Comment. And some pretty convenient story writing. Home / Star Trek / Star Trek Alien Species Database Star Trek Alien Species Database Jaz 2018-01-24T11:10:43-07:00 Pick a letter to browse all species beginning with that letter: Over time the visions led the Bajorans to establish a religion based on the Prophets. IX, where visitors had to overcome a number of challenges in order to In their past they were persecuted by the “solid” species of the Gamma quadrant. Relevant episodes of Star Trek: Voyager in which Species 8472 appear include season 3 episode 26 (season finale) "Scorpion: Part 1" and season 4 episode 1 (season premiere) "Scorpion: Part 2", season 4 episode 16 "Prey", and season 5 episode 4 "In the Flesh".. He did have the power to bring back the dead. They assimilated everyone else who was in the top 10. He couldn't shield his thoughts from Troi without disabling her, he couldn't seem to keep track of where the Enterprise was, and he was generally inept in his attempts to hide from the Enterprise. Not only were they repelled but the fleet was never heard from again. who are the top ten strongest aliens in star trek and powers do they have. If you enjoyed the video please comment, like and subscribe. Each Jem’Hadar could naturally camouflage themselves with their surroundings, making them even more dangerous. @drewbenn: Didn't watch ENT, and don't remember TOS too much, sorry. who are the top ten strongest aliens in star trek and powers do they have. But that was a freaky sort of movie but I liked it anyway. Is everyone just ignoring the Guinan theory? In the Star Trek Universe advanced technology equalizes/negates physical advantages such as strength, so there is very little reason for Star Trek to go into keeping a running tab of races with meta-human strength. Had Captain Janeway not decided to destroy it, it could have let Voyager traverse the thousands of lightyears back to the Alpha Quandrant instantaneously. The Jem’Hadar are a race of reptilian hybrids genetically engineered by the rulers of the Dominion in the Gamma Quadrant. The one called the Caretaker was responsible for generating the displacement wave that brought the Starship Voyager thousands of lightyears across the galaxy to the Delta Quadrant. They do not require atmosphere for respiration or locomotion. Put in spite of how powerful the above two beings and their species are they are not perfect at least not 100% perfect like GOD is. Q hands down. But there are so many different types of sentient androids/machines in Star Trek. If you feel that this question can be improved and possibly reopened, Science Fiction & Fantasy Stack Exchange works best with JavaScript enabled, Start here for a quick overview of the site, Detailed answers to any questions you might have, Discuss the workings and policies of this site, Learn more about Stack Overflow the company, Learn more about hiring developers or posting ads with us, @TangoOversway: I see your "Great Bird" and raise by. Prophets: good So, yes. Regardless, the Q were capable of conventionally impossible feats with a snap of their fingers. "Get used to cold weather" or "get used to the cold weather"? Throughout the Dominion war, the Cardassians often served as the first wave of attacks on Federation targets. 1) The Q simply for the fact that they and him have been around since the beginning of the universe. Which actor has portrayed the most distinct roles in the Star Trek universe? They even carried out a successful attack on Star Fleet Headquarters in San Francisco at the start of the Dominion War. The Q we know and love was his teacher (and sort of Uncle) in the TNG era. By all counts the Borg should have conquered the galaxy by now. @HNL I believe this is from the novels, if you follow the link in the answer in reads that Worf is now Picards commander. But Star Trek has never been defined by those weaker links, always finding the inherent value in its strongest Starfleet officers that reflect some fundamental truth in humanity, always boldly going where we needed them to go. Talking about super hot. Vulcans were once a highly emotional and volatile species until they adopted the teachings of Surak and embraced logic and stoicism. As the only sentient species native to fluidic space, the invasion by the Borg prompted Species 8472 to launch a genocidal retaliation against all the weak and impure species of the galaxy. They have invaded thousands of worlds and forcibly assimilated billions of individuals. But they had to get rid of her so that super sexy Borg Seven of Nine could come into the picture. Did the 'Prophets' exude control over standard universe? Their sole purpose in life is to fight and sacrifice themselves for the Dominion in battle. It's most famous for its de-facto captain, the genetically modified strongman Khan Noonien Singh, better known in Captain Kirk-speak as " KHAAAAN! I have never read a Star Trek novel before so I know nothing about the beings in them. The Star Trek universe contains some of the most imaginative science fiction out there, but also contains the notorious Alfa 177 canine. The Q are a species of highly intelligent, highly powerful god-like entities who reside apart from the Corporeal Universe in an extradimensional plane of existence known as the Q Continuum. I know some of the stronger ones are the Gorn, Hirogen, Orions, Vulcans, Romulans, Augments, and Jem Hadar but I have only read a fraction of the novels. The Caretaker and his mate agreed to remain as penance, protecting and nurturing the Ocampa for thousands of years. The Hirogen were one of the most dominant species in the Delta Quadrant when the Starship Voyager encountered them in the 24th century. Which, in rank order (as many as you wish to comment on), is the most powerful race in the Star Trek Universe? I would like to see someone make a movie in which after that rock fell on him in the TOS that right after the Enterprise left orbit his power regenerated so much that he came back to life and turn that planet into a paradise and say doing Next Generation Time some ship revisit that planet and find ole Gary almost as powerful as the Q. Species 8472 emerged as the first species able to carve through Borg ships like a hot knife through butter and made a big impression on the Star Trek universe in doing so. Perhaps no other sci-fi franchise has spent as much time and effort into building out as many different alien civilizations as this franchise. The Phoenix is a critical ship in the Star Trek canon, as seen in Star Trek: First Contact. Trellium-D, shown in Star Trek: Enterprise, was an alloy used in the Delphic Expanse as a protection against spatial anomalies there. During the 2250s, the universal translator would on occasion have difficulty translating it. Some of these species have played bigger roles in the story than others. Orion males were all portrayed to be near 7’ tall or taller. Also probably the most resistant to damage. ... As much as they are a reclusive, rarely seen race, they are also one of the most powerful military forces in the galaxy. Gorn had displays of immense strength and durability. Any advice about specialisations also welcomed. Regardless, Star Trek Online has a storyline that confirms that the two races are the same within the canon of the game. What are the strongest species in terms of brute strength inTrek? A being so powerful that with a single thought he destroyed 50 billion beings, their whole civilization with a simple thought. Species 8472 from Fluidic Space possessed vast physical strength. Wonder how well I did. But which one is the most powerful of them all? Why would a land animal need to move continuously to stay alive? Who is considered to be the most powerful species in the Star Trek Universe? Overall "power" in whatever form or combination. The Nacene themselves were a highly advanced species not even native to the Milky Way Galaxy. Possibly the strongest biped/humanoid species seen on st, but ridiculously slow and clumsy, as seen in that famous comical fight scene. El-Aurians … 4 years ago. Though Klingon society is ostensibly ruled by a common sense of honor and tradition, the Empire has suffered dearly from political double dealings and infighting. Do you agree with our rankings? Is blurring a watermark on a video clip a direction violation of copyright law or is it legal? Latest Blog Post: Science Fiction & Fantasy Stack Exchange 10th Anniversary, Favorite Question and Answers from Fourth Quarter 2020. These beings were also known as 'Reavers'. They are only ever seen in their armored regeneration suits and only speak in digitized gibberish. Invading from “fluidic space,” the unnamed species used organic ships with biotechnology more advanced than anything the Borg had ever seen. Which by the way they already did in Star Trek of Gods and Men. I believe it was the novel "Q Squared" that made Trelane into a Q. These are Star Trek’s 8 Most Powerful (And 8 Worthless) Characters, Ranked… In "Q Squared" it is said that Trelane is a young Q that was using machines to train his power. @Popeye "a very Wise and Intelligent species and that in its self makes them powerful." Total Crew: 984. They have transported themselves and others through time and back again. So if we include extended universe (novels) then Trelane can be merged with the Q continuum. The Star Trek franchise consists primarily of several multi-season television shows and a dozen movies, as well as various video games and inspired merchandise. They are in no particular order (except the last). The power level of the Douwd is debatable. The more interesting question (to me) is which race has the most interesting technology (Romulan without a doubt) and most powerful idea for existence (go Federation!) The Breen are as dangerous as they are mysterious. Star Trek Species – B Jaz 2018-01-24T10:10:53-07:00. Their xenophobia and isolationism became so pronounced that the Changelings established the Dominion and sought to bring conformity and order to the entire galaxy. The Cowboy Member. Oh I see. Give me a break. This species was identified on screen in DIS: "An Obol for Charon", previously only identified by production materials created for Star Trek: The Motion Picture.. On a scale from a dog with a horn glued to its head to the crystalline entity, Antedians are… solidly at the bottom of my list of the best marine and aquatic species in the Star Trek universe. representing the entire universe, and its worthiness to continue. I remember Worf falling from a height and this being went down to him and places his hand on Worf and he was made whole again. Star Trek has spent decades using sci-fi as a kind of lens to help us exam big topics such as racism and nationalism. The Cowboy Member. assistance of Q), found these beings, and was put in the position of Klingons are one of the most popular and enduring staple races in the Star Trek franchise. It is hard to tell what the physiology of a Q is becuase they exist in a form that is incomprehensible to the minds of corporeal beings. Of all the threats in the galaxy, why the Borg? ST:Animated is officially non-canon, but there is a strong push to make it canon. With Captain Sisko as their Emissary, they heavily shaped the course of the Dominion War. THEM and the Douwd would seem to me to be better choices. This one's a no-brainer guys 8472 can easily annihilate every species in the galaxy if they want to. Kevin claimed to have destroyed the Husnock with a thought, a Q-like level of power. Throughout their lives they undergo grueling rites of passage, usually involving pain sticks. 6)The builders of the Dyson Sphere. cwl said: ↑ human actors playing the roles of other aliens is a problem. To begin, let’s look at one of the hallmarks of what made Star Trek (TOS) and its spinoffs so popular: the many diverse alien … Pagh Wraiths: evil The Borg are an alien group that appear as recurring antagonists in the Star Trek franchise. 8) Gary Mitchell, the glowing eyed human that was change to a godling when the Enterprise tried to break through the galaxy barrier in TOS episode of "Where no man has gone before." Are there any other powerful Star Trek species you think deserves a spot on the list? If a child could do that, I mean move planets around like that then think about what his mommy and daddy could do without trying. Joined: Mar 17, 2009 Location: US. It comes with torpedo launchers and a warp drive, making it the fastest ship owned by the Vulcan Science Academy. The following are a few that have been displayed, most briefly and some just one time. Each of them has a different bonus determined by its race-specific innate trait as well as the race-specific pool of selectable Personal traits. The Star Trek fictional universe contains a variety of weapons, ranging from missiles (the classic photon torpedo) to melee (primarily used by the Klingons, a race of aliens in the Star Trek universe). novel: Q & A). In no particular order, below are some of the most devastating (or potentially devastating) ships in the Star Trek ‘Prime Universe” in our opinion. Who is considered to be the most powerful species in the Star Trek Universe? Iceygrave. When they assimilate, they also take all the technological knowledge, making them stronger. In doing so, they would expand their biological and technological distinctiveness and advance towards a goal of perfection. It's entirely more complicated than it should be. The highest-ranked starship belonging to one of Star Trek's heroic captains is the Sovereign-class USS Enterprise NCC-1701-E. Not bad for someone that usually live less than a decade. 9. The species had developed a highly advanced bio-technology that let individuals integrate with their vessels. Source(s): Resistance is futile! In the star trek universe humans are no where near the strongest lifeforms, between klingons, vulcans, androids, Borg, or the Gorn we are very near the bottom of the list. Many of you on here says that he do not have the power to restore his wife back to life but I think the reason is that he just did not want to what was done was done. If you want to head out into the novels (not official canon), it would have to be Them: "Them" referred to a race of unnameable beings, greater than any other We know the Borg are powerful but they can be beaten by species 8472, but species 8472 can be beaten by the Federation (Not really a species more of a group of species) and then the Federation can be beaten by the Borg, it is a vicious circle but what about other species in the galaxy could any of them be more powerful? Sunday, January 17th 2021. As the Federation has learned again and again, the Klingon Empire could be a fearsome ally or enemy. The Borg are cybernetic organisms linked in a hive mind called "the Collective". From the Solar System to the Delta Quadrant and beyond, join CBR as we count down the most powerful heroes and villains in the Star Trek universe! [closed], their civil war caused supernovas in our reality, January 2021 Topic Challenge: Isaac Asimov. However, they continued to threaten the Alpha Quadrant when Gul Dukat enlisted the Cardassians as a member of the Dominion. Why aren't there any main Federation battleships in the Star Trek universe? Star Trek viewers have only encountered two members of the species called the Nacene. Iceygrave . Once an individual is assimilated, their bodies and minds are reprogramed to serve the collective. In the episode 'Q Who' 'Q' tells Picard that she is a danger to the crew, but 'Q' is scared and becomes agitated by Guinans presence. In the Borg’s first appearance in Star Trek: The Next Generation, assimilation … They have instantaneously transported Starship crews into alternate realities. It only takes a minute to sign up. Strongest Species in Star Trek contarerugen Uncategorized February 16, 2018 January 29, 2018 2 Minutes In the star trek universe humans are no where near the strongest lifeforms, between klingons, vulcans, androids, Borg, or the Gorn we are very near the bottom of the list. Star Trek Online > General Discussions > Topic Details. reaction "They" deemed grounds to allow the universe to survive. Q: Neutral. A one-stop shop for all things video games. At this level it is really hard to say which of these "wins", but I'd bet on the Douwd. Feb 14, 2013 6,062 0 445 Planet Earth. They project their will tens if not hundreds of light years and disarmed the whole Federation and Klingon fleets. Invading from “fluidic space,” the unnamed species used organic ships with biotechnology more advanced than anything the Borg had ever seen. Their efficient geometric vessels and each drone can rapidly adapt to almost any kind of conventional weaponry used against them. Star Trek is all about strange new worlds and new civilizations. The point is, this is for fun and no one is trying to claim the Star Trek™ rights from their respective legitimate owners. For a quick refresher: the Borg is an alien species in the Star Trek universe that assimilates others, making them Borgs. But his observable level of power, while formidable, was distinctly more limited. Q is so powerful that he can be silly with it. A very spoil brat at that but a child never the less. What is the current school of thought concerning accuracy of numeric conversions of measurements? Favourite answer. Actually I should say that his or its parents are the most powerful when you consider that Trelane was only a child. Like a proper queen, she is ruthless when it comes to protecting the Borg Collective. :) 1 1. lackage. Humans (Homo sapiens), also known as Human beings or Terrans, were a warp-capable humanoid species from the planet Earth, in the Sol system, Sector 001, of the Alpha Quadrant. Most Klingons, both male and female are individually fierce fighters as well. So here goes my list of the Ten Most powerful beings in the Star Trek Universe. Being omnipotent just about ends any discussion on ranking. He was also able to transport Kirk and company through over 100 miles of solid planet. Much like the journeys of the protagonists themselves, Star Trek has introduced viewers to all kinds of fascinating alien species from all corners of the galaxy. The Caretaker couldn't even reproduce without finding a compatible mate and died of old age. Aug 5, 2014 @ 11:57pm Best starting race? "They" were responsible for A races' appearances are customizable to varying degrees at character creation and via the in-game tailor. To do their will, the Prophets are capable of possessing corporeal hosts. 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