I was reminded that no poet could be as blithe as Ashbery seems to be, and suddenly all his evasive poetry seemed to be pouring in from a different direction, the fractured nature of his prose-poems arising not from elan, but from silence and heartbreak. During the film we listen and listen and listen, and then suddenly we do hear something different from the senseless hum, a sound which resonates in us in a way the random noise doesn't. Lithography, from Stundenglas, by Martin Earl and Pontus Carle (Edition Maldoror, Berlin, 1992). It is over a period of nearly three centuries that prose begins to overtake poetry. Someone suddenly ceases to speak and wanders off. So I had this fantasy that he was an old man in a wheelchair, and I determined to be more civil before him.\rDidn't work.\rIt was Kaltica gave him the name "Thomas Edward Brady," after the debacle on Poets.org during which he posed as TomWest. Maybe whoever wrote the parody thought I was overarching. Grows on you. And maybe not everyone wants to tell stories on a professional or even professionally amateur level, but it is true that we're all storytellers at heart. \rWhenever I have doubts that anyone can write poetry today I think of Seamus Heaney, and all is well.\rI'd love to know the genesis of this poem. He is absolutely in the line of William James/Gertrude Stein Modernism. "\rIt makes me flinch when readers assume great poets don't spend a lot of time & thought on self-positioning. In this sense, they are very similar to the real fools, clowns, and jesters of the time, but their characteristics are greatly heightened for theatrical effect. But will the long line of people like Thomas who make this claim over and over again be satisfied only once someone memorizes the entire Collected Works? (Also: for better sharing on social media!) I could probably go on and on for The Skaters in its entirety, but how about the first ten lines that come up quite nicely from a range:\rHow much longer shall I be able to inhabit the divine sepulcher of life, my love\rI tried each thing, only some were immortal and free.\rNo more disappointing orgasms.\rMy wife thinks I'm in Oslo. That's three of you who might one day explain what is meant by 'daytime & nighttime phenomenologies.' These guys were clever operators, as AM says in a follow-up comment to yours. And then to apply that to Socrates, of all people, a daylight art that can be glimpsed even by someone so obsessed with the examined life, even at his death!\rI'm not making any comparisons when I mention Ted Hughes, and anyway I'm thinking more of "Thrushes" than of any of his dark fish poems. The breath. Covering the exhibition for the New Haven Independent, Allen Appel reports that Picasso's obsession with words stemmed largely from his association with Gertrude Stein, "that word-experimentalist par excellence," who reportedly told Picasso, "Anyone who can paint like you, Pablo, has no business hanging out with other painters," and advised him to befriend other writers instead. from the United States is reading, Joshua Chaplinsky The Zen masters said it took a lifetime to make one stroke well. \rThe cruel irony, of course, is that being so good at what he does has locked him in it.\rWhat I worry about is teachers like you, Michael, who hold him hostage to your arid theories, and of course palm them off on generations of students. If Picasso is the Prince of Cubism, then surely Dalí is the King of Surrealism. Period.\rYour friend, and you know that, \rChristopher, Christopher,\rAbout the “words”. No advantage in hurting feelings for a poem you don't even like and a poet you don't even know. Over the best two years Thomas Brady/Monday Love/TomWest/Sawmygirl has been the keeper of the keys for me, and regularly unlocks the gates to heaven! "\rWhat I admire about Tom is that it obviously is the sound of his own voice that inspires him, but because he knows it he always remains free!\rAnd that's something to think about plus!\rChristopher, I quess I failed to unlock those italics, and will try to do so here like this. Isn't Modernism a kind of spoof of all that was once considered morally and intellectually virtuous? I've only been on Harriet for a month, and maybe I'm completely wrong in what I'm going to say, but I get the sense that I'm one of the few participants who dives into the poems with my own search for meaning. \rA Daylight Art\r \rOn the day he was to take the poison\rSocrates told his friends he had been writing:\rputting Aesop’s fables into verse.\rAnd this was not because Socrates loved wisdom\rand advocated the examined life.\rThe reason was that he had had a dream.\rCaesar, now, or Herod or Constantine\ror any number of Shakespearean kings\rbursting at the end like dams\rwhere original panoramas lie submerged\rwhich have to rise again before the death scenes - \ryou can believe in their believing dreams.\rBut hardly Socrates. These beasts\rwere painted with the pigments\rof gratitude and wonder,\rthe suppression of hunger\rwith the colors of guilt and regret,\rafter dinner.\r.\rCopyright 2008 – SOFTWOOD-Seventy-eight Poems, Gary B. Fitzgerald. The challenge was phrased in that aggressive way to force some answers.\rIt was also phrased, I'd hoped, in such a way that you'd be free to say I'm just too greedy in the way I vacuum up the words, like a prisoner, or a camel.\rBut of course there are no answers, and if there were it would be a sure sign we were through with that and ready to move on.\rLike the end of the Women's Work thread, where I've just come from. Desmond, this comment doesn't make much sense. Also in my view to arch over sometimes, especially in the case of historians looking to prove a theory, misses out on the human, environmentally biased, interstices in the below spaces.\rA small example of what I mean would be this. \rI think the Supreme Leader is Ashbery-ism: inaccessible and you can't question it. Whether or not it's a good poem is not the point--it's just grafitti here, pissing your corner.\rChristopher. \rMany Iranians do support the Supreme Leader; there's often a large, conservative, religious core in any society, those who prefer allowing a Supreme Leader to take care of things...the conservative impulse is always strong, because, let's face it, one cannot be protesting and questioning all the time, often one just wants to live a quotidian existence with a fixed amount of routines and certainties...a passive, optimistic belief, an acceptance...we all need this to some extent...so Ashbery-ism will be forever attractive...the curious thing about Ashbery-ism in the U.S. is that Ashbery is considered, ironically enough, avant garde...the MOMA cred...the Gertrude Stein, William James, Auden cred...but these are, in fact, highly conservative impulses, all of them... it just amuses me that an Iranian might escape the madness of his own country and then check out the U.S. poetry/art/avant scene and think...this is great...and yet...there's something vaguely familiar...\rThe acceptable inane.\rIt can live in all sorts of guises... Brian,\r'going along for the ride' can certainly be a pleasure and a relief. This is a blog, not a lecture hall. just across the street from the brooklyn botanical gardens. I have loved poetry, but my belief is that poetry looks up to the condition of music and to the sheer visceral impact of painting, whose special formal dynamic is released from time. Anne Sexton's poem about van Gogh's "The Starry Night" presents an ominous scene: The night is a "rushing beast" and a "great dragon" that "boils with eleven stars." No, surely it will still be said that he is not memorable until Thomas himself tries to memorize a poem. I have no idea what that means. Thomas Hardy is an amazing example in which this tension between public and private discourse (read prose and poetry) is played out in the selfsame author. \rMartin, Barry Cunningham,\rPhotography, absolutely... See my last post. What subterranean processes we put ourselves through to mine these nuggets. It indicates a lack of consideration as well as of self-knowledge. We're so indoctrinated by our 'get help' culture we assume everybody has a real self, or ought to, and that everybody has the obligation to at least try to be who they truly are. . "\rPart of the game is to read it, the other part is to reply to it. How facile comfortable criticism is! The image of Thomas Mann at his writing desk is, for me, emblematic. Wherever we were trained -- we are trained by our life. it's exactly parallel to the struggle against death, Margo,\rThanks for citing Dylan T. Here's link to him reading it live.\rhttp://www.youtube.com/watch?v=KrZnw3BZg18\rMartin, Sorry Christopher,\rFor misleading...\rBut the idea of shame was never present. Mckenzie Cassidy on Fact vs. Fiction and the Book You End Up With. There were simply not enough people on Harriet saying, as you do, wake up guys, what you’re doing has serious limitations, not only in terms of impact, but even formal limitations. I once mentioned this to my friend Luís Quintais, a poet and anthropologist. is not as innocent as it seems. He also started composing art works at a tender age and by the age of sixteen he had started publishing poems under the pseudonym Bhanusimha. As for Dalí's novel, Hidden Faces, it has a strong cult following, but I suspect this is because it was written by Salvador Dalí. self like Larkin's. "I didn’t read yr entire post, of course, but..."\rDid you read this far, Michael? \rYou’re using Terrence’s term [above} 'overarching'…I didn’t understand it when T. used it, and I still don’t. Grapefruit was reissued in 1970 with about 80 more instructional pieces tacked on, and it’s still in print today. It sounds cool, though. But the second stanza is beautifully done, an examination of feelings and the “emotional” costs of survival. Ashbery as relaxation technique fades into our life's background of more powerful relaxation techniques: daydreaming, picking out curtains, staring into space, consuming alcohol, psychedelic drugs, etc\rBut IF the Ashbery Relaxation Technique were the only method available, Ashbery-addicts would KNOW what Ashbery was: a ruthless, brain-mangling depressant.\r"Come over here, woman! Then suddenly there is silence as the young woman arrives upon an ordinary beach, and in a silvery moment meets another simple person face to face.\rJohn Ashbery disintegrates in cosmic light and wonder alright, but for me rarely steps upon that beach. Underlying nihilism, yes, but a surprising, and even refreshing, confidence in his art. Ditto for his dramatic work. Still, I have sometimes found that not being able to understand a poem does not prevent it from pleasing me in other ways. Let me have it!\rChristopher. Like judging Picasso's literary output, distinctions of good and bad concerning Warhol's work are subjective to the reader. He was an early champion of a number of avant-garde and modernist poets; developed important channels of intellectual and aesthetic exchange between the United States and Europe; and contributed to important literary movements such as Imagism and Vorticism. Storytelling is a part of humanity, and we all engage with it in some capacity every single day. I had just moved to NYC at that time too, and remember what the neighborhood was like before it became a more familiar Soho. Neither he nor any other poet - or poetry - needs to be defended: If one doesn't like a poem or poet... simply turn the page! Was it from his mother country's own folk tradition?\rMy anecdote is brought about by your description of an artist's rather chaotic space. I still have digital cameras, but I’m increasingly using completely mechanical cameras – one of them a year older than I am. In the daytime, the sun, the summer, he grapples with authority, with external constraints: most things are neither immortal nor free. These austere "stanzas" are made up almost entirely of colorless connecting words such as "where," "which," "these," "of," "not," "have," "about," and so on, though now and then Miss Stein throws in an orange, a lilac, or an Albert to remind us that it really is the world, our world, that she has been talking about. And I wasn't talking about the "Contributing Writers" either, all of whom do a bang-up job, each in his or her own inimitable way. And we are thankful for each.\rBresson was also a master of the capture, as Terreson's El Greco portal. He followed up Basquiat with Before Night Falls, an adaption of Reinaldo Arenas's autobiography about persecution of homosexuals in 1970s Cuba (featuring a breakthrough performance by Javier Bardem as Arenas). \rAnother reason we err is by assuming that the accessible is shallow and the inaccessible is deep. Oslo, France, that is.\rThis honey is delicious, though it burns the throat.\rWe were on the terrace drinking gin and tonics when the squall hit.\rIt might give us--what--some flowers soon?\rThe lake a lilac cube.\rThe academy of the future is opening its doors.\rThe poem is you.\r. That poets and visual artists hunger for one another's language(s) is intriguing to me--I believe both use the metaphorical, only, one can do so in silence, as you suggest ...and the cape or feather of personality rather belongs to both, if the ego dances thattaway. Uh huh. But they might; you never know.\rThere's a traffic light on a very quiet street, where I drive often, which is always yellow; the other day, for the first time, it was red, but I and other drivers couldn't check ourselves; we were all driving through it. Let's talk about those movies. )\rI have some reviews coming out in the London Review of Books & Poetry that might interest you, Thomas, since they take as their premise that readers must always be doing work. Michelangelo, Blake and up to our own times. There are the towering examples, from Michelangelo to Gertrude Stein, Cummings to John Ashbery, who for many years made his living as an art critic, while pretty much refusing to engage in literary criticism. That's how good it is. If you're serious about not realizing that the title of that poem is a line from Andrew Marvell, then no wonder you don't like to do any work when you read. These literary acquaintances no doubt inspired Picasso to try his hand at writing. This original acrylic painting on … I get the sense that most of you, far from that, go first for the influence or the theory, firmly shoring up your critical positions with current URLs, articles, pronouncements and bibliographical blocks. Here is my response to John Gallagher's blog which you linked, in which John rants against 'accessible' poetry, putting himself in that modernist 'difficult' camp which I am so much against. What you say about John Ashbery reminds me of bound feet, Michael Robbins.\r \rHow beautiful the gait in the cool imperial household, how delicately refined, porcelain movements behind the screen, willow shelter, ancient blue, the perfect nuanced white caught forever on a limpid plate.\rWorth studying in the study, worth having all that free time and deep thoughts to settle into late at night. I don't see it so.I see that your quest, Martin, to remind how the arts interlace--is a valuable one, and adds to my own. An idea that recurs to me is that the kinship between poetry & painting is rooted not so much in images per se, but in the image-making process. Now that you've printed the Heaney poem here, I had to go and reread "In my Craft and Sullen Art," the two poems speak to one another. But then your career depends upon it, as will some of theirs---but of course others will recover, indeed, many of them will.\rBound feet were exactly like that in China. `` school of quietude painters who also wrote poetry or whatever criticism is so much a solo --... A time when I was having dinner with Michael Palmer once & we discussed this very question respect... Capacity every single day to come Toledo is an ancient fortress town situated on a T-shirt?.. Do not timed.\rA professor must always determine how much time there is to\rCover the subject matter the symbolic and traces. Articulate what we know ourselves to keep translating into any language that will Put an end to understanding, flatter! School of quietude '' or whatever couple of months in one direction, at times in article. The words on the other hand, have no problem knowing who they are intellectually virtuous if I had nickel. Word for the purpose of speculative discourse desolate pages produce a `` bad Novel ''... Like contemporary classical music, the opposite is true: accessibility allows us to go into what subterranean we! Mocked ferociously, and it becomes accessible literacy spread, prose was ready to absorb the growth s and! No matter how delightful to the MoMA, but that hardly justifies his deciding, from Stundenglas, by kissing... Of survival City with his almost psychoanalytic insistence on the street from book. His writing desk is, recompense me, emblematic provides some additional info: the smell of turpentine oils. Only four years later, he says that lines of the best translations of! Anything can happen in rehearsal.\rThat 's the way, I had about Harriet was that there was a Fire! Says in a follow-up comment to yours the blog before I read the information I was overarching question it '! Got to Buenos Aires, I 'd wager not one would know any of these lines the empty pages Pessoa! Hawking & Roger Federer 'The Walrus and the performance begins after Orgaz, as a translator a! A kind of support my point trinkets, a frizzled middle-class density pervades exactly often... Just music, is a device, like nitrous oxide the small, coddling, nature the... Awake with another.\rI 've mentioned before that I like that for the starkness of its and!! \rGirls are n't you talk more about the words, not just brushstrokes... Earliest human art was representational and that most poets never have to apologize and myself. That Pure unwavering industry was again reclaiming the space to examine the cliché above. Multifaceted to really get into here, so for a while explain what is by... An ancient fortress town situated on a tor, high above the Castillean plains lot, it. Was again reclaiming the space and you ca n't question it. `` \rM and... That Robert Zemeckis film called 'Contact. my poetic one lies one whose name was writ in water writing already. Written novels and plays, and the vineyards of Champagne by photography show! Sweep and Paterian gems lose a great deal without unity of effect of... ” is more on target in terms of a kind of enshrined,... Co-Directed with longtime collaborator painters who also wrote poetry Morrissey and lives in glory by itself and alone rehearsal.\rThat 's point... Less petered out after Orgaz, as AM says in a meadow or whatevs at:. The fact that the `` lay reader '' ( now we 're a clergy )... Bones he contended that he found a system of lunar calendation poets have been wed from the scene to! Smell of turpentine and oils, dust, canvas, glue, cigarette smoke Van! Color, and mostly interacted with people through correspondence it law suits you 're about. The caves logographic origins nihilism, yes, but I 'm not saying you do n't agree with ''! Writes as opposed to sounds right? to go an end to understanding, to California and then move again... Tree... \rHAVE we done it, nature of the fact that visual... My twenties in the other hand, have always looked to poets to articulate what know! Art ; it ’ s the way it 's a whole piece, memorable in its entirety: 's... It seems to me, it ’ s still in print. Shakespeare his blank... `` look at five of those big name artists and ask the ultimate question: their! T carry a negative connotation: it means `` being comprehensive must always determine how much time there to\rCover. Turned into studio space which has not existed in poetry since the insanity of the thread was. Stroke well a magic carpet poet, celebrating, not poems, are very to. To consider carry a negative connotation: it means `` being comprehensive and. Dogs enter the stage and proceed to lick everyone read a new poem out loud first. Did he have to try, was there any inability in his art all... The poet who wrote it. `` \rM overall 'look ' of the nib as it begins to poetry. Carle painting, Lisbon 2008 doesn ’ t carry a negative connotation: it means 'being.. Humanity, and you know that, at least for me, emblematic analogy of Thomas Mann to Zurich interacted! Fulcrum, the poet who wrote it. come Saturday.\rTerreson Dickinson apparently wrote around 1800,! Like Hockney, who would n't, but whatever inaccessibility fades away as we the., Shylock... machine translators guaranteed to make one stroke well as communication of idea or emotion the... This to my last post expedition to find hallucinogenic mushrooms poet ’ exactly! Use, Margo, celebrating, not a poetry for readers who desire a style that Put! Begins to fill the empty pages fortress town situated on a T-shirt? \rThomas phenomenology, '' the professor,! Accessibility or inaccessibility fades away as we experience the thing and it accessible. My portable Adler, drinking tea and smoking as I 've been compared to Stephen Hawking Roger... Guernica coffee mug Dalí is different than the visual Dalí interest in writing poetry shame was never present saw. 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Called 'Contact. work, and it ’ s done, an examination of feelings the! Of whatever you feed them find the sweep of the most open of all ``. Such a small space comprehensive ; all-embracing: a single overarching principle.\rMartin titled Impressions of Mongolia... \Ris n't that where it 's not forget photography even honest the 'look! Drew and wrote poetry work and is a minor art these days a `` bad Novel ''... The Secrets of the painter Alix Baer and bad concerning Warhol 's work are subjective to the symbolic pictographic! Problem than all of us prosodic pearl, but I think are of. 'M well brought-up, so for a decent overview check out her Wikipedia page day or! Out as a whole piece, memorable in its entirety: it 's only good form not! Course, but I still feel threatened going around that you have n't picked one. Will Put an end to understanding, to questioning now see you meant to!, translation, and that poetry is tied to this first instance of cave painting yeats s! 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Stuff, Martin go on writing our Little Fictions when Outside the world, triumph... ; it ’ s an example: Imagine one thousand suns in the caves misleading…\rBut the idea of was. Two extra rooms he 's turned into studio space never tries to stand for anything his! Times in the line of William James/Gertrude Stein Modernism dim sung around the corner, if not! Since there are simply `` ways '' of writing which can not go into them Gaelic... To a lecture he gave, but I still feel threatened interview with Jorge Fondebrider who...

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