air quality. We can’t give a yes-no answer here since numerous factors affect temperature regulation. If you do not rotate this mattress, you will get divots. I haven't had to take my Pain medicine since that 2nd night. 3-inches of plush SureCool gel-infused foam helps relieve pressure while also pulling heat away from the body. Well last week I started looking at my mattress and noticed when I got up there was large impression and it wasn't going back up. Ugh. Again, the Lucid Memory Foam Hybrid sits on the fence in terms of firmness and is not a particularly soft bed. However, another problem has arisen recently that I wanted to add to this review.I have been sleeping on this mattress since it was purchased. Nothing to deter me from recommending purchasing this product. Don't spend more then you have to, this mattress is worth ten times the price. As for motion isolation, Lucid Hybrid is a solid option for couples — especially those where one partner is a light sleeper. Instead, they were both pleasantly surprised at how well they'd slept, which was just as well, if not better, as they did on their own brand-new $1500 pillow top mattress. The fact that they didn't do either and then refused to uphold the warranty is incredibly dishonest. Good mattress. I was happy to experience great sleep from the very first night on this mattress. I am finally getting a better night's rest, thankfully and for a very good price too. LOL .. We had the mattress for three weeks and our son was the only one that had slept on it. While I am sure that the mattresses are wonderful when they retain their support, I STRONGLY urge against doing any business with Lucid. As other reviewers have stated, this is indeed a firm mattress. Walk in the bedroom and smelled of a faint flatulent odor, so thought it was me....over a month later I've aired out the mattress, washed everything and airfresheners! I have owned this mattress for 5 months and update on previous post, This mattress is thick and very heavy , extremely firm, Not so great mattress and even worse customer service. The pros of this line is the high volume of foams that you can get at a low pricepoint. If you like the pillowtop feel, like I used to, I recommend getting the additional topper. Came in a lose box, but the bed it's self was perfectly sealed and in great shape. I was a little iffy about ordering them, but knew that with Amazon's return policies, it was worth checking them out. We made a very important discovery that weekend. However even on the pillow top I would wake up with a bit of a sore back. This mattress is JUST right! The standard issue beds here are crap (light springs covered with a thin layer of fabric making these a major issue for my lower back problems). As others have said, the mattress if FIRM...not hard as the floor, but still firm. It's not super heavy- I lifted it with my daughter, but my son, who is 6'3", could carry it by himself (when in the box- outside of the box it's unwieldy, because it's big, and fluffed up). besides that it comes with a nice 25 year warranty, Affordable memory foam mattress that feels expensive. The description is proper as it is on the firm side, however it does soften up a little bit after a few weeks (you can stomp all over it to help along the process) and it's by no means so firm it's uncomfortable to sleep on. is made with an all-foam construction. The protective cover is also a nice touch. I hate that I may have to buy a new mattress twice in months apart! I had contacted the company within 2 months pf purchasing the mattress and got no where with them. For those of you who are particularly interested in edge support, read our blog post where we offer up a detailed explanation of it and how we test it. I have an infant and I don't even feel comfortable taking a nap with him on that side of the bed because if he is next to me in the middle of the mattress, he literally starts to roll down next to me and I'm afraid he'll smother.This product seems to stay on a significant sale and is therefore much cheaper than most king size mattresses, so getting a good year or two out of it may end up being a good use of your money; I haven't calculated it out. Took me a while to get use to it. Go figure! I always had been taught that firm is best - but I guess when you have certain back problems you need a little comfort and this is working for me. It's about a week that I'm using. I ended up buying a nice blow up mattress from amazon and a 2" memory foam topper for traveling. May all benefit! The price jump from ten to twelve inches is quite large, but I wondered if it was worth it. It raised to its full height a full 24 hours later, so don't expect it to reach 10" until at least after a full day. Latex Hybrid Mattress — This bed is similar to the mattress that we cover in this review, with the exception that it uses latex foam as part of its comfort layers. Being memory foam, I figured it would get up the stairs (don't ask me how it's getting out, I'll worry about that another day), and the price couldn't be beat. I love this memory foam mattress because it's so comfortable. We had it in an upper bedroom with the ceiling fan going on high. My rump seems to float on top making it feel like sleeping on a bit of an arch.Don't like it for sleeping on stomach either. While awkward and heavy, this smallish (but strong) middle-aged woman was able to drag it up one flight of stairs. But again, you may have to cover it well if you're extremely chemically sensitive. For those of you who are interested in how we measure temperature regulation, take a look at our helpful guide. At the end, the pain was so severe that I was unable to getup from the bed as I got a feeling that my spine is dislocated. The Medium-Plush and Medium options are best for combo sleepers. Just beginning your search? She answered my questions very well and she was very kind. I kept in mind that every mattress may have a different feel, but one reviewer made a great point that you can make a harder mattress softer, but you cannot make a softer mattress harder. They were not lying when they said it was awesome. Unwrapping is easy just be gentle with your box cutter and scissor. This review will focus on the Lucid Hybrid Mattress and the Lucid Gel Memory Foam Mattress, two well-received models from the Lucid bed line. This is definitely well worth the money. Plus free shipping. I got my mattress a couple days ago. Believe me... there is Nothing plush about this mattress! Also big enough that when she goes to sleep before me, she can't sprawl out and take up the ENTIRE bed.Cons: too comfortable. However, by the second night it had risen to it's full height of 10 inches and I slept like a baby that night. I wanted to wait to submit this review to make sure I gave myself enough time to try and adjust to the bed. When we first ordered this mattress it seemed quite firm. I scoured foam mattress websites and this mattress was advertised to be 'medium firm' and is the firmest mattress Lucid offers. The "chemical" smell wasn't overpowering at all; we just hid some dryer sheets in the mattress cover and slept on it the same night and the smell wasn't an issue. I did read about the chemical smells when you unpack the mattress, but we didn't experience that. I am in Florida, and like to sleep in a cold room. LOVE THIS BED!! It arrived THE NEXT DAY in a long box. But, as far as memory foam mattresses go, this is tops. It turns out I was wrong as this bed has broken down in less than 1.5 years of just me sleeping on it (I'm a 200lb athletic built man). I would recommend this mattress. In fact, it's probably one of the firmest I have encountered. Not a bed meant for side sleepers as you do not sink into the bed. So far my husband and I love this mattress. Click the link below to see the deals we've found today. (How does a single female get a 85 lbs mattress moved on her own?) OKAY LISTEN PLEASE. I've only ever had spring mattresses my whole life, and after sleeping on this Serta that lost all support after barely a year of use, my back feels ruined. It was easy to open, and took about 36 hours to be fully expanded. You remove the first layer that will allow the mattress to roll out flat. Like a cloud that you're not afraid will dissipate and drop you to earth. Looking for a particular type of mattress? White Dust ! As far as the mattress feeling hot, I have a waterproof Sealy Posturepedic mattress cover on it and it's just as hot as our old mattress. JavaScript enables you to fully navigate and make a purchase on our site. No lumpiness - very smooth and you will sink in - sometimes I move to another spot to sink in fresh.It is much better in mornings with much less soreness in my back - so not completely mushy but definitely not firm firm. I slept straight through without waking once last night for the first time in a very, very long time. We’d consider it to be in the “attainable luxury” tier, meaning part of what you’re paying for is Casper mattress brand, but nonetheless it’s a really nice mattress. Daughter used the room every day while home for the summer. This bed is neither too soft nor too hard. Natural Latex + Memory Foam — This is another all-foam bed just like the one above, only this mattress incorporates latex foam. I could not walk for months. I did a plethora of research before purchasing this product. No permanent indents, "valleys", or any other issues. Thumbs way down. I'm 6 '3 260 pounds, this is just my opinion but I think this is a great mattress initially I'll have to see how it holds up down the road. The memory gel foam give a good cooling effect. I can not sleep on my stomach as the destroyed support hurts my back. Upgrade your sleep with the Lucid® Comfort Collection™ Gel Memory Foam Topper. This is a very well manufactured mattress. The Lucid 10” Gel Memory Foam mattress is a great bed for back and stomach sleepers if you get the Firm model. I mean with all of my issues - I am never perfect - but this bit of softness to cuddle me is just what I needed. year! I have neck, shoulder and back pain and need a firmer mattress and this is perfect. Cara, the representative, keeps replying that my claim is not one that they can process under warranty and there is nothing they can do. Lucid beds & bedding accessories for the whole family. It's very comfortable and forms to your body. It has a gel foam which gives a cooling effect. The king was also too large for the room it was in.I unpacked the mattress at around 12:30pm and was sleeping on it at 9pm. I was also worried about the mattress not fully expanding or expanding unevenly, but again I had no problem there. Did not notice any smell that others have mentioned. This is an update: Well I posted a wonderful review on this mattress and slept on it for months and have enjoyed it. We sleep awesome every night. The mattress is hard. It is exactly what you want in a memory foam mattress, So i was sleeping for years on a coil mattress that was probably 10-15 years old, maybe even older. In this review, we’ll be looking at the Lucid 3 inch Gel Memory Foam mattress topper. This site's sole purpose is to help you make the decision faster and with more peace of mind. Also, if you're used to innersprings as I was, this might feel a little weird for you too (ie. We would consider the Lucid Memory Foam Hybrid to be between Tuft & Needle Mint and Molecule. Price is great, Looked and sounded great, took me a few days after I found it to build up the courage to actually purchase this bed for $300.00. Here’s a breakdown on pricing for the Lucid Hybrid Mattress before any discounts: Lucid mattresses are among the least expensive beds available on the market. Replaced it with a different mattress and haven’t had a mold issue since. A couple of hours later I checked on the mattress and it still had a deep impression and very soft.Not what I want after 5 months.I looked at my warranty paper-no phone number, address-Nothing. LUCID 10 Inch Memory Foam Mattress - Dual-Layered - CertiPUR-US Certified - 25-Year Warranty - QueenI was in need of a twin bed mattress, and needed it delivered quickly. We unrolled it and let it air out and fluff up a day or two before putting the bedding on it. This bed is so firm that it does a great job of supporting the hips and shoulders so that they don’t sag into the mattress, causing the spine to arch. If you need a bed fast, at a great price, just get this one. It has only been a couple months but I expect it to last us a long while. I almost returned it but missed my window of opportunity. They also state that this mattress does not contain synthetic or natural latex of any kind. I just hate always rolling to the center, so uncomfortable. Never had a mattress get mold before until this one. Great mattress. Sleeping never felt so good! See how it all works here. This mattress is probably the most comfortable mattress iv'e ever had. In addition to these, they also have latex hybrid options that we'll cover below. In one review the guy mentioned that it felt like a "good pain". In total, I had an hour to set up bed frame and mattress before I had to pick up my son from school. It sagged so badly on one side. In the same way that side sleepers need a softer bed that is pressure relieving for their hips and shoulders, combo sleepers need a similar feel to accommodate frequent position changes throughout the night. Product Details Lucid Comfort Collection Lavender Memory Foam Toppers - Multiple Options. This mattress performs at the highest level of expectations. I was scared I could not use the heated mattress pad but have not had any issues with it. Been sleeping on this mattress for 6 months with the frame everybody else bought and the mattress protector. I will be interested to see what happens once the weather gets hot.So, despite my concerns, the only real issue I have had thus far is the warmth. It is soft and velvety, not crunchy or cheap like some other protective covers. She is also a very squishy bed lover, so again I worried. I took the gamble, and bought the 10" in Queen size. Such a comfortable mattress. It's firm but allows me to sink into the bed I love it and I can't say enough about it. After doing research away from the reviews my husband had a list of what a good mattress should be made of. Most customers feel comfortable at first, but there are complaints about durability and sagging over a shorter than average period. The mattress was tightly packaged in a box, and when In opened the mattress's plastic covering, it started expanding almost immediately. Lucid is very competitive on price for the amount of mattress that you receive and feature low priced memory foam and latex foam. Click the links below to jump to any section: If you were to cut open your Lucid Hybrid Mattress (like we did), all you’d see is foam — no coils. There are enough cons that I'd give it 3 and a half stars instead of 4 if that were possible. Beware, it's a heavy box and was as big as me. For full details visit the disclosures page.. I can feel my back is adjusting itself. Immediately I felt better, and I could feel my spine re-aligning itself after every night. It is like I am sleeping on a fluffy cloud EVERY NIGHT! Had the bed about a month now and still in perfect shape definitely loving this bed. Lucid has mattresses that range from soft to quite firm. I love crawling into bed. We are a co sleeping family so there is plenty of room for the us and our 4 year old. - Mike. layer of SureCool gel-infused memory foam. I have to jam my face in the mattress nose first to get a whiff of anything.Moving the mattress was no issue, more than I can say for dragging that old King out to the garage. Shop Lucid Comfort Collection Platform Bed Frame 10079748, read customer reviews and more at HSN.com. The mattress is very heavy which also added to the difficulty of rotating. Great support. You can not flip this mattress over to use the other side (I doubt you can in any memory foam mattress) because the gel is on the top, so if you flip it over you will be sleeping on something very hard and non-conforming to your body. I WAKE UP WITH NO PAIN AND FEEL MORE RESTED THAN I DID WITH MY OLD MATTRESS.Finally, if your sleeping on an old mattress that just worn out, don't hesitate to buy this. I originally purchased as a temporary bed until I could afford something better, but I will never sleep on anything else again. Take a look at our list of top rated mattresses, and specifically our list of top rated mattresses for the money, which feature offerings like Lucid but with high customer satisfaction scores from customers. After about 24 hours the smell was gone and I could "dress" the mattress. Does have that plush firm feel to it, I'm a bit heavier guy so it's perfect for me or if you like some firmness to your mattress. Do it. The mattress will mold a shape to your body cavity and reshapes itself after you get up (memory foam). Very disappointed!!! Find helpful customer reviews and review ratings for LUCID 10 Inch 2019 Gel Memory Foam Mattress - Medium Firm Feel - CertiPUR-US Certified, Queen at Amazon.com. Simplify your sleep environment with the LUCID Comfort Collection Platform Bed Frame. Read honest and unbiased product reviews from our users. Can't beat that! I wasn't able to give it the recommended full 24 hour to expand before dressing the bed, but I measured it to its full 10 inches within 12 hours.Some reviews indicated there is a strong smell. I bought a bed frame and it's sufficient. It was hard telling the top from the bottom but the mattress cover was the trick to telling, set it up with the gripy side of the cover down and wait a day or so to see if it reaches the full 10 inches. We contacted warranty@lucidmattress.com and explained the situation (as well as provided pictures of the mold on the bottom of the mattress AND the top of the mattress so that they could see that nothing had been spilled on the mattress and that it was in otherwise great condition) but were told that because we did not use a specific bed frame, they would not uphold the warranty. No more overheating by sleeping on memory foam. Hope I don't find it because this mattress is better than the one on my own bed--which costs thousands of dollars.Some reviews indicated the mattress was too hard. They also make latex beds, hybrid beds, and more. The 10'' version has 3'' of perforated latex on top of a base layer of latex support foam. This did not. You don't need a mattress box. 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